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po noted BUNGE SEP 9193 No.
DEVELOPING INITIATIVE ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY bo VOL. 19. No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 PRICE CENTS Reds Stirring Strife Among Negroes In Africa New International Hundreds of UnemNegro Committee ployed Await Chance Recently Formed to Stowaway unannounce emUNITED STATES COURT BROCK YEARN TO RULE CELEBRATES THE WORLD Fiftieth Anniversary in Big Four Day Function at Says C. Hannah, Lecturer Colon at Cambridge University The fiftieth anniversary of Court Brock, No. 725, Ancient To Establish Closer Ties With Negroes CAMBRIDGE, England, Aus Order of Foresters, operating Without Work and Without Money USL Hannah, a lecturer in the city of Colon was ably to Spread Principle of Soviet Cambridge University, adcelebrated during the latter Want to Get to England Organization dressing a group of summer part of last week and the early New York cable despatch students to day, said: America part of this week.
Many thousands are spending LONDON, August 20. The ary literature and the establish is a nation which cannot always The function started on Sat states that the police at all the the little money they have savSoviet is busy stirring up ment of Negro sections to fit in govern itself, but thinks it can urday last the 30th ulto and British ports have been informed in returning by cargonsteamavailrest among the Negro masses in to the revoutionary organiza govern the rest of the world. continued until Tuesday 2nd ed by the New York authorities er, the cheapest means over have seen worse Africa and America, according tions of the Profintern of th govern inst. Over 300 Foresters from that hundreds of destitute Britable.
to dispatches from Riga, which Red Trade Union International ment than when was in Chier sister lodges throughout the ishers are hiding there waiting Others are working their pasannounce that a new interna The Soviet press, according go.
Isthmus attended and the cele for the chance to stow away on sages but it is those who are cional Negro committed had to the Riga dispatches, asserts America is building a new bration has been voted one of home coming liners.
entirely with out money for been formed in connection with that the frofintern has done empire of financial domination the grandest affairs ever pulled their fare or hopes of employ the Red Trade Union Interna much work during the past two of all parts of the world. It used off by any foresters court in At Southampton so grave a Panama view is taken of the New York ment who are occasioning the tional Congress, now sitting in years among the natives of Brit to be said, in the days of Queen greatest concern to the authoriMoscow, to intensify its revolu: ish and French Africa and the Victoria, that trade followed Among the visiting brethren notification that an ties.
tionary work.
ment was made in open Court West Indies, and that its efforts the flag. Britain to day is findwas Mr. Evans from POLICE ANXIETY This committtee, it is stated. have produced strikes and re ing that it is not necessarily her Jamaica, a pioneer of the order yesterday, and the police are The action of the New York was formed as a result of a volts at Durban and Johannes. cwn trade. We are finding that of forestry on the Isthmus, who keeping all arriving liners unpolice points to a remarkable world Negro congress held in burg and in Rhodesia, the Bel we are patrolling and polieing a arrived on Wednesday last byder specially close observation The stowaways are men who turn in fortune wheel due to Hamburg in July, and its most gian Congo, French Equatorial great part of the world for special invitation for the occa sión.
have been thrown out of the slump in Wall Street, important tasks include the es Africa, Nigeria and Tahiti, as American trade.
America by the Eloquent addresses and appro ployment in Twelve months as Negro unrest in the tablishment of closer ties with well ago their greatest anxiety was in dealing Negroes to spread the principles United States Agents of this a WHITE MAYOR FATIS priate toasts were delivered by trade depression, Profitern, Thousands of British work with a big army of would be imthe various fraternal organiza: men who left England for him TO REPLY migrants seeking to pour into eract the chauvinism of newspaper, are working among tions, notably among which was whites, the publication and dis the coloured races, even in the er wages are waiting to return the country of high wages and tribution of suitable revolution most remote districts.
To Question of Sir Thomas Evans, who although old and the very interesting talk by bro bright prospects and using any as Stowaways.
means to do so.
So serious is the situation Lipton feeble commanded the attention To day it is the great outof his hearers in relating the that the New York police have ward rush of hopeless disillusion NEWPORT, August 20 history of the birth and growth notified, bvery British port that hundreds in that city alone are. Enterprise defeated Westa of Forestry on the Isthmus.
The process has been reversed moa, and Yankeb won from The social side of this grand trying to return in this way.
Whirlwind which with function was well looked after The notification is regarded here as in New York and other Be Accumulative drew in the first official test and the larger number of Forest here with such grant concern foreign ports.
To day the British dock police race to determine the defender ers and their guests did justier that an announcement was made (Continued on page Continued on page 5) in open court this morning.
are looking on keenly on those To the Extent of Thirty Days who enter.
THESE YOUNG ARTISTS WILL Commencing January 1st, 1930 THE TINY TOTS orchestra.
APPEAR AT THE VARIETY There is little worry about CONCERT TO BE HELD AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE Stowaways on outward THURSDAY THE 1th bound The following information follows.
journeys but on homeward tripe governing sick Icave to lien the mummonth liners that ply Sick leave compensaemployees of the Panama Canal the Atlantic are being searched tion shall be allowed at the from deck to keet.
has just been released from Balrate of not more than 15 boa Heights and addressed to TREMBLING IN CORNERS days per calendar year, and heads of department of the Pathe number of days may Some of the people who arb nama Canal working force sets accumulate, commencing (Continue on Page 3)
forth the following: from January 1, 1930, to the Paraghaph No. of Circuextent of 30 days.
Williams Accerts New Ich.
lar No. 606 27 dated July 29, 1929, setting forth the re Not more than seven and gulations Williams, for many years governing sick one half days compensation leave for alien empoyees, is shall be allowed in the first one of Panama outstanding by amended to rea. six months of service.
stendgraphers, reliquished his position as secretary to the premier shipping companies of Andrews Company and Payne Wardlaw of Balboa, Canal Zone, the end of last month, to accept an offer as In Representative of the Panama Health Accident and Burial Benefit Association.
Apologizes to the Soviet. Blames National Chauvinism The abilities of Mr. Williams is well known over the entire MOSCOW, Aug. 28 provoked over this act of Isthmus. He has served in many Lemuel Lewis, an American chauvinism that they vigorously responsible positions before, and worker who attacked a Negro protested at mass meetings held his affillition with the newly or worker working in the in many of the large industrial Final rehearsals for the Variety Concert to be held at the La Boca Clubhouse next Thurs ganized association, which is alfactory with him, in a mess hall, centers. Lewis, who has had day night, are now underway. As already stated in these columns, some of the best artists of ready showing abundant signs has been placed in jail to await time to think over the crime he community will appear on the program, ensuring an evening of high class entertainof improvement and advancea trial.
committed, has realized that he ment. The Tiny Tots Orchestra, the trio of youthful musicians who have always delighted ments, in its field, bespleak well The Russian workers became (Continued on page 8) their audience, promise to excel their previous performances.
11 (Continued on page. Sick Leave for Alien Employees May ed people.
ON Jail White American Who Attacked Negro Russian Factory same our


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