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The Mail of the 12th inst.
says: Steps have been taken to or PARIS, July 14 beautiful which, to judge from their size, ganise an East Indian Association in Jamaic Similar so young Spanish woman is at this may have been made by a womcieties exists in Trinidad and moment being searched for by an hand, were found on the British Guiana. In each of the letectives of the Paris police, priest shirt just above the who have been investigating heart.
two sister colonies East Indians form at least one third of the since the early hours of this The police believe that they population. East Indians adorn morning the mysterious death of the Abbe Cypriano Etchever murdered the priest, attempting were caused by the person who the learned professions in those centres Some of them are ria a Spanish priest.
to ascertain whether the abbe bright particular stars in the The body of the priest, a man was dead by laying hands on the firmament of law and medicine of forty three, was discovered heart.
Others are in the ministry and this morning in a small Street near the Montparnasse cemetry, The circumstance that the in politics.
dressed in sports costume, an the priest purse had not been In those colonies, certainly in ofen necked shirt, and a cloth touched makes it seem probable, British Guiana, East Indian As.
sociations are political and social сар.
in the opinion of the police that SHOT FROM BEHIND the motive for this singular in their outlookk. The influence Examination revealed that the crime was vengeance. The reAND which cultured East Indians many of whom are men of priest had been shot through volver with which it was carrithe body from behind with a ed out cannot be found.
means, wield in the politics of small calibred revolver, and had The Abbe Etcheverria, who British Guiana is tremendous died instantly The body was lived at Hernani, in Spain, came The East Indian Association Si verely bruised to France some weeks ago with protects the rights and privi Bloodstained fingerprints (Continued on Page 1)
leges of members of that parti cular community. In Trinidad the Association outlook is also political. Some wealthy East Indians are in agriculture, commerce and oil development in Tri nidad.
There are also Indian merchants in Georgetown and other parts of British Guiana.
The step which has been taken in Jamaica to organise an as.
Result of Spiritual Inquiry Emphasises sociation for East Indians is in tended to be social uplift for the Truth That We Live by Faith ATSO time being. The preliminary meeting was held at No. 48 SPIRITUALISM WINS. so many of its followers, the re Spanish Town Road on Sunday sults of spiritualist inquiry only Mr. Maragh, a leading memChurches do not Live up to seem to emphasise the truth ber of the East Indian commuCommunion of Saints that we live by faith.
nity presided, and the gathering Which They Believe Below are two striking re numbered about thirty. It was tonts to the article one from felt that there is room for such Under the caption Faith in Lady Conan Doyle and the a society, and after a discussion Spiritualism, the following apother from Mr. Hansen Swaffer, in which there was complete peared in the London Daily Ex the most provocative, of all accord it was agreed that an aswriters.
press of July 16th: the activity of the police in tak sociation should be formed on Spiritualism :ing in the leaders and in the the lines of those which exist in It is inevitable that Lady Doyle writes:word being given out that no British Guiana and Trinidad. The events should have roused a new To The Editor of the Daily Ex Has 30, 000 Adherents and 80, 000 parades would be permitted, no upleft of members of that racepublic interest in spiritualism press will be the chief concern of the groups allowed to form no meet Yet, in spite of the obvious sin Sir. By their fruits shall ye Symphathisers local society. Officers will be ings could be held.
cerity of so many of its follow know tham.
elected in the course of the next ers, the results of spiritualist inTwo women who were arrest CHICAGO, August Comº tive Cubans, the bail bond anThe fruits of the Churches fortnight.
quiry only seem to emphacist have been the most ghastly wars munism has 30, 000 active adhe nounced is 2, 000 dols. tach. Fored Saturday were released yes.
the truth that we live by faith where millions have been killed.
rents and 80, 000 sympathizers in eigners are not permitted to terday on bail, but these will be Mankind instinctively believes At the present time every na United States the Congres give bond, and as soon as their compelled to appear at court at slonal committee investigating PALAIS ROYAL in on existence after death. tion is turning its most scienticomamunism under the chairmancases are properly made out and frequent intervals and sign the book of the court so that their FOR Through the centuries men and fic brains to the discovery of their activities sufficiently whereabouts will be known to shap of Representative Hamilton INTERWOVEN HOSE women have lived and died in poison gases which will destroy risn, of New York, was told by proven, thest foreigners will be the police all the time.
that belief, saying, do not ask some other nation.
an industrialist who qualified deported forthwith.
to see the distant scene.
When the peace of the world amself as an authority on the It is reported that the com There have been many comThe Greatest Thrill Spiritualists claim have is held on a leash called the Lea mevasion and spread of Sovietism promising documents found in the ber more than fifty, and there imunists now under arrest numpenetrated to that distant scene gte of Nations, when the whole in the World an America.
but what has their research world full of unrest beneath possesion of those who have been are other leaders whose names given Harry Jung, head of the arrested. The failure of the order are known to the police, will be us? Tell sister. the surface, when materialism is National Clay Products Indusam happy. George is here, and like a great fungus growth in all Lies Association and a represen Havana on August is due to located.
from Moscow to call a strike in arrested as soon as they can be is happy but tired. These are directions, when selfishness and tative of the American Intellii phrases which may carry com lack of conscience are apparent gence Vigilantes Association, fort, but surely not conviction. on all sides, is it not time and outlined to the committee the And when the great ones of obvious that the faith fruit this world who have died speak should be recognised as being results of an investigation he said NEURALGINA inc had carried on for ten years. through a medium we find men utterly inadequate as force in who were lords of language and the world?
CUBA ACTS AGAINST REDS Stop and analyze it. there gods of thought using the same Isn it time the Churches The police are after the Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any nothing in life that gives more trite phrases as though self ex should replace it by knowledge munists, active in their work of pure happiness than making pression had reached a robot neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
someone else happy.
given direct from the higher spreading red propaganda in this level for all.
Is there?
city as well as throughout the Is it not possible that the peaPEURALGINA Island and up to this morning we were told to try the spi have arrested twenty five per When we present a gift, we sant kneeling before a wayside rits The Churches say they be want it to be packed with all the cross feels a truth that is far lieve in the communion of saints. bans and Chinese. There have sons made up of Spaniards, Cu Should be in ever schvol to soothe bad headaches entiment, affection and good beyond the reach of science. Is hut they do not live up to it, and and reduce the fever of children its quality every time it is seen.
there not more comfort to this so they are out of touch with the the labour headquarters on been a few women arrested, and There a multitude of things bereaved and sorrowing in the spirit world, and have been so Dragones been padlocked and that will serve, but they lack in sacred words: In My Father since the early Christian days, all those loitering in the vicinity some respect. They wear out house are many mansions than when they had mediums called quickly; outlive their usefulness; in the tambourine proofs of a the angel of the church attached Supposed to be connected with Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart or bave no usefulness at all, is seance?
the red novement are either there ANY THING that will to every church.
Man mind is finite and his quicken the recipient heart Let them get back to the taken in or ordered to move on.
soul infinite and the language simple, beautiful teaching of Of those arrested who are na For sale both Wholesale and Retail beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that of the soul to faith.
Christ, and scrap the gorgeous camouflage 80 often used to proof to the individual.
you wish her well. that speaks AT THE that never wears out. that re FACTS OR FAITH hide the emptiness behind, and We agree that such remarks tains its value. that arouses LONDON, July 17. Wide then the world will be more what as: Tell my sister am happyAMERICAN PHARMACY the admiration of all who see it?
spread controversy has been God meant it to be. and Christ George is here and is happy, but Yes it fine jewelry such as created by the Daily Express life will not have been lived in tired mean nothing to the world JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor we will be glad to show you if leading article yesterday headed vain. but carry both comfort and you will pay us a visit foon. Faith of Spiritualism? in Spiritualism is the only reli conviction to the individual to Panama.
FULLER which it was stated that. in gion that does not ask for whom they are addressed.
122 Central Avenue spite of the obvious sincerity of blind faith, but offers definite (Continued on page 6)
14 Communism Active in recent 19 to in comES NEURALGINA
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