
TOT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 30, 1930 PAGE FOUR Russia Crushes Americanism THE WORKMAN How say you, fellow West Indians? Are you ready to save yourselves and your Offspring? Please be assured that it is your duty to do so. blessing or a curse is before you. We are sure you will choose the blessing, so we feel that this Labor Day demonstration is going to be an unqualified success, and that will be evidence in advance that a one hundred per cent support of the is assured. FORWARD MARCH!
Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the offic. No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION SIMPLICITY 40 20 ONE YEAR.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Writing editorially on the resentment taken by Russian Reds against illtreatment meted out to a Negro who was beaten up by Americans and then thrown out of a mess hall, a report of which appears in another column of this impression, the Pittsburgh Courier says: It was probably invitable that some Americans in Soviet Russia would in time give vent to their racial bias. It so happened the other day when a number of American engineers ejected a Negro workman from the common mess hall of the tractor factory where the former are employed as experts.
They soon found that they were in Russia and not in America. The trade union controlling the factory and composed of twenty six different nationalities and races, drew up a resoltion declaring that the Soviet Union is the fatherland of all workers, including Negroes, and reminding the American engineers that race prejudice is a part of the capitalist, not the communist order of society, and will thus not be tolerated under the Bolshevist regime. It concludes by warning. We will not allow the ways of bourgeois America in the The Negro worker is our brother like the American worker. We castigate any who dares to destroy in the Soviet land the equality we have established for all proletarians of all nations, In this connection it is interesting to note that the powerful industrial unions control the Soviet republic. Americans will find no sympathy for their color psychosis and anti Negro propaganda there. The Russians recognize it for the social menace it is and will not tolerate it.
What the working people voted down has not a chance of surviving in a land run by them.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 30, 1930 Consistency, thou art, indeed. jewel, coveted and rare, But also is simplicity jewel, beautiful and fair; Tho some disown, still be it known, Simplicity, in word and deed, Is still an ever urgent need!
Deception and extravagance, High sounding, subtle flatteries, Afford delight for passing hour, Leaving, perhaps, fond memories, That in their turn, must soon give way To sullen thoughts and dire unrest That surge within the human breast.
If one woul have, each passing day, peace enduring, constant, true, Let him all arrogance and pride Within his heart fully subdue; Thus living he will fully know Enduring peace, and too, shall see The virtue of SIMPLICITY!
FORWARD MARCH. This is the command that will fall from the lips or the President of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association in the Siifer Park at Colon, at 30 on the morning of Monday September 1st. Labor Day.
The command will be heard and obeyed by nis comrades and rellow workers of the West Indies in the service or the United States Government in the Canal Zone. And they will march off to the strains of martial music in one body, with one aim, one aspiration, and one destiny, to demonstrate the value of co operative bargainingof their acceptation of the axiom that, the laborer is worthy of his hire of their desire to gather into their told all those who are scattered in the bye ways and hedges. Their banners will introduce them as they march past. Their mottos will reveal the treasured thoughts they possess regarding their social, economic, and industrial salvation, and they will speak in the language of action.
As the people march through the streets, the mottos they bear will speak in silence, but with force convincing, that they are not only marching that day as a demonstration of abulity to do so; but that they are actually on the march of progress compatible with the necessities of civilization in relation to self and progeny.
Before we go any further, we wish once more to give public expression to our interestedness in the work or the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association. We have watched its doings, and we have noted its accomplishments. In a number of ways, its activities nave corrected many disabilities from which silver employees nad suttered from the commencement of their service with the Panama Canal, due to the dual indifFifty Years of Activity An Appreciation of Court Brock No.
Strange as it appears, there are few people who really know how to enjoy life. They take holidays, trips into the green country, or to palatial cities, play at games or dance to rhythmic music; yet they are only going through with action. They are not joyous and gay while doing so, they are lugging along their troubles.
To enjoy, one must learn to throw overboard all thoughts of worry and care, and live in the present hour fully, freely, and wholly.
By ADAMS FOR Making Good Clothes By Cole When the history of West In Canal venture, it stands, to day, dians on the Isthmus of Panama pre eminently the leading branch comes to be written, it will be of any of the varied and complex found that the introduction, movements that is charged with progress and influence of the disseminating the principles pro Friendly and Benevolent Asso fessed by each of them, viz: ciations will occupy a large page Faith, Hope and Charity.
in its annuals, and chief amongst It is not the intention at this these will be Court Brock No, writing to enter into an historic6725 of the Ancient Order of al account of this Court, but Foresters.
rather an appreciation by one Indeed this Association may be who has known of it for a numeasily classed as the harbinger ber of years. The writer first of the many such that have introduction to the activities of worked for the betterment of Court Brock dates back to the the West Indian element in this occasion of the Golden Jubilee of cosmopolitan community. Queen Victoia when, on June Just fifty years ago to day, 20th, 1887, he, then a juvenile this branch of this great British member of one of the courts in Order was instituted in Colon, Jamaica, was permitted to enter bearing the name of its founder, into the exercises of the Court and throughout all the difficul which occupied a prominent poties and trials associated with sition in those celebrations in the such ventures during a period City of Colon. Returning to the rippling with disasters and dis. Isthmus after a sojourn of over appointments has maintained its twenty years in the homeland, uninterrupted identity, and will this time a full fledged member be engaged at this week end in of the adult branch, it has been celebrating its golden jubilee. his opportunity to note the proPlanted during the turbulent gress that the Court has made times of the Colombian regime, during the years of its life. Siand under the fillip of French (Continued on page 8)
Cleaning Clothes Good من فساد ملت به OD0 ALEXIS PEREIRA worked, and that of the employees themselves towards their own interests. Now, happuy, there has been a distinct change of attitude on both sides, through the resand pectful, intelligent, and forceful representations made by the Organization, the government have become more practically interested, and more sympathetic, ana the employees have been awakened to a sense of decent see conduct in their own behalf.
GELEVER This, we are pleased to say, is a change for the better, REID for although we still observe a regrettable persistence on the part of employees to be dilatory and slow in supporting wholeheartedly the great movement that has served No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
wholeheartedly the great movement that has served them so well, yet there are pleasing indications that Panama, more and more support will be forthcoming as time goes by: We venture therefore to hope that the demonstration on Monday will result in additional and more gen FORO 10 DOE eral interestedness that it will be the signal for a great awakening that hundreds and thousands will come FOR THE BEST IN forward and support the cause that needs assistance their cause. That the fact will be appreciated that in a movement like this, numbers count for much, and we. HARDWARE :cannot too strongly impress upon the minds of our West Indian compatriots that this is not a surmise, but a real, living fact. There is no doubt about it that will an Organization so ably directed as is the of every description if they support it as they ought to, the silver employees are well off indeed. It is for them to appreciate VISIT THE this, and rise to a man to its support. Ignorant sentiment has never been known to benefit those who possess it; but rather, intelligent co operation has been known to have worked wonders it is working wonders today, and will continue to do so until the end of man igrad activities on this planet.
We congratulate the directors of the for their good work we are pleased with what they a fine Selection of TMD have been able to accomplish and we say to those employees who are members and who have thereby sup ARTIZAN TOOLS ported the movement, WELL DONE! To those who have not supported, we say NOW IS THE ACCEPTABLE TIME TO WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVAALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN TION BY SUPPORTING THE ORGANIZATION THAT HAS, IS AND IS CONTINUING TO SERVE PAINTS ENAMELS YOU! We also remind those who are still delaying that there is danger in delay whether that danger is perceiv Give us a call before purchasing ed or not that it is common sense to try to act in such a elsewhere way as to avert a danger which is impending. Suicide is a crime. So is murder. And if the silver employees of the Panama Canal continue to give a deaf ear to the persistent entreaties to make hay while the sun shines, they PANAMA HARDWARE will be doing nothing else but submitting themselves to a ts CATHEDRAL PLAZA social, economic, and industrial death by suicide, and their progeny to the same death by murder!
ODO ΤΟΞΟ 09 Panama Hardware HIGH CLASS, GROCERIES 87 CENTRAL AVENUE 87 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACEannounces the opening of his up to date new grocery store. Telephone orders receive special attention and are delivered immediately to any part of the city, Exposition Grounds, Bella Vista, Ancon and Balboa.
EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES:RIN TOWN Price of every article plainly marked CLEANLINESS. SERVICE. COURTESY Open All Day Until P. Saturdays Until P.
Sundays Until Noon.
SINA ALEXIS PEREIRA 87 Central Avenue 87 TELEPHONE 2180 Panama


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