
as Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels no a one Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA a leaks through accumulates be neath the skin, pushing it off and thereby forming blisters. By ELIJAH HUNTER)
The sunburn is due to the effects of certain of the rays of Friends Countrymen: It is the this other fellow had made a the sun, chiefly those that besame to day as it was yesterday. mental reservation to get even with There seem to be no change coming. him as soon as possible. The tim long to the so called ultra vioIt is the same succession of rain had come, and he carried his reserJust Received a Large Assortment of let type, as well as to others and sunshine, light and darkness, vation into effect. One day, while which are known as the infrarjoy and sorrow, and so forth. Every wifie was in too of one of these reed.
one of them following each other in eiprocal visits, her husband came a circle, and there is no indication upon the scene and saw wifie and Neither of these two groups that this business is going to change the second fellow introducing lips of rays is visible. They cause We are all on the planet, and we with sweet embraces. He called out the skin cells to deposit the must take what it has to give. This after he had made sure that his his responsible for the tanned color.
is the same thing as the olden peo eyes were right Rosa. for that ple have expressed in the following was her name) is that what you are In the very Latest Designs characteristic pigment which is language. ef you go da market, doing. Rosa replied. he told me The pigment is apparently you mus expec fe get you toe that you had done him the samething placed in the cells of the skin ALSO surface for the purpose of proWhich puts me in mind of a fellow some time before you married me who was very fond of another fel. and it is burdensome to him. The teoting the tissues which are low wife. He very smartly intro bible tells me that must bear each farther in, and might be considuced himself to the husband other burden, so am helping to derably damaged if the expo Cousin to his wife which the un bear his burden. Wop!
sure to the sun rays continued suspecting husband accepted. Under over a sufficient period of time.
these circumstances there was The old time people say, ef you It is the effect of these same objection to his visits. So, after while, these visite became reciproc time, some will bu That is very put too much yam in de fire rays of the sun which causes al, and wifie commenced to return the growth of plants. The visits to Cousin, also without ob true. This week, have a great LEST YOU FORGET jection. But all this time, the sec many irons in the fire, and in order energy of ultraviolet rays is ond fellow did not remember what to try and prevent some of them used to bring about the union he had done to the first fellow in from getting burnt, will have to be of the gas carbon dioxide with the long time ago. He had taken very short, so now, say Amen, till water to form cellulose or plant away his girl by unfair means, and next week when have more time.
substance. When wood or coal ISHUP. TO. DATE AS USUAL is burned the union of oxygen vyd with the wood fibers liberate the old energy, of the sunlight, By ROBERTA LEE the stove becomes hot, and it What are the most appropriate 16. Are hot dishes served at only takes a brief exposure to gifts to a girl who has just become buffet supper? MULLER get a real burn.
ganteloss engaged?
17. Is it permissible for a woman Prop Should one ever use the spoon to leave a card for a man?
The Social value, of a correct for driking tea or coffee?
37 CENTRAL AVENUE ly tanned skin cannot, of course When introducing a 18. What is the one color which relative the maid of honor must not wear?
be passed over lightly, but with the same surname as yours, is am sure that nowadays the mathe name repeated. May a young girl accept expen1 China, glass, silver, and linens.
jority of those seeking a good ly bronzed skin are doing sive gifts from a young man who2 No; it may be used to taste the has been calling on her for some tea or coffee, but never to drink primarily for health reasons time?
with. No; it is not necessary. We believe that the ultra violet In what style should a reply to accepted. In the same style as No; expensive gifts should not be rays, as they fall on the skin a formal invitation be written?
that of the invitation. It is not surface, do not penetrate beyond At a churc hwedding, is it per expected that each member missible for the groosmen and brides family of the uppermost layers of cells, the maids to enter together in couples? dress, but each should take a little appear in formal evening but as they strike the surface Of every description there is sufficient energy What should the host do while time to get ready for dinner, as this to the hostess receives?
increases the charm of the meal. carry them into and through What is the correct style for a Yes; but it is more customary for DONE WITH NEATNESS AND the surface glands and capillardinner shirt. ies (small blood vessels. In 10. Should one ever conduct the groomsmen to enter first, alone.
these localities they exert defilady around the room and introduce He may receive as well as the DESPATCH her individually to each stranger?
hostess, but his chief duty is to see nite effects on some of the fat11. With what should celery be that all guests are being enterainche like substances in the blood seed. Either the stiff or conveyed to the mouth?
pleated AT THE lo rum, with the production of 12. At what age should children boso bosom. 10 No; it is very bad form. what are called vitamines. The be introduced to guests!
11 With the fingers. 12 At four latter circulate in the blood 13. When a man meets a woman, or five; it is good training. 13 is it sufficient to touch the brim of No; he should lift it. Merely to stream and perform certain touch the brim is very rude. 14. duties which are of the utmost 14. What should a girl wear to semi evening dress 15 To tell importance to health, and to life an informal dinner?
all is to be tedious. 16. They genitself.
15. What is the old French pro erally consist of cold dishes. 17 verb about story telling and descrip. No, not socially, but in business it When a sunburn is too extentions. is permissible. 18 White.
Sive it interferes with the waste Phone 453 DRY CLEANING secreting function of the skin, PANAMA and retention, with the charactSTEAM PRESSING eristic toxemia (poisoning) re16 STREET sults. People with too much By Dr. HENRY HINES DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA sunburn are sick, they are toxic, SUNBURN and it is possible for life to be Most people have little regard the necessary over exposure. The menaced if too great a portion for Suuburn. They seem to think sun tan, properly distributed, is days may be plentifully tanned to get the best results in the at the splendid out of door re tanning process. Then, there is the nerves which control the be treated just as any first or the produced a partial paralysis of of the body skin surface is out that for some reason or other it by many considered quite of commission. Sunburn should is a kind of celestial burn, and correct thing, and is thought to sorts which the cities, counties a very large group which go on caliber of the superficial blood second degree burn. Most any for that reason may be acquired indicate a social status which and states place at the disposal to the stage of blister formation vessels. This makes possible an grease dressing is satisfactory, with no thought of bad results permits a degree of leisure quite of their people.
Of course, sunburn is sought and unknown to the bulk of the pop Fortunately most Sunburns or the burn of the second de overfilling and a resultant dis from butter or tallow to the very accepted by those who desire aulation. Of course, this is not are of the so called first degree gree. Here, just as in a bronzed skin as the penalty for quite true, for everyone these type, or at least they should be from a hot substance, there is with the result that blood serum the market. ANSWER SO RUBBER STAMPS WORKMAN PRINTERY This hat?
Beauty and Health in Life TROTT The Cleaner bilan tention of their very thin walls, many Uffective preparations werx


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