
for Employees he was very can we ex Healing Fountain cers THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 PAGË THREE JAMAICA West Indies Need Ford Predicts CRENADA Alien Ordered to The Coronation of More Education 10 Months Year Death of Leave the Island (Continued from Page 2) Say Rev. Thompson Addressing Reeves, Walker took the part of Prince Jamaica August. The Officer Cojo, and Miss Una Francis, Leeds Conference WINDSOR, Ont. Aug. 10 The death obituary of Mr. Administering the Government that of Queen Aneita. After the coronation, there was a royal At the Wesleyan Methodist dian Methodism was a vital con ten month working year in the Reeves, until recently mader Section of Law 42 of ball. This scene brought the Conference held recently want nection. Two things urgtnt yed by Henry Ford wins a copy Grammar Schoo occured at Gre Law 1920 has made the followstor car industry was predict Headmaster of the St. Vincent 1920, The Aliens (Expulsion)
Leeds, England, the Rev. needed to be done. There must righted interview printed to: play to a close.
on the first inst.
Thompson, speaking on Among those who starred in needs of the West Indies, said ter type of elementary the for one thing, be a new and bet day in the Border Cities Star.
Born in Barbados in 1876, Fre I, the Governor in exercise of educathe play could be mentioned Mr. The problem challenging us derick William Reeves won the the powers conferred by The that he was the representative tion for the masses of their peo most to day is how to control Barbados Scholarship from Har Aliens (Expulsion Law, 190.
Levy, Mr. Roxie Williams, Miss of more West Indies, said that e in the West Indies. And fur industry so that workmen will rison College in 1895 as a spe (Law 42 of 1920) and of every Ina Francis Mr. Ivan Carson was the representative of ther, the and Miss Lee more West Indian congrega West Indies wanted have steady employment, he cialist in Mathematics. Proceed other power hereunto enablin, To night, the same cast will more missionaries. At seven they said. What it will come to tions than he could number whe in ing to Christ College, Cam. Hereby Order and Requir present the play. Slavery had charged him to bring to the were seven missionaries short the motor car industry is a ten bridge, he obtained a Mathema James Oblay, an alien who is with From Hut to Mansion This conference their At a Conference in Leds in 1769 months industrial year. The tical Scholarship the following in this Island, to leave the Island message of play is a revelation of the inciloyalty and affection. The geothe thirteenth question mmer months are not good year and graduated A. in 1898 within seven days of the date dents of slavery. It depicts the graphical extent of their work We have a pressing call from months to be working in fact being placed among the Senior hereof and thereafter to remain slave traffic, the agitation for in the West Indies was our brethren in West to go over ories. People need a change. Optimis in the Mathematical out of the Island it having been freedom, followed by emanci large. That was illustrated by and help them: who is willing Such an adustment will take Tripos. He was awarded the certified to me by the Clerk of pation and fifty years after.
the fact that last March in Bar to go? And the answer was: time, of course, because the Master of Arts degree in 1906. the Resident Magistrate Court manbados a meeting was held of all Richard Boardman and Joseph workers as well as the Failing to gain entrance into for the Parish of Kingston that adapt the Indian Civil to accept the the said James Obey has been Proposals for a the Chairmen of the West In Pelmoor, And the fourteenth ufactures will have to dian Districts, and two of the question was What themselves to such a schedule post of Assistant Inspector of convicted by that Court of the misdemeanour of obtaining University Chairmen spent more time and further do in token of our bro. But we have accomplished big Schools, Grenada, at the modest money in going to that meeting therly love?
than he (the speaker) needed to and the answer hour day and the five day week! pointment he held until Augus: an offence for which the said was: Let us make a collection Court has power to impose im Says the Gleaner of the 23rd Spend in going to Barbados from among ourselves. He was not Unemployment, he said, is 1908 when he was appointed to ulo England and in returning The not a natural phenomenon, but St. Vincent as Headmaster of the prisonment without the option be coming autumn ses West Indies provided them with going to make a financial real for the benefit of the West economic health lawy.
verb the visible result of ignorance of Grammar School and Inspector of a fine and that the said Court sion of the Legislative Council their first and oldest mission of Schools. He was head of the has also recommended that an Indies, but he did ask that some an Expulsion Order should be His Execeilency the Governor field. In 1885 a separate Confor: of his ministerial brethren Referring to the prospects for elementary side of Education in will send a message to the Le ence was formed, but only con increased tariff duties under St. Vincent until 1924 when that made against the said James should give themselves to the Leative Council with regard to tinued until 1904.
The experi West Indies. Who was willing he said he could see no the new Canadian Government, post was separated from the Obey in addition to the sentence establishment of a West In ment was a failure. But the reason Headmastership of the Gram impoſed upon him.
to go?
Given under my hand at King dian University Jamaica work of restoration had now for objecting to such an increase. mar School.
House, Jamaica this 23rd day of As we announced some weeks been nobly completed. Today When he took over the Gram am not a tariff advocate ago, the Secretary of State for in no district was there any det in the United States, he mar School eonsisted of a mere August, 1930.
the Colonies has sent a circular which needed to cause them S. JELF plained, but the situation is dif handful of boys and had no reOfficer despatch to the different West any anxiety. He wished to pa cord behind it, but during the ferent here. United States inAdministering the Indian Governors embodying the a tribute to the excellent work Attracts Hundreds dustries are in their maturity. 22 years that he guided its des Government.
views of certain technical offi done by the Rev. Brown In Canada they are in the formtinies he saw it (how fitting is whose opinion the Sec and the Rev. Andrews retary of State for the Colonies Secretaries of the Missionary At Richmond Vale ative stage. If a higher tariff the schooľs motto) per aspera will foster industrial develop ad astra. through rough ways Terrible Death Of has taken on the subject Society, and by the Rev. to the clouds.
ment, who can object?
The proposal is that certain Cartwright and the Rev. John The Cedar Valley Correspon Through increased producIll health forced him to go to Man on Phone Pole officers who might be termed Currey as representatives of the dent to the Gleaner writing on tion, as the industry grows, he Grenada in November last for educational experts should visit society in the West Indies the 25th ulto says :said automobile prices could be medical treatment; since then he NEW YORK, August 22 the West Indies to investigate There were two West Indian The Spirit of Budwardism of reduced in Canada. At present, has been in hospital and he re(Reutler West Indian Press the scheme and to give their con Minsters whom he had the plea the past, is being exhibited at he said, it cost more to make signed his post last June.
Service by Direet West Indian sidered opinion to the authori Bure of meeting in Jamaica for Richmond Vale now every Mon cars in Canada than in the Unit The people of Sr. Vincent and Cable Co. An employee of the ties at Downing Strett. whom, as for others, the pres day since May 19th (3 Monthe ed States because the same de especially those boys who pass.
The delegates who attended ent had brought new hope. To ago. This innovation was startNew York Telephone Company. of mass production has noted through his hands at the St.
the last West Indian Conference sum up the situation, he woulded by one Shepherd Theophi ren attained.
Vincent Grammar School appre: at the top of a telephone pole met a horrible death when a were unanimous in their opinion say that the waste of past years ciated his work which will relus Francis who lives in the disthat a West Indian University is had been repaired, the Church trict. He is said to have had a main a monument morte lasting feed wire ignited his clothing.
The victim hung helpess, burna necessity and the Legislative was than bronze and loftier than the in good order, it dream of a wonderful fountain Council will be asked at the au was waiting for spiritual adfor the curing of diseases, and pyramids which not the wasting ing alive, while 3, 000 spectators tumn session to vote its propor vance and sometimes worthily subsequently to have had a con ORDER BOOKS showers nor the ranging north looked on aghast powerless to tion towards the experts whom sustained it. Let them not ima crete basin made to collect the winds have power to overthrow help the man who was held fast the Secretary of State for the gine that they could renounce liquid, which he termed as medSECRETARY nor the constant Succession of by the electric current.
Colonies will be sending out their responsibility for the West icine.
AND years and the ages flight.
early next year to investigate. Indies. The connection between In this last letter to the boys Every Monday, crowds of peo7 REASURER the scheme.
British Methodism and West Inof the Grammar School under Relay no less sure and unsullied ple from afar, and near gather ON SALE date July 5, he wrote: Should than received it.
with mules and donkey He in his all wisdom decide that brief farewell!
pans, gourds and bottles to re At the Workman have done my duty here and And then we meet Dr. Fairweather receive this precious liquid. UsuPrintery must work elsewhere, shall To part no more!
ally before the serving out of hand over the Baton of Life PHYSICIAN the medicine.
The Greatest Thrill HYMN IS SUNG, BODO 100 IODO HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO reading of the Scriptures and in the World o. K STREET prayer it then offered by the Shepherd. The helpers are at PANAMA CITY liberty afterwards to distribute OO 00000000 to each and every one.
Why throw away your old, but no Week after week, the number is in creasing and to day, there doubt interesting books, when you were about nine hundred (900)
NEURALGINA persons assembled, and up to can have them neatly bound at 30 o clock, there were more than two hundred (200. THE WORKMAN Stop and analyze it. there Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any still on the spot singing, shoutnothing in kife that gives more ing and waiting for their supneuralgie pain caused by excessive mental work.
Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET ply. Some testimonies of being pure happiness than make JAVILLO someone else bappy.
mired. were given during the NEURALGINA Is there?
day. but no actual evidence was OB01 obo TODO observed.
When we present Rift, we Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches want it to be packed with all the entiment, affection and you and reduce the fever of children FOR its quality every time it is seen.
There a multitude of things NEURALGINA that will serve, but they lack in DENTIST HOWELL some respect. They wear out Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart quickly; outlive their usefulness; House No. 912 La Poca and or have no usefulness at all, it there ANY THING that will For sale both Wholesale and Retail quicken the recipient leart: beat. that will tell her more see eloquently than you could that AT THE Small te vero you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that te DENTIST tains its value. that arouse MASONIC TEMPLE the admiration of all who see it?
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Office Hours:8, a to 12 pm Yes it fine jewelry such as. 30 to 30 pm No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Sundays, by Special Appointment we will be glad to show you if Panama.
Masonic Temple ifth St, you will pay a visitoon. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL FULLER 122 Central Avenue PHONE: 1664 OFFICE now ODC Book Binding! FILL OSO Making Good Clothes Canol Zone Cleaning Clothes Good AMERICAN PHARMACY REID Panama,


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