
Next morning at daybreak, the shepherd, accompanied by a band of his neighbours, set out in search of his child; but after a day spent in fruitless fatigue, he was at last compelled by the approach of night to descend from the mountain. On returning to his cottage, he found that the dog which he had lost the day before had been home, and, on receiving a piece of cake, had instantly gone off again.
For several successive days the shepherd renewed the search for his child, and still, on returning home disappointed in the evening, he found the dog had been there, and, on receiving his usual allowance of cake, had instantly disappeared. Struck with this singular circumstance, his master remained at home one day; and when the dog, as usual departed with his piece of cake, he resolved to follow him, and find out the cause of this strange procedure. The dog led the way to a cataract at some distance from the spot where the shepherd had left his child.
The banks of the cataract almost joined at the top, yet separated by an abyss of immense depth, presented that appearance which so often astonishes and appalls the travellers that frequent those mountains. Down one of those rugged and almost perpendicular descents, the dog began, without hesitation, to make his away, and at last disappeared by entering into a cave, the mouth of which was almost level with the torrent. The shepherd with difficulty followed; but on entering the cave, what were his emotions, when he beheld his lost one eating with much satisfaction the cake which the dog had just brought him, while the faithful animal stood by, eyeing his young charge with the utmost delight!
From the situation in which the child was found, it appeared that he had wandered to the brink of the prepice, and then had either fallen or scrambled down till he reached the cave. The dog by means of his keen scent had traced him to the spot; and afterwards prevented him from starving, by giving up to him his own daily allowance. The faithful animal appears never to have quitted the child by night or day, except when it was necessary to go for food; and then he was always seen running at full speed to and from the shepherd cottage.
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 poisonous. To know him is to shun him, and he must be come the beneficiary of his own gospel, broadcasted by his own voluntary acts.
THE WORKMAN Now, if this argument is admitted if a case has been made out against inconsistency then there is established the advisability of, and actual necessity for Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 practice of integrity in the performance of one social CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
duties. Probity, uprightness, rectitude, and manliness are fundamental necessities to this end. These must be Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon made subject to systematic application, and they will be RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION found to be of sufficient potency to imprint the jewel of consistency upon the character of all who so apply them.
ONE YEAR. 40 Consistency of conduct therefore, is a primary esSIX MONTHS 20 sential to the formation of character. As the ancient THREE. 60 handwriting on the wall had a particular significance, ONE MONTH. 20 so does conduct signify the kind of character, the state of mind, the ambition, aims and aspirations of him who The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS exhibits by his conduct. The mouth speaketh from the abundance of the heart, and the desert dust sheweth the presence of the whirlwind. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 OUR EIGHTEENTH DOG FIDELITY ANNIVERSARY shepherd who lived in a valley of Scotland, in one of hi journeys to look after his flock, happened to carry With this issue, the Workman completes its eighalong with him one of his children, a boy three years old.
teenth year of publication in the city of Panama, This is not an unusual practice among the Highlanders, and looking back on those past eighteen years during who accustom their children from their early years to which we have stemmed the tides of dissatisfaction, in endure the rigours of the climate. After traversing his difference, discouragement, and especially opposition, pastures for some time, attended by his dog, the we feel happy in the fact that we have fulfilled the mis shepherd found himself under the necessity of ascendsion undertaken by us to the best dictates of our con ing a summit at some distance, to have a more extenscience and in a manner befitting the high tradi sive view of his range. As the ascent was too tiring for tions of the journalistic art.
the boy, he left him on a small plain at the bottom, with strict order not to stir from it till his return. Scarcely, Our readers and supporters will no doubt seem a however, had he gained the summit, when the horizon little surprised at our appearance in a regular issue on was darkened by one of those strange mists which frethis our 18th birthday instead of being in the custquently descend so rapidly amidst these mountains, as omary Anniversary Special, but conditions over which we had no control prevented it and we therefore crave in the space of a few minutes to turn day into night.
the indlorence of all in this connection.
The anxious father instantly hastened back to find his child: but owing to the unusual darkness, and his It is not necessary for us on this occasion to go over own trepidation, he unfortunately missed his way in the beaten track of our career during the past eighteen the descent. After a fruitless search of many hours, he years, as has been our custom, and enumerate the joys discovered that he had reached the bottom of the valley, and sorrows amenable to the profession which we have and was near his own cottage. To renew the search that encountered during the period of our existence.
night was both very fruitless and dangerous; he was In reviewing our career last year at this same time, therefore compelled to go home, although he had lost we said, among other things: We glory in the fact that both his child and his dog, which had attended him we have accomplished a few reforms which although faithfully for many years.
not exhibited as beacon lights, that all who run may read were nevertheless recognized and carried out promptly in the competent quarters.
We still glory in this fact and maintain the same FOR tradition at this time, and feel that if through circumstances we are compelled to lay down our pen we can do so in the satisfaction that we have done our duty to our Making Good Clothes people.
and We return grateful thanks to our many supporters during our past existence and ask for their continued Cleaning Clothes Good support during the next year.
see CONSISTENT CONDUCT REID To be consistent is to act in the same manner at all times, and under all circumstances, being governed by integrity, soberness, and reason. One is said to be conNo. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
sistent in coduct when his actions are not governed by such things as insularity, chicanery, or deception when Panama, his words and deeds are not influenced by clever contrivances to puzzle, deceive, or cheat when there is no beguiling knavishness or artifice governing his ac.
tions and when his acts, conduct and deportment are FODOC TODOS free from deception, double dealing and duplicity.
We have seen conduct which is the opposite of being FOR THE BEST IN consistent described as, being nice for a purpose and we think that description both witty and sufficient. In our own experience we are able to remember instances of. HARDWARE :where persons have indeed been nice for a purpose. and after that purpose had been served, that nicety immediately became enmity, spite, and virulence. The oneof every description time decorous companion becoming somewhat of a fairy goblin overnight, mischieveous in spirit, and like the VISIT THE chameleon changes color fast, furious, and at will.
When we come to consider soberly, and to assign reason for such inconsistency of conduct in mortals, we find that it is due to lack of principle, and the absence of the proper idea regarding the fitness of things and men in their relation towards each other. For instance, Coffee is naturally bitter to the taste. If it must be sweetened, the only thing to be used is sugar, a fine Selection of anything else which has the sweetening properties of sugar. In this way a proper relationship is established between the ARTIZAN TOOLS Coffee and the sugar which results in the changing of bitter into sweet, and that which was once dissagreeable to the taste is now pleasant and agreeable thereto. In like ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN manner, the human conduct must become consistent by the application of the principle which will make it so. It PAINTS ENAMELS must be in possession and practice of such things as noble ness of mind, virtue, and comliness of character.
Give us a call before purchasing Inconsistency of conduct in anyone is everything elsewhere but commendable because a principle is involved. One conduct is the advertisement of his character in a general way. As soon as one makes it known to those with whom he comes in contact that he is inconsistent, such a PANAMA HARDWARE one creates an unavoidable distrust in the minds of all CATHEDRAL PLAZA who might know him, and are unlike him. He soon becomes in society what the belladonna is among plantsтоног 1001 Most people seem to think that success comes in some mysterious way; that they cannot do very much in the way of bringing it about; that it is largely a question of luck, of just happening to be in the right place at the right time, of having pull, or influence, or outside capital. But the real truth is that these people haven the grit to try. They don half try and they know they don half try. They are cursed with inertia; they are lazy; they are not willing to get right down on their narrow bones and hustle; they are not willing to pay the price for success.
On every hand we see youths and young men of this type playing at life, playing at work, accomplishing nothing worth while, lazing about, waiting for some thing to turn up, for some lucky chance to give them a lift. And when luck does not come to them, they blame the circumstances and conditions which have been against them not perceiving that those have been under their own control.
Multitudes go pinching along all their lives in mediocrity, pointing envious fingers at those who by industry and effort have won advancement and crying lucky dog! It better to be born lucky than rich.
It isn luck, but grit that controls success. The fellow who forms the habit of waiting for something to turn up never succeeds. Montreal Standard.
10 DO TODO ODO ALEXIS PEREIRA Panama Hardware HIGH CLASS GROCERIES 87 CENTRAL AVENUE 87 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE announces the opening of his up to date new grocery store. Telephone orders receive special attention and are delivered immediately to any part of the city, Exposition Grounds, Bella Vista, Ancon and Balboa.
Saturdays Until P.
Sundays Until Noon.
ALEXIS PEREIRA 87 Central Avenue 87 TELEPHONE 2180 Panama IODO


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