
PAGE SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1930 NEGRO MEMBERSHIP REDS SEEK Huge Throng of Whites and Blacks Mingle Together or Even newly briss black and black brown to Giscombe, who spoke of Elecutionary Item Pacific Juve Church Services brick reds and albinos, neo Bro. Bedau as being quite cap nile Court whites to, colourless whites. able and earnest and one who is Elecu. There were Chinese, Japanese, worthy to be entrusted to take Solo (Continued from page 5)
Miss Icilda Scarlet Indians, Jews, Poles, Negroes, care of the juvenile branch.
The Holy Eucharist and Sermon Rep. of Court Italians, Russians Crackers. The closing remarks and the 10. 45 a. The Recor Wallace No. 9111 Teutons, Gallies, What notics, Doxology brought the pleasant Address.
Church School. 3, In Big Parade In Harlem to Pay male and female and one Rep of Court function to a close. Mizpah. No. 9198 Choral Even song and Sermon, Tribute to Slain Brother two who resembled both The programme and present Duet. Misses Scarlet 30, The Rector.
What impressed was the solstaff of juvenile officers of the Forth Mulcare NEW YORK. July No, no! New York had become so per emnity of the marchers.
inauguration juvenile Rector Hay no fear, gentlemen: the ne turbed; had get Congress to the Address minor children apparently court follows:. Rep. of Court gro never will be a Communist, look into the Reds. Minerva No. 9284 St. Bartholomew Church, Las sensed the propagandic import PROGRARMME Cascadas replied President William Green if there was one in the line, Address. Rep. of Court of the occasion.
Those furthest Opening Ode.
n! the American Federation of there were ten thousand. Led by from the dirge playing band Prayer Pacific No. 9751 St. Simon Mission, Gamboa.
Labour to Mr. Arnold Hill police and closely followed by a Adress.
sang spirituals negro spirituals Scripture Reading. Rep. of Court Matins, address, Confirmation statement that organized lab cop livvers, the Reds marched (and that polyglot tongues could Opening Remarks Atlantic No. 9914 Class and Church School, at our lily while policy was ferti right, ten, twelve, abreast. Took get the tone and rhythm of the Bro. La Solo. Miss Doris Haymer the usual time. The Cateteau, lizing negroes for Communism at least twenty minutes to pass spirituals indicated that today Installation of Juvenile Officers, Address Paradise Juve chists will officiate.
Mr. Hill is head of the National nile given point. And fifth Com was not their first real contact by Bro. Alfred Rouget, Mulcare, Urban League Industrial sec hunist leaders are muts and with them. As the paraders Introduction of the Juvenile Priest in charge tron. He was before the Federa mendicants, such was not re passed they would call out in Secretary Report.
Superintendent. By Bro.
tion Executive Council at ilected in the followers who distinct but not loud voice: Join Solo Giscome Ranger Miss Maud Washington on whalf of negro made up the parade. was inBethune your group the workers of the Address Bro. James labour. was with him, and inMelford SuzTreasurer vited to fall in by the boot world. coloured youth, good Aldress Rep. of Court Innis.
clined to agree with Brother back at my barber shop. Also looking and neat, with baggy George Alexis Secretary Brock No. 6725 Closing Remarks Ludovic Alexander Green. had even helittled the recognised an employed chaufSenior trousers, white shoes and Address Rep. of Court CR recently ordered Congressional Peur.
Woodward sweater opened at the neck. Land No. 8448 DOXOLOGY investigation of the Reds.
Joseph Carasco. Junior Wood There were old folks and would stop out of line and imOrgan Selection Miss Present Staff of Officers ward But today saw a parade of young folks, middle aged and portune other youngsters Louise Gill Connor Chase. Chief Alphonso Edwards Senior Communists through the streets children. It was and join up. Attractive white girls Address. Rep. of Pacific Ranger Beadle of Afric Harlem. was a funeral humid. But if the marchers were would make alternative appeals Tuvenile Court Charles Miller. Sub Chief Maurice Blue Junior Beadle march. black brother was kill made uncomfortable they gave Older women urged Harlem coled by a policeman the other no indications of discomfort. Notored folks to come with us and 5444 FFF454545454LFTE a ragamuffin about. Among the die to stop lynching.
night. His comrades of all races.
FLETU all sorts, all kinds, all ages, all women were golden tresses and Look at them white folks colours, all sexes, were following black tresses, heads covered and his hearse. They were burying uncovered, bobbed heads and curburying one o us ns, and sich a him. And then soon appreciat ly heads, close heads and few o us ns mongst em. obseryed why Congressman Fish of just heads. Colours ranged from ed a sister near me, Git in then wit me, hiccoughed a bedram.
med brother. She didn t: nor did he. Nevertheless there was a comparatively large Negro rep resentation. was not impressed with Communism for my social creed. was struck by its grave potentialites. It bears watching And was only four years ago that Arnold Hill told the American Federation of Labour leaders their lily white policies were fertilizers for Communism among Negro te warm 19 For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP If It Done With Heat You Can Do It Better With GAS Court Paradise Holds Dual Function RODER ar new Dunlop with a greater reserve of strength the the famous Dunlop Tyre.
Standard Construction, which you know so well. The now member of the Dunlop has been introduced to meet ticularly hard service conditions It is the choice of the One OW Is just as true today as it was 25 years ago.
Despite the progress made in utilizing other fuels See the coloured who habitually woes bad ronda medallion than ordinary peradmin and involves his tyro in modo on the GAS side wall The inauguration and installation ceremony of Court Para dise No. 9292 Juvenile Branch of Foresters) took place on Sunday last Toth inst, at the Corinthian Temple No. 45 Calidonia Road, The Hall was beautifully ranged for the occasion and the programme which was inter spersed with Vocal and instru mental items contributed by friends of the court, The opening remarks were made by Bro. Lateau who spoke briefly but emphatic ally and lauded the accomplishment of the idea to establish a Juvenile Court in connection with the local order.
Among the musical items on the program, were a vocal solo by Miss Maud Bethune, Organ Selection by Miss Louise Gill, and two Vocal Solog by the Misses licida Scarlet and Doris Hamer. Miss Doris Rodney was organist for the evening, few juvenile members of the Court also contributed recitations for which they were hearti ly applauded by the audience.
Brother Alfred Rougeut, acted in the capacity of in stalling master and carried through the ceremony faultlessly. He was ably assisted by Bro.
Sam Merrit The order was fully represented by visiting brethren from both the Pacific and the Atlan tic sides who took the opportunity of eulogizing the members and especially the Secretary of the court Mr. Grant for introducing the branch of juveniles into the order.
care of the juvenile branch.
nile superintendent Bro. Bedeau, was undertaken by Bro.
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