p. 8


128 re Half Rate. Don Simon.
111. 104 ployed in was. 110 108 126 112. 116 Rifle. 126 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 30, 1930 DEATH OF JOSEPH Fifty Years of in studiously keeping out of por West Indians In litical and other turbulent ele (continued from page 1)
BURNETT ments that used to be the unhap at the Palace but it is doubtfui (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
Will be Scene of Attractive it will displace the only one tuated as it is at the entrance to py experience of the country on allowed to travel on any of the Races Tomorrow which the King habitually car The sudden death of Mr. Jos.
many occasions the great happenings on the The Court has established new launches, the old one alone. Isthmus, it has been called Race ries. This is the stick of English Burnett, member of Chapter 186 upon fans who go out to lead in all the activities stand many branches on the Isthmus being available for them. This Juan Franco Race track tomor to vak which was the first present of the took place at his residence, Carlos Teaza as well as in the neighbouring launch is not in the best condi che Queen gave him.
ing for the relief or distress, row may expect great surprises tion and travelling in it involves Street, house No. 77 San àliguel caring for the sick and burying Republics that are following in as the following race Program her footsteps a great deal of inconvenience.
on Sunday last 24th inst.
PANAMA GOVERNMENT the dead, not alone among its WE WANT SERVANTS arranged by the Management of 30 a.
own members, but also amongst In this jubilee week, the writer In Conunued from page 1)
the same company the Jockey Club :the economize and reduce ex According to information many who in a strange land have voices the wish of all Friendly West Indians are advised to get Ist Race Furlongs penses. This roduction of force given by his wife, Mrs. Juse been made destitute and friend Society adherents that its married and bring their wives to fluence and power will continue 18 estimated to reduce the cost phine Francis Burnett, he had less. Members of other races 103 the field, as servants were ut work from 15. 000 to 000 just come from his work where have also been helped in time of to grow and be felt so that in quired. May 108 per month he was employed as a night need when application has been coming years posterity will call Whenever West Indian emLaughing Water. 116 Several hundreds are still em watchman in the Dredging Di made to the Court, before there the institution whose motto is UNITE, BENEVOLENCE and other employees, no ployees come in conflict with the Government vision of the Panama Canal, at were instituted similar Benematter Don Ernesto. 105 service, performing manuel a. and after taking a volent Societies under American CONCORD BLESSED what their position is, they are El Major. 122 labor, and the work of the rePanama August 27th, 1930.
light supper of tea and bread, he regime. The Court has done its given no satisfaction whatever, pairing of streets, etc. is still be enquired for the time when he share in maintaining the boast and in many instances, although 2nd Race Furlongs was told that it was about 3, 3C that the Isthmus of Panama has DOG LONG VIGIL ing carried out. Huerfano. 128 they are the aggrieved parties About an hour after he had re relatively few paupers charge LONDON, July 25 The de they are subjected to dismissal Tunney.
145 CHAPTER 186 OF THE Zapo.
tired, his wife able to the Republic among its composed body of a man noticed tha: On the whole, the conditions. 112 Rippling Water. LA he was somewhat uncomfort alien population in coming to the found in a wood at the Bridge are described as intolerable and Ramona To Hold Elocutionary Contest able and upon investigation, dis relief of those who have been of Orche, near Oban, Argyllshirs, render it absolutely impossible Trigo.
The for West Indians to labour in executive of Chapter No. covered that he was in a critical the victims of national disasters on Wednesday night. Orange Crush. 107 186 of the will stage condition. With the assistance and has educated its members The discovery was made by a peace and comfort.
an elocutionary contest at their of friends, he was immediately man who was deer stalking. He 3rd Race Furlongs ilall, 25th Street, Calidonia, taken to the Gorgas Hospital, interred.
came across a little dog which OFFICIAL NOTICE Resolute.
120 on Sunday Sept. 14 at 3p.
barked several times and ran Maria Luisa but he expired before reaching Official information has been Deceased hailed from the Is off. When it saw that he was There will be one special item La Chiquilla that institution.
received in Grenada to the efland of Jamaica and not following, it came back.
contested, but there will be ser fect, that under the law relat3 Lloyd Brown. cral others on the programme the members of this Chapter The body was taken over in. 112 iad reached the ripe age of 63 Finally he followed the dog and ing foreigners, the Venezuelan Being in good standing in the was led to the body. The dog had Government is now. 126 in addition, several local artists absolutely under the auspices of the Gar organization, full honours were apparently kept watch over its refusing admission into that Re 3rd Race Furlongs will contribute musical items to given master for over two months. Frivolous the evening programme which vey Club, Inc. after which, it public of coloured persons and was removed to the Ancon Hindoo. 120 The police are making inqui all persong in Holy Orders.
will enliven the occasion Insid The sympathy of the entire Morgue and from thenet to the Division goes to his bereaved ries, but how the man met his 8Kitty Gill. 126 erably. Otelo. 104 cordial invitation is extend Herrera Cemetery where it was family com.
death is a mystery.
Church Serveces Dunroi. 119 ed to the general public to take this opportunity of spending a FFFF!
FELLAMP 5th Race Furlongs tew hours to listen to many able TENTH SUNDAY AFTER Cococha.
CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE Don Simon productions by prominent TRINITY Half Rate.(WEIGHTS writers of poetry and classical May. AFTER music.
St. Peter By the Sea, La Boca Sibarita II (1ST very interesting and inMatins, with address, 11 a. El Major. RACE structive evening is anticipated, Mr. Palmer, Lay Mayara.
so be there and enjoy it.
Reader. AT. Church School, 3, Orange Crush Zapo.
ST. PETER CHURCH Choral Evensong and Sermon, Ramona. WEIGHTS PLANS EXCURSION TO 30, The Rector. Water. 2ND TABOGA ISLAND The Rector extends a very 6Hot Water cordial invitation to the public Darien. RACE At a joint meeting of the So7 Tribunito cial Workers and Standing Com Inspiring hymns, psalms, pray mittees of St. Peter Church, ers, together with a helpful 7th Race Furlongs La Boca, held last Monday night sermon: these are the things in Lloyd Brown.
an excursion to the island of Tastore for all who attend. La Chiquilla (WEIGHHTS boga was duly proposed, freely Mulcare, Resolute.(AFTER Cartagena. SRD scussed, and unanimously Rector Maria Luisa. RACE agreed upon.
St. Barthelomew Church, Las Rifle. The date fixed for the exçurCascadas sion is Nov. 3, 1930. This is the Matins; with address, at 11, a.
GRAND COLONIAL BALL first time St. Peter has ever Mr. Brathwaite, slated an excursion to this famLay Reader Church School and Don forget the Grand Col ous pleasure resort, and it is Confirmation Class, 30, onial Ball by the St. Lucian So therefore hoped that members FEATURE EVENT: Mulcare ciety which comes off on the and friends will give it whole13th September (next month) hearted patronage, and increase Otelo, Frivolous Dunroi, Priest in charge SE Simon Mission, Gambon in the Hall at 8th their social experience.
Bear in mind the matchless Matins, with address, 11, a. Street and Hudson Lane, Colon. The Management is leaving no scenery your eyes will feast on. Mr. N. McCarthy stone unturned to make this the the many new friends you are Lay Reader greatest event of its kind for likely to make, and the thrill Church School, 30, that will be yours by bathing in the seasons. Mulcare, the calm, blue, sparkling sea.
Priest in charge.
It is expected that most of Tickets will be on sale in the the friendly societies will be rep near future. Secure one on time resented, so be there and enjoy and bgin to get busy for the trip.
PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE LEYAN METHODIST Panama 11 a. Mr. WalBarbados Prograssive Society in ters 30 Rev.
this city, died at Santo Hos.
HAS REMOVED TO Wright pital where she had been a paColon 11 a. and 30 tient for a little while, the SoRev. Cousins ciety has taken charge of the La Boca 11 a. Mr.
funeral which will leave the Headley 30 Mr.
Panama Capigal Hall, GuachaJ. Payne pali Sunday 31st inst. at 30 New Providence 11 a Rev.
BY DAY AND BY NIGHT Wright All members of the Society Dr. BARTON, HART. Manager Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Kin and friends of the deceased are nimouth 30 Mr.
asked to attend.
Theo Fuller.
HORSE RACING 2ND JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Aug. 31 st Good as Races Hindoo, s Kitty Gill, 181 POST TIME 00 General Admission::50c.
Private Academy Tramcars direct to and from Track Panama City Classes in English PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Pian meminta


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