
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1930 THE CHANNEL TUNNEL. 20 Homely Philosophy ALEXIS PEREIRA Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good come manish before they have grown into manhood, and girls precocious and ungovernable. The upshot is that THE WORKMAN the race pays the brutal price of depreciation in standard, and our society is cast into the melting pot of social It is becoming increasingly apparent that the decision of the and moral delinquency. And when we visualise this conBritish Government not to proceed with any scheme for a tunnel dition in all its potential frightfulness, we must ask the under the English Channel is based upon diplomatic as well as question, what is the utility of present day adult to the economic reasons. Apart entirely from the military problems inPublished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 73 youth of the community?
volved, the diversion of traffic and trade which would inevitably CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Tradition says that England expects every one to follow the construction of such a tunnel would be a very serious Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon do his duty. In like manner, Society says. the adult matter indeed.
must assume his responsibility of the systematic train The Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom reported RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ing of the youth, and the youth must take as maxim. that much traffic from all parts of Europe now carried by sea in ONE YEAR. 40 U, 9 SUBJECTION TO AUTHORITY.
home trade, and on the Mediterranean routes, was likely to be atSLX MONTHS 20 Let the adult abstain from training the youth of the tracted by a Channel tunnel, Moreover, the French ports of CherTHREE.
land, using every correction or chastisement necessary bourg, Dieppe, Havre, Calais and Boulogne have all been vigorousONE MONTH.
to ly opposed to the project, fearing and not without reason. that ensure a sufficient degree of responsiveness, and their frivolities will become the scourge of society if carried into effect, it would militate seriously against their welfrom their misfortunes, troubles, and calamities.
fare, as the prosperity depends upon the shipping, both passenger The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights. JUNIUS and cargo traffic.
How say you WEST INDIAN ADULT is your conduct flagitous, vicious, and iniquitous. And WEST INWhile it is admitted that the establishment of a tunnel route THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1930 DIAN YOUTH are you guilty or no?
would greatly facilitate the carriage of goods and bring about a reorientation of trade routes that would in turn result in lower prices, the magnitude of the issues involved in such a reorientaTHE FRIVOLITIES OF YOUTH tion is such as to give good ground for belief that no country is ready to face them at the present time. Sooner or later, in all probThat which is frivolous is void of purpose, trivial or ability, a tunnel will be built, but when it is, it will be with the silly. Persons are said to be frivolous when their conduct (By Georgia Douglas Johnson)
approval of both Britain and France. Today the general sentior temperament is characterised by acts that are light, ment of both nations appears to be against it, and the decision of flippant or righty when those acts represent a state PLEASURE IN NONSENSE the MacDonald Government will, therefore, he generally approved of giddiness, inconstancy, and thoughtlessness. Acts that Montreal Star.
are performed without a definite resolve, purpose, or inTaxed as we are by the stress and strain of every tent are frivolous because they are not presaged by any day living and the ever tightening screws of existence, idea or ideal in the mind towards an end there is no outlets and relaxations are needed. Real pleasure is very plan, no particular thing to be either effected or attainrare and a good laugh is a splendid tonic, therefore let us ed as a practical advantage or result. In other words, find pleasure in mere nonsense once in a while. Learn to there is no question at issue; but only a consequence bubble over and overflow mirthfully as an effervescing which, in every case in calamitous, dreadful, or terrible.
cup, after which when we settle back to the grind of life, All acts therelore that would properly come under the things will come easier and we shall feel refreshed to HIGH CLASS GROCERIES classifications we have noted are such as are called carry on.
87. CENTRAL AVENUE 87 We have defined, so to speak, the subject in our title. PLENTY OF PARKING SPACENow, let us proceed to consider our object YOOTH.
Youth refers to the state or condition of being young.
FOR announces the opening of his up to date new grocery The period of life between childhood and manhood or store. Telephone orders receive special attention and womanhood the period of adolescense. This period is are delivered immediately to any part of the city, Exmarked by its characteristics, and they emanate from position Grounds, Bella Vista, Ancon and Balboa.
the mind, being governed by impressions. Some persons and who have studied the question say that the mind of the EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES youth is also affected by heredity, that is, they inherit LOWEST RICES IN TOWN the good, bad, o indifferent, traits of their parents, in many cases, the bad ones in greatest measure. To our Price of every article plainly marked mind, this theory is controversial, and whether it be so See CLEANLINESS. SERVICE. COURTESY or no, we do not propose to discuss it here for the reason that it could only be so discussed as a matter of entertainment, which is not the primary purpose of this conC. REID Open All Day Until P.
versation. Our idea is to attempt to edify the mind as to Saturdays Until P.
the relative conditions of frivolity and youth in order to arrive at a practical conclusion as to how they affect No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. Sundays Until Noon.
each other, and to discover what is the adult responsibility in the premise.
Panama, ALEXIS PEREIRA Let us consider now the question of application. We say that a boy is boyish or childish, and girl girlish or 87 Central Avenue simple in a good sense in reference to the boys and girls 87 who would be properly covered by those references. The TELEPHONE 2180 Panama same references would be made in a bad sense if applied Dr. Fairweather to persons from whom more maturity is expected. For instance, childish eagerness or glee is pleasing in a child, PHYSICIAN but unbecoming in a man or woman, and is sometimes Great Evil and Simple Remedy contemptuous, which goes to prove that the condition of HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO youth is not responsible, and is to be taken care of by From the first day in the journalism class, the future reportpersons who have passed the youthful stage, and are To. K STREET er is told that the prime requisite for his profession is a nose for therefore in a position to guide youth, and take proper care of its frivolities.
PANAMA CITY news. The advice is good enough; but a glance at current newspapers would lead one to belive that in publishing officers the In order that this be properly accomplished, there chief requirement is a nose for smell. Sometimes a young man, must be the adoption of the correct attitude firstly, on fresh from his campus atmosphere and his cultured ideals, is put the part of the adult. And secondly, on the part of the FOLIO to work on a job that would shame ghouls desecrating the graves youth. Effective and correct guidance can only be admin of the dead; he is turned for the moment into a scavenger in the istered when the adult asserts his prerogative to dictate the terms and to mark out the line of action. That FOR THE BEST IN black alleys of the world no, not even so good as scavenger, for we must have these persons; and besides they do not place any good might come of this dictation, the correspondtheir malodorous findings on the breakfast table before us! Raing attitude of the youth must be a receptive one, free. HARDWARE. ther they are turned almost immediately into what looks very from assumption, presumption, and everything of that sort. The philosophy is clear and lucid. The adult is the much like the description of Swinburne by rough old Thomas Carieacher, the youth the scholar. The teacher has the book lyle, a man sitting in a Sewer and adding to it. There are from which he must read out the dictation. The youth of every description leading editors who are almost literally ill if the day doesn bring must write down what is dictated, and the teacher corsome fetid scandal or shocking murder or hold up. All this is rect the errors. In this way only can the frivolities of VISIT THE done for circulation, of course. The motto of these newspaper youth be taken care of, that youth does not develop into editors, as frankly avowed by them, is we give men what they an emblem of frivolity.
want. It is the philosophy of the poor drab outcast of the street.
And the advantage of correct functioning is recipYet the men who shamelessly declare this policy set themselves rocal. It is a matter of doing one duty, adult and youth.
up as formers of the moral conscience of the community!
The credit and discredit must be on both sides, being gov erned by the correct and incorrect attitude.
And the remedy? Let no one think for a moment that the But now, what if the adult does not do his duty?
plague will ever be checked by mere remonstrance with the publish And what if youth is refractory and rebellious? In the a fine Selection of ers. The publishers will always give the people what they want.
case of the adult as of the youth, discipline should be adThe remedy rather lies in changing the tastes and desires of the ministered as a compelling influence. The State should public. If every man and woman, young and old, whose conscience become administrator over the adult to punish and ARTIZAN TOOLS has been formed on Christian principles were to let it be known chastise him until he submits himself to the adoption of a that any newspaper offending against the traditional ethics would correct attitude in the discharge of his duties to youth.
ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN Me rigorously banded, the reform would be prompt.
Then, when adult is made ready to do his duty, the refractory youth should be administered unto until his atSACRED CONCERT etc. will be rendered by the well PAINTS ENAMELS known Howard Choir assisted titude becomes unqualifiably responsive, even if it requires the assistance of a base ball club in so doing.
The public in general and by other local talent, and that is The spoiling of the child is the salGive us a call before purchasing friends in particular are asked nuf sed.
vation of the rod, and its a cinch the elsewhere to remember the Grand Sacred Concet to be given by the SoThe admission of 25cts for rod needs no salvation. In this connection, the adult of to day, notably in these parts, are woefully lacking in the jouners Friendly Sociəty tomor Adults and 15cts for children exercise of their parental function on the pretext that PANAMA HARDWARE row afternoon, the 17th inst, at has been fixed to suit the o clock, in the Edith Cavell pockets of all and it is expected they must become negligent in the performance of their CATHEDRAL PLAZA Lodge Hall, Guachapali. that a bumper house will attend duty to youth, so as to put into practice modern ideas unique program consisting to take in this necessary diverof bringing up children. The result is that the boys beOPO OPOL ODO of Songs, Solos, Recitations, sion.
ODO 001 10 POE TODO Panama Hardware.


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