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The Panama Canal Library AUG 19 1930 Nothing that NO The Frivolities of Youth ESTABLISHED)
The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No. 57 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1930 PRICE CENTS PRACTICALLY WITHOUT COUNTRY Thousands of Natives ALL QUIET ON THE UNIVERSITY OFR Cuban Officials of Virgin Islands Working Out Plans of Membership Drive of Panama that there are other prominent and the plan will be made into Canal West Indian Employees ben necessary Being Screened at the Secretary of State for Cecilia Theatre Colonies Interested The Cecilia Theatre is again Now Marooned in Neighbouring he attraction this week end for Press despatches state that To Regulate Immigration on movie fans with the screening e Secretary of States for the Caribbean Colonies of that stupendous Universal British Colonies have forwardesi American Quota System ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands Pieture All Quilt on the West a circular despatch to the vari HAVANA, August plan ern Front.
in large numbers, but his being Nurse Barber Successfully Aug. Thousands of natives is being worked out by experts, This stupendous inniversal rus West Indains Governors with EAST INDIAN FRACAS of the Virgin Islands are practi including the secretary of the production started Passes Second Year yesterday. regard to the establishment of a ÁT CHORILLO cally marooned on the neighbour continues today and will be West Indian University. The extreasury, the commissioner Examination ing Caribbean islands of Santo screened immigration nad the secretary at the Cecilia until cpert advice which the Secretary Two East Indians beaten into of agriculture, commerce of State for the Colonies has and Domingo, Haiti, Cuba and Cu Tuesday next, so that everybody obtained, accompanied the cov unconsciouness were admitted labour, whereby the immigrawill get the opportunity to see racao because of failure of the recent issue of the Jamaica United States Congress to act this great drama of real war, cring Despatch from Lord Pass: into the Santo Tomas Hospital tion of foreigners to Cuba will Gleaner reports that Nurse Barber latt on Thursday night.
be kept under better control, and and youth depicted in dove with field.
The two has taken first place in the Exon a petition of the Colonial life in love with love laugh Referring to the above the men whose correct with the enforcement of which Ameramination for Second year nurses Council to let down the of the undesirable eleing, singing, repenting. You will jamaica Gleaner says: namts could not be ascertained many held recently at the Kingston ican immigration bars. Many be there with the boys and see The Despatch has been receive are bus drivers and it is believed ment, including those from EurPublic Hospital.
natives of the islands left here just what they went through ated ly the local Government, and that the cause for the trouble is ope as well as those from the religious differences.
other Antilles will not be perprior to 1917 when the United the Western Front. In short a copy of it has been forwarded States purchased the group from you will love this glorious pic the Jamaica Schools ommis It is stated that one of the bus mitted to come to Cuba to spread ture for its faithfulness, its undesirable red propaganda nor Sin for their observations, rivers was seized by a batch of Denmark. These islanders desire truth, its litter sincerity.
The matter will be dealt with about 20 other East Indians, in to compete with Cuban workers io return to their homes, but when there is no more work to will be thrilled, amusel, sada on the return to the colony of Chorrillo draged from his bus be had here than can be done by because of their absence from vet joyful.
Sir Edward Stubbs and the and beaten. The other was set the islands since January 17.
the local element.
Be at the Theatre this week hole matter will be submitted pon by another lot in a drinkthe Legislative Council along ing saloon on Street and been drawn up, the report will When a satisfactory plan has 1917, their status is that o1 and take in All Quiet on the Danish subjects. Because of this Western Front, the screen ith a message from His Excel similarly dealt with be made to President Machado lency the Governor islanders are unable to supreme achievement.
return The Police intervened and ar and he will embody the same in here unless they first procure rested three and it is rumoured to a quota visa as Danish citizens East fom the United States Consul at fit nected with the affair.
their present place of residence.
The limitation of immigraThis obviously is difficult. It Association tion into the United States by was to relieve this condition that TRINIDAD GIFT the quota plari has ben found to the Colonial Council asked Con At Christ Church School Room be quite satisfactory, and it has gress to make special provision Carton writes in a recent an the immigration laws in the To night August 16, 1930 sue of the Port of Spain GaCare will be taken in drawing case of these expatriated Virgin zette. An Anglican in Trinidad up this plan so that friendly naThe first meeting of the Pan on to be held at Mount Hope Islanders. Considerable resent tions cnnot take offence, still ama Canal West Indian Em Baseball Stadium on Sept. Ist fno name is mentioned, but many of my readers will guess in this connection tags are now at the same time they will not ment has been aroused here be ployees Association to be held in cause of Congress failure Colon will take place tonight on sale, and it is requested that correctly who it is) recently of be permitted to unload their unfered to the Society for the Pro Jesirable element upon Cuba to act on the matter.
August, 16th. at Christ Church al friends who have unsold tags pagation of the Gospel, 1, 000, be stant to grab off the work Schooldroom, 3rd. Cash St. at will kindly return them to the district Secretary for Cristobal provided that it was met by an here during the busy seasons, Miss EMILY BARBER 30 his many friends in this equal sum in England, in gratiAction on this measure not later than Friday evening the will Mr. Whyte, President of munity tender him hearty con(Continued on Page 8) be taken at once.
gratulations on the success of the Association will be present 15th. so that they may be disMiss Barber is the daughter his daughter who are progress and will speak on Labor. Mr posed of at Saturday night of the well known ing so well in the studies of her Alexander. chairman of meting Barber, night clerk at After Saturday night, other the profession in the island of Ja the Laboca Panama district will East Indians Balboa Brewery in this city and maica.
meetings will be held in Christ speak on the question of memship in the Organization. Mr. School room as follows: C: Martin of Cristobal on the Saturday, September 13th LONDON, Aug. The labor seeking to escape the cruel regeneral utility of the Panama Saturday, October 11th government of Great Britain is gimes of the Belgians and Canal West Indian Employees Saturday, November 15th seeking a solution to the prob French in the Congo, and the to be British Germans in their colonies before Association. Mr. Cam. Saturday, December 13th. lems of the natives in bridge of Colon on he necessity East Africa, a territory the World war. It hopes to bring for general Suppo. on the part BARBADIAN SOCIETY TO fourth the size of the United peace and contentment in the of all silver employees.
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika For some time there has been EVENING Members of the labor group domains. united crown colony ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. theater after she refused to vaThe Executive of the Barbados have proposed that tremendous is being discussed. Charged with refusal to excate a seat in the section ordi agitation for the holding of Asareas of tillable land be set aside This colony would be self govtend equal and civil rights to 13 natily occupied by white people. sociation meetings in Colon, but Progressive Society is arranglifficulty was experienced in ob ing a pleasant Sunday afternoon for the natives. This land would erning, with a British high comyear old Audrey Allison, daugh Audrey alleges that Schinholz taining a suitable place for the to take place at the Hall of the ter of Magistrate Roseele forciby evicted her.
be inalienable, so that other missioner, who would be vested purpose. Now that an ideal place Panama Capital Friendly Society races could not take the soil with the power and authority of Allison, Louis Schinholz Sschinholz asserted (white. manager of the Aldine his attorney that the girl in will be nised to advantage by through is available, it is hoped that it on Sunday 24th inst.
away for their own purposes. governor general or viceroy.
theater, was held Friday in 50. sisted Many local artists (including Many members of the British This commissioner would be as000 bail for further hearing by seat she had selected despite his lort.
upon remaining in the silver employees residing in Co in musical circles) have signi government feel that if this plan sisted in the administration of the his office by three British staff Magistrate William Mr. Sam Gooding, well known is carried out it would be Page. explanation that other nonSchinholz has not been able to whites in the audience wete cordial invitation is extend fied their intention to partici greatest charter for the African officers and 21 other assistants, ed to silver employees, their pate in the evening programme people handed down by man each of the districts to have the families and friends to attend on and make the occasion a since the great American, Lin Seven representatives. This The warrant for his arrest screen and stage, and offered to Satuday night.
coln, issued his word famous pro means that in addition to white was obtained by the magistrate, refund her money if she were The Chairman of the Cristobal An enjoyable time is in store clamation, freeing the slaves in men on the commission there who charged that Schinholz dissatisfied. He denied evicting Colon district will speak on the for all who make it possible to the United States.
will be Africans, Indians and evicted his daughter from the her, however, proposed Labor Day demonstra attend.
The British government is Arabs.
to comrday nights. British Laborites to Aid Judge Daughter Refusing Jim Crowed, has Theater Manager Jailed one a suco dinte se instalace

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