
LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS an In the very Latest Designs was ور Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department IS:UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL she LA MASCOTA Prop AS Friends countrymen: Ole time nity was insulted, let drive with sumting com back again. Last week. his fist which it is said was not too Continued trum Page 1) was sad at heart and grieved over small when clenched. He connected trative life of the communities the local catastrophe and so, as said, to the scandal organ of the femak The workers, they said, wanted was not in the mood for fun. This and multiplied it by several times a work and wages and wished to week, am not in much different to size. The female resented this, mood; but as know how you are, but as she could use the organ get their money over the pay don like one pamting too long, table of their accustomed inlonger, she went to the Courts and must give you what suppose you complained. warrant was issued dustry rather than from the well.
for his arrest. He was charged with Poor Law officer.
having knowingly, wilfully, and Lord Passfield, in reply, ex Once upon a time there was woman of ancient origin and Good For Nothing, at time and place purposely beat up one Henrietta old plained in detail the policy of ideas She connected to a stated in the warrant, thereby swelthe Government. He undertook church and the minister visited her ling up her clappers by multiplying in communications with the Adone day as he was in the habit of the same to enough size for ten, and ALSO ministrations in the various Coldoing to all others of his church. Af.
thereby deforming the physical feater the usual formal felicitations, the onies to clear away any misap tures of said clappers belonging prehensions, if they existed, as minister said, well Rhoda, how is it to Henrietta Good For Nothing, to the ways in which the Colowith your soul. Rhoda answered with specific impressiveness, minforcibly, and against her will, and nial Development Fund might.
ister, not well at all. got three of against the rules and regulations of legitimately be used to assist them, and all three have holes the Police Department governing rereal development in the sugar (pointing to three pairs of shoes lationship between man and woman.
and other industries He also with holes in the soles which she To this, the male pleaded guilty had put away in a corner. The min with prevarication. suppose he LEST YOU FORGET promised to examine the ques.
ister was alarmed as was to be exmeant provocation. but that was tion of the possibility of easing pected, so he said to Rhoda. his plea. The judge having called upthe burdens of taxation in the Rhoda, am surprised at you. on the male to explain the Colonies which bore adversely mean your soul that Jesus died to reason Rhoda why he had so deformed his comon sugar.
then answered.
minister, you frighten me. never panion clappers, got the following The Government policy reeven heard that the bokra pickney explanation judge, was congarding sugar was enunciated sick, much more fe dead. Minister, versating with this woman, and the by Lord Passfield at the annual what kill him. So you see friends, more conversated, the more the idea that Jesus is a white man got up steam. always see the Raildinner of the Corona Club, on is not a new one among peoples. It is road man let out the steam from the July 16.
old, and the idea of thinking of the engine whenever it had in too much Divine Being in terms of color is by opening the steam cock, so this cloud of depression, he said, MULLER very much alive to this day.
was what internded to do with had hung over the West Indies Henrietta; but unfortunately, 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 Colonies, acutely affected by Two people had selected each touched her a little too hard, so the threatened collapse of the other as life mates and lived stopped in the steam instead of letlocal sugar industry.
such in a certain village. Things ting it out, and plead that this is a went on normally for some time.
The Government case of swellin by mistadventure. The was well One evening, the male party came judge found him not guilty and let aware of the gravity of the sihome and found the female raving him off with the caution that next tuation and realised its special about something which had come time, he should make his touch be a responsibilities towards the neacross her. The sound from outside little lighter.
gro and East Indian populawas not pleasing to the male, so he As was to be expected, friends demonstrated with the female as to tions of those islands, but havthis, and begged her desist. This countrymen, Henrietta was not sating regard to the serious depreisfied, so she said to the male after aet of hig made her become more sion prevailing in other indusirate, and she turned on him, and she had left the Court House, No tries at home and in the Cologave him the length of her tongue. min William, dog drink water, fe yunies, he regretted that it had The male, having felt that his dig fe yu, but god fe we all. Wow!
not been possible to hold out ရ any hopes of subsidy to the West Indian Sugar industry.
The Government were, how By ROBERTA LEE ever, inviting the Governos of When a man meets a woman general conversation. AT THE the sugar Colonies to consider on a train, and after a brief conver11. Should one use scented note how far the situation which was sation invites her to the dining car, paper. likely to arise could be dealt may she accept?
12. When are the plates and silver with by means of employment What are the most fashionable removed from the dinner table?
on public works, and they would hours for driving?
18. When only are hats worn with be most willing to consider sym8. May alads be cut with formal evening gowns. pathetically such other meaknife?
14. Who takes the woman guest of Sures as might be required for When should traveling reserva honor into dinner?
the relief of distress. West Intions be made. 15. Should everyone who attends a Phone 453 dian Committee Circular)
hristening bring a gift?
DRY CLEANING Should an invitation formal reception be written by hand 16. When one is given a PANAMA garden STEAM PRESSING or engraved. party, should engraved invitations 15 STREET When a man meets a woman of be sent?
DYEING We Dye To Live restaurant PANAMA HAS REMOVED TO his acquaintance in a 17. May a bride who is wearing should he rise?
an afternoon dress at a simple wed29 HSTREET At a dinner, is it good form to Panama City introduce guests to one another af ding, have flower girls. er they are seated at the table. 19. What is the most essential copt this invitation it should be for her greetings. No; the host and wear cling, where the bridesmaids once only. From to 6:30 in the hostess should make all guests known large hats to match their gowns. 14 Classes in English When should a boy have his feature of the correct dinner table. summer, from 2:30 to in the win to one another before going to the. The host, and seats her on hip own calling cards?
ANSWERS ter, No; they thould be broken table. In his late teens. No: right. 15 Yes. 16 No; unless the BY DAY AND BY NIGHT Should one laugh loudly during Awoman traveling alone off with the fork. At least a it is exceedingly ill bred. 10. Reli party is highly ceremonious and is a performance at the theater?
must month in advance. Either way is gion and politics. 11 No; it is not honor of some special guest. 17 No; 10. What are two subjects which be very careful about accepting fa correct. He shouid riste halfway in good taste. 12. Before the Dr, BARTON, desflower girls have no place at this should always be avoided in vors from men, and should she ac from his seat in acknowledgement of sert is served. 13. At a formal wedkind of wedding. 18 Simplicity.


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