
is to be found in the royalty colleted in respect of oil won from Crown Lands, the amount being 74, 937 51 or over 20, 000 more than was collected in 1929.
On the face of this report, Trinidad may look forward to an extended period of oil prosperity. The sincere wish of the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN is that there will be an early revival of the agricultural crops so that the prosperity of the mineral and agricultural resources of the Colony may go hand in hand.
plays a very important part in the success of your business Aeroplane Excursion To Grenada THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS work harm only by night.
However this is only one of the many supersititions of the West Indian Negro.
No West Indian Negre is known by his real name. He may have but everybody knows by his nickname. If his true le were used the spirits wotud hear it and knowing him then by his real name could do him harm.
The most commonly mention ed jumble (West Indian for ghost) is the Sou Couyant, also called Sukkuyea. This monster can change into any thing. It may be a miserable Starved dog, an old cat, but more frequently a hog. You may meet a humble old woman walking along the road who will engage you in friendly conversation, bu tbeware for it is noth ing else but Sou Couyant trying to pry into your business for the purpose of doing you harm later in the dark. In the night this jumbie, the natives assert, will jumbie, the natives assert will fly about as a bright, dazzling light or even as a ball of fire with a howling screech. The Jabless, a corrumption of the French diabless, is the same evil spirit but the female of its kind, and naturally accepted as more ferocious, 拿到 The belief in the power of some spirits is so great with many that it is only with the greatest difficulty that you can get a woodcutter to fell a silk cotton tree. The tree is be.
lieved to be the dwelling place of many spirits, and the woodcutter who dares sink his axe into its trunk is considered doomed. If such a tree is felled, though, or otherwise thrown over, susceptible persons who pass the spot will reverently say a praver and hang something onto the stump which may remain standing. You may soe eld pots and pans included in the collection TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST SAN FERNANDO, July 22. Twenty Trinidadians went on an air excursion from here to Grenada today, says the Trinidad Guardian correspondent. The Nybra flying yacht Porto Rico in which they travelled left the harbour at 30 a. while a crowd of over 4, 000 on the shore and in boats outside waved fare.
well and good wishes. The party came black smiling at o clock in the afternoon to the cheers of a crowd of 3, 000 We had a delightful time both in the air and over at Grenada said the promoter, Mr. Mahabir, as he came off the airplane. felt safer on that flying yacht than feel in my motor car; and had none of those queer sensations have felt on Steamboats.
Mr. Mahabir and his party were the first to travel by airplane out of the colony on a pleasure trip. At Grenada they were taken ashore by launch which later took most of them to Grand Anse for a sea bath. The others motored over the island on a sightseeing tour.
Both on the outward and return voyages the Porto Rico was in frequent wireless contact with Trinidad, so that the party knew we were having occasion al showers here in the afternoon and that the weather was favour able for landing.
As the party came ashore Mr. Mahabir handed me a copy of the Grenada West Indian and gave me the thrill of being able to read here in San Fernando a newspaper published in Grenada the same morning. Grenada had a pleasant thrill too, he said, in getting to day Trinidad Guardian when the airplane alighted at St. Georges FREEZERUSTE BALASALLALL at Reasonable PRICES at Fake Priest Sent to Prison THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Street AS Carlos Mendoza NEAR JAVILL TILLO RUBBER STAMPS In priestly garb, a man who gaxe his name as Isaah George has been in Port of Spain, Trinidad, for some weeks past, collecting funds for the purpose of relief to refugees in Turkey, and armed with letters from the Colonial Secretary and the Mayor of Port of Spain, George has obtained subscriptions from prominent business men, Govern ment officials, etc. On the 18th instant, however, George ap peared before His Worship the Acting City Magistrate for Port of Spain to answer charges laid against him by the proprietress of a Boarding House in which he lived, for assault and battery and for indecent behaviour He brought counter charges against Mrs. Dick, a Constable and another man. After a hearing, the Magistrate dismissed charges brought by George against Mrs. Dick, a Po lice Constable and another, and convicted and fined him or 21 days and or 14 days on the charges brought against him. No time was allowed and the defendant was taken to the goal later in the day. Labour Leader.
Superstition of Negroes Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Aug. Trayellers to the West Indies, particularly Haiti. French and British West Indies, are warned not to forget to carry with them their petcharms against the evil and avening spirits which, according to the firm conviction of the Negro residents of these tropical islands, are constantly on the alert to work harm against the unwary.
Particularly you must not for get to take along a pound or two of rice, because, the natives explain, if you ever had a quar rel with some one who later died the evil and avenging spirit may wish to follow you, and the only way to evade it is to scatter the grains of rice on the steps before your door. As the spirit must pick up every single grain before entering the dwelling, daylight will arrive before the task is finished and spirit can COMO GIVE US TRIAL T!
AND BE CONVINCED 90 YOL ALAVA to Another Trinidad Cricketer For England The Port of Spain Gazette has been reliably informed that Mr.
Edwin St. Hill has been offered an engagement with the Burnley Cricket Club, England, which 12 has accepted by cable.
Mr. St. Hill who is a member of the Shannon Cricket Club has represented the Colony in the (Continued on page 8)


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