
PAGE SIX THE WORK AN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 The Entire World Is Jobless SIX MILLION OUT OF WORK IN recently come coiled toilet The Quest of the Missing Link 198 Women and EUROPE: CONDITIONS AGUTE Fossils of Extinct Type of Human has un 21 Are Real; Lady be Doyle Insists more are Wor a woman.
was GIFT was FOR YOU Italy outlook took a turn for the better when the government men Live on Island made known that extensive Professor will Visit China to Examine In the South Seas.
plans had been made for employment in state work of many NEW YORK, August 16 RoLONDON, Aug. 21. Unem time said there were 4, 500, 000 thousands of persons. The gove LODON, August In the Dr. Elliot Smith said yester bert Casey, Chicago novelist, ployment reached a new high jobless in Germany, 2, 000, 000 ir ernment held the attitude that firm belief that he will be able day to a Daily Mail reporter: who returned yesterday with record in the Old World with Russia, 1, 500, 000 in Great Brit: the gains in unemployment to gather information concernthe announcement recently by ain, 800, 000 in Japan and 500, 000 must be checked before winter, Features of the newly found Casey on the Cunard liner Germany that her total number in Italy. The source of thebe and to that end laid down an ing a bitherto missing link in the skulls provide a link explaining Aquitania after cruising in a of persons out of work was 2, figures was not made clear. The extensive roadbuilding program story of man evolution Dr. Eliot the difference between the Ape chartered sailing vessel for elev757, 000. As Great Britain un Anatomy figures later were modified by to begin Sept and 15, employ Smith, Professor of months in the South Seas at the University of London, is man (found in Java in 1891) en employed officially passed the a cut of 1, 000, 000 in the total for ing 37, 000 men and costing up and the Piltdown man (found said that he had found an island 000. 000 mark last month, it is wards of 10, 000, 000 leaving for China next the United States.
Thurs called Rapa Iti, which is inhabitday in Sussex in 1912. which estimated that in six European cd by 198 women and four men.
Great Britain army of hitherto puzzled scientists.
countries there are at least 5, employed has been growing since He is journeying to Peking to The men lived like caliphs, 949, 287 persons listed as out of Spirit Messages examine the fossils of an extinct The conditions under which Mr. Casey said, and did not work.
last autumn and went past the in type of human being found in the discoveries were made 2, 000, 000 mark on July 28, As even lift a finger or put food in Italy, China cave at Chou Kou Tien, near their mouths. While they slept with 322. 287 officially registered in labor exchanges that further suggest the women fanned them and reported jobless, 114. 094 of them throughout the country, British Peking, the age of which is es parts of the skeletons may when they complained of the women; France, with upward of nemployment, if then was distimated by Dr. Grabau, the found on the site, which is of and volcanic dust the wom 100, 000 on strike and 20, 000 out closed in official reports, had Swedish geologist, at roughly particular importance.
en carried them to the water of work involuntarily, and Hun increased 857. 000 in a single year Novelist Widow Says 1, 000, 000 years.
gary, wit 100, 000, mostly agri edge and bathed them instead of In Britain the industries The Peking skulls are cultur She has Received Parts of four skulls and the primitive than the Piltdown throwing them in.
le, brought the total which have suffered most teeth of at least ten individuals to officially out skull and afford in a striking of textiles. with nearly 450, 000 idle; many from Him Since have been found in the cave.
ile Austria added 450, transport, with 433, 000; building manner new and emphatic evid PALAIS ROYAL 000 to the roll His Death One of the skulls is that of trades, 170, 000; coal mining, FOR ence of the close kinship of man and the antropoid ape.
SUITS The London Daily Herald on 255, 000, and engineering in its Mar. reported that the total various branches, 413, 000 CROWBOROUGH, England, of unemployed in the entire Germany has experienced an July 30. Lady Doyle told The Sun LLLLSLLF4545454545454 LFLFFLFFLFFLFLA world 16, 000, 000 The increase of 1, 000, 000 unemploy. Associated Press today that Herald, supporting the Labored in the last year, of whom 51, since the death of her husband, government, which has been 000 lost their jobs in the last Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the grappling with the problem in fortnight. In Berlin alone there writer and spiritualist leader, England, informed its readers are 326, 935 jobless, as shown in on July 7, she has received numthat America situation July reports, among whom are erous communications from him worse than that of any other 70, 000 metal workers; 31, 000 Lady Doyle added that her country, advancing the figure of building trades workers, 32, 000 late husband spirit had beer 6, 000, 000 as the total in that clerical workers and 5, 200 tech seen by several other persons, country.
nicians of various lines. Added and she produced a spirit pho The Daily Herald at the same to these is the usual large rep tograph of him, taken by the Rev. Charles Tweedale. Vicar of Weston, in Yorkshire She said there was no possible doubt regarding the authenticity of OF the picture.
There are three faces on the photogaphic plate. The Associated Press correspondent knew Sir Arthur well and saw that at least one of the faces in the picture bears a striking resemblance to him. We are happy because we Can you afford to miss this know our dear one is with us, said Lady Doyle. Were it not for this knowledge of his presence frankly should not have been able to survive. His passing The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro would have killed me.
FOR duced for the motorist who uses his car for long She paused, and her smilling spells on bad roads, or in other ways involving byes were wet as she added this particularly arduous service conditions.
tribute. adored him. Never in all VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE the wonderful years we Regular Your together did fail to feel a thrill VERY EFFICIENT when he was near me. experiPrice Price Saving enced it the moment he entered the room where was. Light 00 Lady Doyle talked Ifrankly 60 60 MI with the correspondent about Lights 50 11. 60 Sir Arthur death. She said she 10 herself is mediomistic. Lights 10. 50 13. 60 10 Asked if she had seen her husband spirit, she replied that Lights 12. 00 15. 40 40 she had not, perhaps not being See the coloured phychic enough, or conditions not being right. But she firmly medallion on the expects that the time will arSpecial prices available only during the month of eg rive when she will see him.
The famous Lady Doyle intends to carry September. On October 1st the regular prices Dunlop Tyre on her husband work to the will be in force again Jr Dealer of Standard best of her ability ll be glad Construction Her son, Denis, aged 21, has to show you this latest is, of course, also decided to devote his life Dunlop prostill available.
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