
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS a to a ODO Dr. Leo JAMAICA TRINIDAD GRENADA Hospital For Town St. Lucia Suit Against a Rector Government Refuse Working Hours for Long Distance of Black River to Pay Electives Provision Clerks Aerial Excursions Promises to be One FEDERATION OF Port of Spain of Great Interest despatch To Cost Over Forty The Port of Spain Gazette states: of July 26th says: After years Says the Grenada West InLEEWARD ISLANDS Thousand Dollars According to the Advocate, The Trinidad Government has of agitation and patient wait dian, of the 22nd ult: new Writing editorially in its is what promises to be the cause turned down the proposal for ing, clerks employed in whole page in the history of aviation The Gleaner of the 9th inst.
payment of unofficial members sale provision shops are to have in the West Indies was written sue of July 19 the Voice celebre of the day had just on Sunday morning last when Says: of of the Legislative Council. This their hours of labour considersays: been filed in the Court the first long distance excursion The town of Black River will.
Federation of the Leeward Chancery and will be set down information has been communi ably shortened.
cated to the Hon. Cipriani This is the result of the pass by air was successfully accomin a short time be in possession and Windward Islands is not a for hearing soon. Elected Member for Port of ing by the Legislature yester plished as the Nybra plane Porto of one of the most commodious hobby, if so we are in very good The information filed on beRico came to a perfect landing in hospitals anywhere in the island outer harbour exactly an company, Federation of these half of His Majesty Attorney Spain. who raised the question day, at its Special Meeting of an in the Legislative Council in No Order under Section of the the The work of constructing the two groups is and has been ad General at the instance of Mr.
Shop Hours Ordinance, Cap. 101. hour after she left San Fernannecessary minor buildings, such do Trinidad, and taxied to vocated as a preliminary step George Hutson of Blackman vember, 1928.
Though grocery clerks were: The question was referred to as quarters for the various of towards the federation of the St. Joseph, against Rev. the Secretary of State for the not included in the measure of mooring spot in the lagoon. On ficers, operating theatre and Eastern Group, which in turn, Hutchinson late Rector of St.
board as passengers were Mr.
Colonies. As announced in the relief, the Colonial Secretary on waiting room, were completed it is hoped, will be followed by a Joseph claiming the Courts de Trinidad Guardian last Thurs behalf of the Government gave Mahabir, the promoter of the some time ago and the Public Domination of all the British claration that a fund known as the assurance that the whole excursion, nd his nineteep com Works Department is now su colonies in these waters from the St Joseph Curate Fund col day, the Secretary of State le Indians, pervising the construction of one British Honduras to British lected by defendant when Rector plied that it was a matter entire question of the limitation of the panions, mostly East Trinidad Government hours of employment would re who had joined with him in of the two large two storey Guiana.
of St. Joseph is a charitable trustly for The Trinidad Guardian ceive the serious consideration chartering the plane.
buildings which are to take the We admit that federation of fund vested in the Rector for learns that notwithstanding the of the Government The Porto Rico is a 22 pas.
be place of the old dilapidated these colonies is a difficult task the time being and should refusal of the Government to Dr. McShine was the only dis senger plane of 17, 600 tons wards. Even now, it can be seen the present that will meet with strenuous handed over adopt the suggestion the matter sentient as he was of the opinion gross. Of the Commodore type, that the buildings are of beau opposition from a few, both inRector and his successors.
will come up for discussion on that the Government was giving she has a wing span of 100 ft.
tiful design; and their location side and outside, as the MagIt is understood that the sum motion during the October ses relief to those who already had and is powered with two 600 is most ideal net and many other West In involved is in the vicinity of sion. it. and postponing relief to (Continued on Page 7) SHORT STRIKE dian newspapers have admitted, 15. 000. What will perhaps cause According to the rules governthose ladies in small shops who During the week there was Federation is a desirable goal to added interest at the hearing is were in greater need of such a some trouble between the fore. attain the fact that question involving ing the business of the Finance measure.
man acting for the contractor We need to come closer toge Anglo Catholic ritual and prac Committee, it is not competent for an to unofficial member Mr. Wilson of Kingston tice will be asked.
provide the lands asked for.
ther to obtain a better place in vote in any official matter in SANITORIUM FOR TUBER The Government invited the and as a result there was a short the sun for our people; more Legal appearances will be Mr CULOSIS CASES strike. Mr.
Council to co operate in the Wilson however representation; Walter Reece, which he is interested or to inmanhood According to the Por of scheme. The Council has agreed visitled Black River on Wednes (Continued on Page 7)
instructed by Messrs. Yearwood itiate such a vote.
The the question and Boyce, Solicitors, for be Spain Gazette. The plan of the it is understood, cannot day and had the matter amicably to give the Attorney General, and Mr. brought up in Finance Commit Government to establish a Sani lands on the Government settled fur torium for tuberculosis cases at nishing a plan showing the exFrom what could be gathered himself and paid out the bal Herbert Adams, Barrister tee by an unofficial for that reaance. This resulted in dissatisson, and the matter must be Cocorito, have been aided by the tent and the exact location of at law instructed by Mr. PP there was a shortage on the La fnction and the men struck. Spencer Solicitor for Rev. Mr.
raised in the Council in Session decision of the City Council to the area required.
bour Bills for last week of about They have however all been paid. Hutchinson.
It is stated that one of the DO 0001 128. Mr. Wilson, on receiving and the TODO work is proceeding Chief grounds for the decision notice, sent along 60 through Speedily again of the Government is that there local Bank so that the men could has been no public demand for Pink be paid some of their It is contemplated that the BOX 649 ANCON, money until matters were adjusted. In entire cost of replacing the old such action hospital with modern structures It is understood that a mass stead of paying each man Cirilo Sandford Surgeon Dentist will be about 19, 000 and over meeting will be called at which near as possible a half of what 10, 000 has been spent already Attorney at Law the matter will be put to the pub he had earned, the foreman, it The hospital is to be lighted by lic before it is brought before 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
is alleged, deducted a substan electricity, and the Lighting the Legislature.
tial part of the salary due to Plant is nearing completion.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, 105005050 Council of Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Friendly Societies Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment The Port of Spain Gazette is reliably informed that a move.
ment is on foot to establish what TODOSO 100 100 is to be known as a Council of INCORPORATED 1869 Friendly Societies.
This Council will be composed Head Office: Montreal, Canada of representatives of the various socieites of the colony, the object being to protect the interest NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM of the movement.
PANAMA COLON HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Th idea emanated from the Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Good Samaritan Friendly Society where a motion was pass Get a copy of the ed recently, suggesting the advisability of forming such a Council This Council, it is stated, will be formed with no other object and read the records of past than that of fostering the better With 900 Branches throughout the world, including management of Friendly Socie.
Cricket Veterans ties. In view of the importance the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank which this movement plays in AND is in a position to render the best possible service.
the life of this community, this proposal cannot be regarded as anything but a wise step. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Antigua Dominica Montserrat Apart from the accumulation Bahamas Grenada of a capital of over 250, 000 St. Kitts these Societies have reduced Summary of Contents: Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia considerably the outlay which History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years British Honduras Trinidad (2)
the local Government might Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Martini have been called upon to spend Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Guadaloupe (2)
British Game (2)
on Poor Relief, and there can be Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, no doubt that the Government Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual would welcome the existence of an Official Body which could be Players HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST consulted on matters affecting Váluable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and the Friendly Society movement Interesting PAID ON DEPOSITS An inaugural meeting will be summoned shortly in order to Price 50cts.
discuss the proposal in detail, th General Banking Business Transacted.
and the pioneers of the movement look forward with confiCopies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Sinano dence to the whole hearted supPanama go0F 100 DO port of all Societies, as BI The Royal Bank of Canada CRICKET!
CRICKET. Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 West Indies Cricket History Cricket Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923


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