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21 verse. Patience. therefore, must coast, Berbice, and the Malai Private Academy Unique Entertainment by Dorcas Society Quite an interesting and enjoy (Continued from Page 2)
able entertainment took place of great properity, but no an era ony and also as contributors to on Saturday night last, 9th inst.
of great anxiety which affects the revenue and prosperity of in Geddes Hall, under the aus.
vitally those industries which this colony. That is to say you pices of the Dorcas Society an are associated here today in the have to take this question as auxiliary of the Isthmian Leaaddresses of welcome which they whole. If you are going to shift.
gule of British West Indians.
have presented to me. And hav The British Government has reThe function was opened by ing touched upon these practical fused to help us beyond certain Mrs. Fanny Gittens, second Vice matters he proceeds to deal with limits; we must therefore help Pres. of the organization, who the future. realise he says, ourselves and the colony is too introduced the Rev.
that the outlook appears some bankrupt, its people too poor, to Wright, Superintendent of the what black, realise that hopes expend the money requisite to Panama Colon Circuit of have been raised in the past that give adequate assistance on Wesleyan Methodists to lead have not been fulfilled and rea mere expedient. As His Excelin Prayer and to speak on the lise that the colony is very lency said later on: We want preliminaries of the function.
largely living today on the hopes help and we must get help.
of the future. It is at this stage The best means of approach, not The Rev. Wright expressed that Sir Edward indirectly pays merely from the point of view of much pleasure at the opportu ANDa handsome tribute not only to nity of being able to say a few capital but from the point of words on such an occasion, he the Chronicle news service but view of solid work, from the also to its editorial policy. In said in part that he almost felt point of view of the colony, is to himself a West Indian, having referring to this very vexed approach the subject in the in question of Colonial stag nation terest of the whole colony; to do laboured for nearly 40 years among he said: read in one of the them and is well what we can to assist sugar papers this morning always growers in this colony in the de acquainted with much of their habits and customs.
read all the papers that thevelopment of their estates by various representatives in this bearing part of their burden in The Chairman of the evening colony, representatives of the continuing their estates, not so was Mr. Reynolds, teacher elected members, representa of the La Boca colored school, much to enable them to make tives of the commercial interests larger profits on their sugar but who carried through the proand agricultural interests were to enable them to grow that grame with much tact.
debating together with a view to sugar with greater ease and eco SATSO The majority of the items on putting forward recommendanomy and with greater assist the program was contributed tions and suggestions for the ance to those who may be emby the Everslie School Orchestra consideration of Government. ployed in the production of under the direction of Mr. G: read that this represents a gessugar. Now is the time that Harry, while a few vocal, ins ture of co operation with Govthink we can get assistance of trumental and elecutionary ernment, and such need scarce.
that kind, but let us look at the items were contributed by other ly say welcome on behalf of members of the organization.
the Government and on behalf question as a whole. It is the interest of the colony that of the colony.
we very enjoyable time was spent by all who made it possible His Excellency came as near have to consider. trust that all conditions of rainfall and of ar of that season, may if repeated Coast, Demerara; Essequibo, in to attend.
committing himself to any policy sugar growers will not for one tificial irrigation vary over wver another season or two, de cluding the Land Settlement as he has been during the period moment imagine that am not coast line of some 250 to 300 velop unexpected characterictics, Scheme at Anna Regina; the he has been named as Governor in sympathy with them and that miles, and the human factor is quite re, West of British Guiana when he stated do no fully appreciate their the most variable of all.
yesterday, in referring to the great importance in this colony, Thanks, however, to the work be the motto of the agriculturist cory River.
sugar industry: It is no good look upon them as part of the the if he is to be sure that his conHAS REMOVED TO already undertaken, and to trying to find out what is the community and want to help energy and enthusiasm of the clusions are based on sound pro gations and the conclusions arisThe details of these investi29 HSTREET matter with a tree by examining them as part of the community, Director of Agriculture and his mises.
only the branches. The disease and through the community as a ing therefrom have been fully Panama City able assistants, every encour it is unnecessary to perpemay be in the root or in the whole. That, think, is one way dealt with elsewhere: but agement is being given to deve trunk. You have got to get down in which we can approach this frate the truism that what suits wherever the rice quartette Classes in English lop along right lines, and to as to the real cause. You cannot question, and where we can set sist farmers to grow good rice.
one country, or one condition of wended their footsteps, they BY DAY AND BY NIGHT dealing with the main industry daylight, where we can. think, soil and climate, will is found were warmly welcomed and ex As is well known, a consider of the colony as a whole, and the obtain assistance. From the the able amount of rice is exported entirely unsuitable under whạt tensively questioned as to Dr. BARTON, main industry in British Guiana foregoing it is obvious that His annually to Trinidad, Barbados appear to be closely analogous best methods to adopt in this PRINCIPAL is undoubtedly sugar. We, there. Excellency takes a stand similar and other Islands; but a consider conditions in another place. This case or that, for one process or fore, must do whatever we can to our own on the sugar quesable amount remains to be con experimental work cannot be another. In certain areas, indeed, to help the sugar industry. tion. Sugar deserves to be helped sumed in the Colony. The former spectaculari bine it can be solid the progress of the investigadors The Greatest Thrill do not think that we are go and mast be helped, but such and enduring; and heralded ing to get assistance for the help, such assistance as the colif it is to be acceptable, particulsent supervisor it has every pro advance, so that at times quite in the World Sugar industry merely as such ony may give it, must be on arly for Europeat consump pbet of becoming so.
considerable groups of farmers and hope that the Sugar Pro sound economic lines. We can tion: the latter, if retained for From Georgetown as a centre. and millers were waiting, eager ducers Association realise that. not afford to throw away thousthe native farmer own the riceologists visited in turn con to enter into discussion. West What we must do is to secure ands of pounds on a wild cat sumption, is oftch and probthe East Coast and the West Indian Committee Circular. assistance for the sugar produce venture to assist an industry ably naturally of a poorer ers in this colony that may perish in the next year 10 quality. When this difference AS MEMBERS OF THE or two. It is our duty to make was pointed out in one case to a COLONY the industry, which means so NEURALGINA small farmer growing for immemuch to us, an economically diate local needs, he characterisas representatives of the colony, sound and profitable undertakas growers of sugar in the col ing.
tically replied apropos of some Stop and analyze it. there not very attractive looking grain Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any nothing in life that gives more. But it is food, and of course neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. pure happiness than making it was.
someone else happy.
It is not intended, however, NEURALGINA Is there?
nor is it competent, to enter into When we present a gift, we a discussion of these problems want it to be packed with all the Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches By Douglas, Mech.
in these notes which are meant entiment, affection and good to be of a general popular, if and reduce the fever of children its quality every time it is seen.
Mr. Douglas paid a visit to British Guiana last the reader prefers the wordThere a multitude of things winter where he investigated on behalf of the Empire character only. Let us return to NEURALGINA that will serve, but they lack in Marketing Board the present conditions and future pos our muttons, e. to the doings Some respect. They wear out sibilities of rice cultiyation and treatment. He was as of the riceologists.
Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart quickly; outlive their usefulness; sisted by two members of the Agricultural Department Their first step was to examor have no usefulness at all, is and by Colonel Wallis, of Montreal.
ine the admirable work being there ANY THING that will There is no question but that the cultivation of sugar the done at the Experimental Staquicken the recipient heart more principal crop and mainstay of tion at the Botanie Gardens, For sale both Wholesale and Retail rice has taken root in beat. that will tell her more senses than one in British Gui the Colony does not alter but Georgetown. Trials of many va eloquently than you could that na: it has, in fact, come to stay, rather explains the fact of the rieties of rice seeds have been AT THE you wish her well. that speaks When, where and by whom development in rice cultivation. carried out there over a period that never wears out. that re serious rice cultivation was first tains its value. that arouses Given the soil and climatic of years, and the work done and AMERICAN PHARMACY the admiration of all who see it?
undertaken in the Colony is only conditions obtaining in British the results already achieved are of academic interest, if indeed it Guiana, it was as inevitable as most interesting JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Yes it fine jewelry such as can be ascertained at all.
the sequence of night and day Rice testing is naturally a slow we will be glad to show you if There is not and can never be that these East Indians, born of and a long job: the same applies, Panama.
you will pay us a visit Coon.
any question of rice supplanting generations of rice cultivators doubtless, to the testing out of FULLER sugar as a major crop in the col and rice eaters, and finding a other cereals, fruits, and veget122 Central Avenue.
ony. but it is a valuable auxi certain amount of that cereal un ables. The seed is sown and liary crop, constituting as it does der cultivation, would devote as months must elapse before it is ap almost the principal food of the much of their time as possible to possible to form even an Phone 453 many East Indian cultivators by it.
proximately correct opinion as DRY CLEANING whom with several notable Eu It is equally inevitable that to the result of that sowing PANAMA STEAM PRESSING ropean exceptions it is princi the result obtained vary within alone.
pally undertaken.
15 STREET rather wide limits. The soil in Nature is jealous and plays DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA That these East Indians were the Colony is not always the queer tricks: a new variety testprimarily brought in to aid in same even in the Coastal belt: ed out in one season and giving KKKKKKKKKKKK 000000000 apparently good result at the end 12 23 The Rice Industry of British Cuiana TROTT The Cleaner 103A
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