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ch The Panama Canal Librar AUG 25 1936 Latina Our Eighteenth Anniversary The Workman ESTABLISHED. DE 1912 THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUSC PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 19. No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 PRICE CENTS World Confab Of Negro Workers In Hamburg GOLOMBIAN GOVERNMENT DEMANDS COMPENSATION For Native Workers on Banana Farms of United Fruit Company ERNEST MC KENZIE GIGANTIC EFFORT WORKERS CONDITIONS FORMER RESIDENT BEING MADE BY OF PANAMA DISCUSSED BY DELEGATES Objections by McDonaldl Forces Conference to Germany REDS Graduates from Law School of St. John College To Conquer the World by Force of Arms in the Year 1934 COW next this few years.
nain order to bring about a read labourers and others on the Rev. Wright to Speak youth of the country should White Sentenced For Killing Negro em Friends and acquaintances here LONDON, July 23 The gi HAMBUR, Germany, Aug. bia, Sierra Leone, the Gold News article appearing in the is understood that in terms of Mr. Ernest McKenzie, of the gantic preparations being made 14 At the Second World Con Coast and Cameroon. There was the Jamaica Mail of the 12th of settlement which followed the accounting firm of McKenzie by the Soviet Government for gress of the League Against one white delegate from the inst, states: revolt against the company, it and Rawlins, with offices at 200 an attempt to conquer the world Imperialism, held in July, 1929, South African Negro Workers That interesting developments was laid down, on behalf of the 135th Street, New York will by force of arms in 1934 which at Frankfort Main, the idea was Organizations.
have occurred in Colombia in Colombian Government, that the be pleased to hear that he has connection with relationship be United Fruit Company should graduated from the Law School Mail last Friday are the sub al conference of Negro work were described in The Daily conceived to hold an internationThe various delegates dealt tween the United Fruit Company arrange an equitable system of of the College of St. John, with ject of boastful articles in with the conditions of the Negro the ers on July 1st, 1930, in London, and natives of that republic who compensation for natives of the workers in their respective Russian newspapers.
work on its banana farms in the country in the event of their be Plans were made and delegates countries; special interest was Magdalena Department of the ing injured while in its employ The latest copies of the Mos. were invited to the London con attached to the report made by country It is understood that the com Krasnaya Zuezda (Red ference, but the McDonald imSmall on behalf of the Bathpany gave an undertaking that Star. the official army news. perialist government refused to hurst Trade Union which had Less than two years ago a an insurance scheme would be paper, to reach London contain allow the conference to be held conducted a valient fight at the strike which was attended by long reports of the success on British soil. Orders were is end of last year against the Mar disastrous results, in the loss introduced to give bffect to the achined in the militarisation of Sued to guard against the land garine Combine. clear and of human life rioters being shot demand put forward on behall of labourers.
the populace, and state that ing of all Negra delegates Pas instructive statement was made down by soldiers after they had burned buildings and otherwise It is asserted in Colombia that there are in Russia to day 20, Saports were refused to dele by George Padmore of the Newrecked for the time being the the company management has 000, 000 men and women who gates to leave British colonial gro Trade Union Committee of company banana farms. The not fulfilled the promise. Now satisfactorily passed every test. countries. Because of these im the Red International of Labor trouble extended over weeks. for the sequel. The National As.
after undergoing a course of pediments the organizers decid Unions, on the Economic Struge With the intervention of the sembly commenced its annual training for active service.
ed to hold the conference in gles and Tasks of the Negro Government, troops being sent workers. He summed up the efsession at Bogota during last ERNEST MCKENZIE It has been decided to treble Hamburg.
to the scene of the trouble, steps month. Reprentative of one of number within the After unavoidable delay the feets to imperialist exploitation on the condition of the Negro were taken by the Administra: the district of Colombia in that the degree of LL.
conference opened last week.
tion at Bogota, the capital, to Chamber promptly handed in a Mr. McKenzie, who is a According to the Projector There were delegates, including masses; pointed out that the mass struggles of the millions of get at the root of the trouble be notice to the Secretary of the tive of Jamaica form. the official illustrated journal a womaní, from seven importsuper exploited in tween native employees and the Government Negroes that the Minister erly a resident of Panama City, published by the newspaper ant unions in the Africa and America against the company. special investigator of Industry should be called up where he taught school; and Pravda) all sports and games (miners, railway workers, imperialist offensive coincided a Member of the National As. on to attend the following day (Continued on page 8)
in Soviet Russia have been turn needle trades, etc. and delegates with the revolt of other colonsembly was despatched to San to be interpolated upon the subed into military training, and from Jaimaica, Nigeria, Gam(Continued on page 8)
of accorded field preparation in order that the Man justment of relations between United Fruits. company farmor of the Wesleyan Conference show up ready for the dawn of employers and Colombian the new era that can come on ployees.
The following day the Minister Tomorrow Night ly with a general war.
It was discovered that one of in question attended the Nation Travellers returning from the causes which led up to the al Assembly as requested and Tomorrow night at the 30 Russia state that the whole Trial Aroused Unusual Interest, Six serious outbreak was refusal there was a large gathereing of service at the Panama countryside is overrur with ci the part of the company spectators in the gallery to witOthers Awaiting Trial Wesleyan Church, the Rev. vilians, men and women, who management to introduce a gen ness the proceedings. Wright will speak on the are undergoing military training ATLANTA, Ga. July 28 tear gas bomb which police said eral insurance scheme to protect In answer to the Representa Wesleyan Methodist conference as part of their holidays.
native labourers in the banana tive, the Minister of Industry recently held in th city of Leeds, Martin, one of seven white men was hurled by white men. few fields and handlers of bananas said the United Fruit Company england.
charged with the murder of days later an attempt was made at the shipside against injury. It (Continued on page 8)
Tiny Tots Orchestra To Dennis Hubert, young Negro on the life of Rev. Charles A very interesting service is found Hubert, cousin of Dennis.
planned and the Choir will con guilty of voluntary manslaughtribute a special anthem for the After the burning of the a sealed verdict occasion.
At the La Boca Blubhouse on turned by a jury in Superior residents of Atlanta gathered Hubert home, prominent white Received by British Secretary of State special invittation is extended the 11th prox. the Tiny Tots Or Court here today.
and signed a letter to civic organ for Colonies to all members and friends of the chestra of this city which has The jury set sentence from 12 izations and civic leaders, ask Church to embrace the opportu: appeared in many musical pro to 15 years in the State peniten ing contributions for the resto On behalf of the Prime Min the consequent menace to the nity of attending this service. grams on the Pacific end, will tiary. oration of the home. Many per ister, Lord Passfied, Secretary health and educational services sponsor a grand variety enter tainment.
The youth, a divinity student, sons contributed.
of State for the Colonies, receiv and general social and economic Panama Wesleyan This combination of young was shot to death on June 15 at The letter also declared emed a deputation from the Westlife of some of the colonies.
Society musicians has made rapid im Indies Parliamentary Commit. They asked for assurances that phatically the belief of the signthe Colonial Development Adprovement since their last pubtee on July 17th.
The State charged he was killers that the young Negro was for The Subject of Missions lic appearance. Rehearsals ed without provocation by a innocent of the charge of insult.
Those present were. Londvisory Committee would enterBurnham, Chairman, and Mr. sain applications for assistance made a very interesting and this entertainment is progress. party of seven men, while the ing tl. white women Hurd. Secretary of the in connexion with the sugar in educational evening on Wednes: ing rapidly and indications point defence pleaded that the went to the school grounds to the Methodist ministers of the Committee: Mr. Ian Macpher dustry and discussed the ques. day last under the auspices of to a very successful program.
Among the artists who have hold the Negro for officers af city and the Atlanta Committee son, Mr. Time, tion of measures of relief for the Panama Wesleyan Soter he was alleged to have in on Inter Racial Co operation is Mr. Macgowan, Editor of unemployment. They especially ciety which took place in Geddes signified their intention to sist in the program are, Mes sulted two white women. sued statements deploring the the Trinidad Guardian, Mr urged that the sugar industry, Hall.
that The Rev. Wright spoke dames Olga King. local leading Webber, of the British which was the mainstay of leadfollowed.
Guiana Legislature; Sir Ed ing Colonies, should not be dis at length and emphasized the soprano soloist. Headley Walk The case aroused unusual in killing and the incidents The courtroom abled by mere doles, but that importance of missionary worker, Betsy Alkins, Mrs. Nëna terbst here because of events ward Davson, Lieut Colonel Ivan was crowded (Continued on Page 8)
grants in aid to tide over a peThomas, popular lady saxaphon following the slaying. Within a Davson, and Sir Algernon riod of crisis should be used to ist, Mr. Neilson of the Repub short time the home of the Rev. today with white people and Aspinall. lican and Mr. Vincent Hall Hubert father of the youth, Negroes, but the verdict maintain and not displace the interesting musical evening, well known comedian.
was burned. few days later a quietly received.
The deputation called attenexisting economic and adminisThe six other men await trial tion to the acute difficulties full report of the concert The names of these artistes on mass meeting of Negroes held in facing the sugar industry and (Continued on page 5)
will appear at a later date. any concert is guarantee of an a church was broken up with a for the slaying.
on was West Indian Deputation Sponsor Musical Program collega tuleht ter in re. public school. he Atlante Christian Council men as.
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