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neorum SEP 1930 DIA FORWARD MARCH ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman Band THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY bobo VOL. 19. No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 30, 1930 PRICE CENTS Reds Bitter in in Resentment at Americans Who Illtreat Negro RECEIVES Stick First Group of Worker in Mess Colored Mothers WEST INDIANS IN VENEZUELA KING GEORGE STICK a a Elect Five Negro Miners To sus, last 25th mon at the Saw Thuyet meceler, comprehet National Committee Said to be Victims of From Tree He Planted in Serious Discriminations the West Indies 50 and Disabilities Years Ago.
Will Not Allow Ways of Burgeois Disclosures of a rather astonis KING GEORGE OF ENGLAN Report Enjoyed Themselves More America in the Soviet Union my nature, have been made by a From tree he planted in the Visitor who has just returned West Indies 50 years ago.
Than Ever in Their Lives. Special to The Pittsburg races, and they believe in racial from Venezuela, as to the dis NOTTINGHAM, England, Courier)
abilities suffered there by West July 31. walking stick made WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 brought these race women in a MOSCOW, Aug. 14 Amer The correspondent says the Indians.
from the tree which the King The first party of col group by themselves was de ican race prejudice got a cool assault on the Negro was strong The account furnished to the himself planted in the West In ored Gold Star mothers, who nounced by most of the Negro reception today when a promi ly disapproved by the tractor Port of Spain Gazette makes dies will arrive soon at Buck sailed for France on July 12, Americans in Paris, but one, a nent Moscow editor under the workers, who held a mass meet it clear that West Indians are ingham Palace. It has been cut arrived in New York on the re well known entertainer popu headline running all the waying and adopted a resolution to che victims of serious discrimifrom a poui tree in a church turn trip Tuesday, Aug. 13, and lar in Europe, said: Why, it is accross the page, said We Will remind thost of our comrades nation.
yard in Prince Town (Trini start by rail for their homes on the best thing that could have Not Allow the Ways of Bour. who do not undestand that the dad. in the West Indies a Wednesday, Aug. 13 They sail happened. Had those in support of this statement, tree which women geois America in the is the fatherland of the King planted ed from Cherbourg on Aug. 3, the visitor supplied to a repre. when he visited the place fifty as scheduled, after being highly they would have been lost in the come along with the white ones. the Soviet Union. The news all workers, including Negroes.
resented story which followed on the sentative of this newspaper The resolution calls years ago as Prince of Wales. honored and entertained for crowd. No one would have taken few examples in no mean terms the action of Americans to condemn severe The stick is to be silvermounted twelve days by all classes of any special notice of them. New On 300 the plant of one firm a and inscribed.
American engineers and ly this savage, anti worker and people in France.
they have received the greatest mechanics employed in a tractor barbarous misdeed of a group of South African Company there It will take its place among All of the pilgrims returned reception of all. No band went ptant who beat up a Negro and backward American workers are three launches, two new ones hundreds of other walking sticks well and happy and express great to meet the white mothers threw him out of the common and to join with the workers of and one old No West Indian is which the King has accumulated satisfaction with an apprecia Everybody is noticing them and (Continued on page 8)
mess hall for the reason that he the Soviet land in their pitiless (Continued on Page 8) tion of the treatment accorded the newspapers, and it was is a Negro.
struggle against the exploitatory them on French soil.
great thing to those mothers The article continued. There are and barbarous remnants. of LEACOCK TINY TOTS Mrs. Polly Adair of Green to have the colored people in persons of 26 different nationali capitalism. The resolution con ville, the oldest mother in Paris go to meet them.
employed in the tractor plant cludes: PASSES ON ORCHESTRA the group, said: have enjoy The second group, number who hitherto have lived harmo We will not allow the ways ed myself more than have ever fifty or more, left New York nously in the Soviet Union of bourgeois American in thr After Lingering hlness For To Present High Class done in all my life, and am 72. City on the steamship American which is the fatherlad of all The Negro worker is Several Months Programme The segregation order that Merchant on Saturday, Aug. 16 workers, including Negroes. our brother like the American An evening of high clasg en majority of the Americans have worker. We castigate any who We regretto record the tertainment awaits those who showed great enthusiasm for dares to destroy in the Soviet death of Leocock (well plan to attend the Variety Con the work, the report says, and land the equality we have estabknown cabinet maker of this cert at the La Boca on many have joined shock lished for all proletarians of all city) which took place on Mon Thursday September 11. The brigades of workers, have ap nations.
plied for membership in the Alongside the article the Tomas Hospital.
ing the talented children of Mr.
Russian unions and declared Trood published photographs of CHICAGO Aug. At the reDeceased had been ailing for and Mrs. Cyril McLaine, as Geent convention of the National the National Committee are The Negro miners elected to they will stay in Russia after a Negro girl delegate to the fifth sometime at his home and as a sisted by some of the Bading Aliners Union beld in this city, Hawkins, Pittsburgh; Johnson, their contracts expire. But Profintern Congress and of the result of growing worse, had to artists of our community, will many Negroes delegates were Thornhill and Grant of Virginia among them there are a small first international congress of taken to this institution present a program, planned to number, inspired by the reaction working women, showing Jen about Miners and King of Illinois, and Beal eight months ago ary system of capitalist exploi ny Reed from a textile factory despite all medical aid, his case and please the most exacting audi present. The National ence. special feature will be a Union is affiliated to the Trade of Northern West Virginia tation of the co called subject in Philadelphia.
proved hopeless and he conse Xylophone solo by Mr. Benja Union Unity Leade. At the con These miners contributed great.
quently succumbed.
min Jayes of the Republican ention the situation in the costly to the convention by giving re ports that told of the conditions The funeral Services were Band. This instrument is not fields was taken up. The report taken by the Rev. Wright, heard very often and coupled er, Wm. Dunne of the Trade that face the thousands of NeBe Held At Art Center Wesleyan fact will be play Unity League, told of the gro locals on the same basis with the who Mrs.
also performed the last prove a great attraction, NEW YORK, Aug. 14 The ested to submit their work, and burial rites at the Herrera Ce: Walker Headley who has been ing unemployment that has white miners as the NMU does absent from the concert stage taken a deadly hold in the min.
In recognition of the industrial Harmon foundation has com that the showing will attract a metery.
for quite a while, will appear in ing industry. Many thousands character of the union the pleted its arrangements to hold large number of people who are The cortege which followed song, and is sure to captivate miners are displaced by Ma draft constitution changed the the exhibition of the work of interested in seeing and buying the bier to its last resting place, her audience as usual. Mrs. chinery da» creating permanent name of the union to the Mine, Negro artists, which is an out Negro art. All material enterbd. was composed of a large gather Nena Thomas, the only lady of unemployment in the mines. As Oil and Smelter Workers Union growth of the Harmon award in fine arts, at the Center, 65 for the award in fine arts is elising of friends and sympathizers our community who has appear a result these miners are forced There is a youth and women Leacock a native of Barbados ed on the concert stage as a saxa to turn to other fields for work department also.
Last 56th street, New York du gible to the exhibition on the and came to the Isthe phone soloist, will contribute to ring the last two weeks in Feb recommendation of the commitmus about 15 years ago. He is the program, also little Miss Elruary, 193. it was learned to tee of judges.
Survived by two daughters in vira Lansiquot, whose elocution. SPECIAL SERVICE AT REV. NIGHTENGALE day. This exhibition, which is The William Harmon Panama to whom the sympathy ary ability for one so young, has RETURNS TO ISTHMUS WESLEY CHURCH given in co operation with the awards for distinguished achieve of the community goes out in always been admired by those TOMORROW NIGHT who have heard her. Don miss After an absence of commission on race relations of ment among Negroes, nomina the sad hour of their bereave several the Federal Council of the tions for which close Sept. 2, weeks in the Island of Barbament. special service will be conChurches of Christ in America, 1930, are made in eight fields of ducted by the Rev. Wright dos where he went to execute in the Wesleyan Church to certain business matters arising 1926 at International House, life, included this year for the morrow night at 30 for the from the death of his brother where it was again held in 1927 first time; education, tine arts, eague and Geoge Nightingale, the Rev.
ani 1928. It is felt, however, that science and invention, literature, Arthur Nightingale, Rector of the Wesleyan Girls Club. The St. Pauls Church Panama, rethe Art Center will furnish a business and industry, religious The economic situation of the men who were employed by the members of these societies are turned to the Isthmus on Thursmore professional setting for the service, and music. During Dr. unemployed heile is becoming Panama Government on public requested to be in the Geddes day last 28th inst.
work. As it is the fifth year of George Haynes absence in more acute day by day. The works.
the experimental period of the Africa the awards are under the large number of unemployed He resumes work and can be awards, it is expected that a direction of Miss Hannah Mori was added to, during the week pected to be discharged today is hoped that there will be a full sen in office at the usual busi great many artists will be interattendance. Continued on page 8)
ness hours by the laying off of some 350 DC Exhibition Of Negro Art To Viviana Methodist work on the Isthmus) ed by a talented artist. should Union on wages and the growse refused to organize into their this program.
took place for the first time in endeavor farming and rural Panama Government Reduces Labor Force Weateyan Women League Albother 100 employees are ex Halimot inter than o clock in our love and in arta.


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