
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1930 FLETUSTESTY 2001 FLERE BARBADOS Barbadians who Negro Bell Boys Porters Replaced by White Boys (Continued from Page 2)
Sir Walcott.
Sir George Walton, The dignity of a Baronetey was conferred on Sir Graham Briggs.
GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO 10DOC ODOI 1000 1000 10 DO 1000 DOI Sale of The Herald plays a very important part in the success of your business We understand that the Print ing plant of the Barbados Weekly Herald purchased by Mr. Bayley at public auc tion a week ago has been sold to Mr. Cole, proprietor of Cole Printery High Street, Mr. Cole was once proprietor of the now defunct Weekly Recorder. It is believed that Mr.
Cole will for a second time con duct a weekly newspaper in this colony.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS JAMAICA There Big Programme TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at WASHINGTON Eighteen bellboys, porters and elevator operators were summarily dismissed from the Ambassador Hotel recently without notice and their places filled with white workmen.
The elevator men were made to run their cars to the third floor and told to get off by Brown and Brown, assistant managers. White boys who carried the former operators were told to walk down stairs.
Mell hops were called font, given their pay and told to leave the hotel. The white group ap peared in winter uniforms so as to carry out the coup without any of the colored employees knowing that the latter group was in the hotel. The colored help had on summer uniforms.
were seven elevator operators, seven bell hops, two captains and one porter. All felt the blow of the axe.
Many of the men who were dismissed were married and practically all are Howard University students woking their way though school All had been employed at the hotel since it was opened last September. On the stroke of 12 Saturday the assistant managers appeared and carried out the wholesale dismissal. No explanation was given those who asked why they were being fired. The hotel manager, Arthur Harnett, could not be located.
However, he was reached by a World reported Wednesday and in a statement he said it was merely a policy of the hotel.
When asked why the men were not given the customary week notice, he said it wasn necessary and the boys might have caused confusion in the lobby.
He was then told that all of the employees came of excellent families, were Howard students and the sudden dismissal worked hardship on all of them. Mr. Harnet said it couldn be helped.
The owner of the hotel is Morris Cafritz, a real estate dealer, who rents a large number of house to colored people. When He was appealed to by the dismiss ed employees he said Mr. Har nett had been accustomed to work with white help and he was the boss of the hotel.
At present there are some 15 cooks and 40 housemaids, all colored retained at the hotel, but these are planning to make arrangements to secure other positions, as Harnett policy may mean the loss of jobs to this group.
The matter was brought to the attention of the secretary of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Attorney Pinkett said civil action can be brought against the hotel for a week pay or for whatever period the men were hired for.
a THE (Continued from Page 2)
tion an extensive and diversified programme.
The new tuberculosis was for the Poor House have been completed at a cost of 550. This is regarded as a very good move on the part of the Board and it is one which other Boards will no doubt follow. Some parishes have already tuberculosis wards but nothing as suitable as those at Port Maria The market at Annatto Bay, a rapidly growing township, is being extended by the erection of a steel structure. This work is estimated to cost 500 and is now under way.
In regard to water supplies the Board have a scheme to be placed before the government for supplying Highgate with an improved system. The Board intend to ask the Government for a grant towards the cost of this work and for a loan of the balance of the money necessary to carry out the scheme. It is eg.
timated that 1, 200 will be required.
During the tour of His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government through the parish which tour ended yesterday two fordings which needed bridging were pointed out and this is one of the matters to be pressed. The dust nuisance and road congestion at Oracabessa was also brought to His Excellency notice. It is being urged that this thoroughfare be tarred and if possible widened.
The Board also have under consideration a scheme for sup plying Richmond with water from the Mair Maid, Hole, and this undertaking will cost about 5, 000.
Owing to recent heavy rains 500 or 2600 will have to be spent on reparing roads, but this will be met out of parochial funds, The new road through Egypt Pen and Esher near Belfields will soon be started. This work is to be done in stages and will cost, it is believed, over 000. Mr. DeLisser of Highgate has kindly promised to make a voluntary contribution of 100 towards the cost of this road. road is being built in the Annotto Bay Division at a district called Spicey Grove, at a cost of approximately 100; and the Board has voted 150 to com plete the Friendship GapThousand Pen Flint River road now under construction. Gleaner. WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE TRIAI GIVE US AND BE CONVINCED Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 OFFICE DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone PALAIS ROYAL FOR BEST CLOTHING 10OS TOODO 2000 10 DO 1000 001 REFLEELELALTELLTE FALSELTS FLETU


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