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D 1912 ESTABLISHED The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 New Horses Arrive Jail White American. Hoover Denounces Lynching. Menace to Our Country He Tells Church Services 15, 000 Workers Demonstrate Agajast Lynchi in New York The done terly condemned.
old game.
HORSE RACING The Panama Jockey Club is (Continued from Page Continued from page 5)
certainly doing everything to is not in America, where the place horse racing on a proper ism bosses encourage such antagonMatins, Holy Eucharist and Serfooting in Panama.
white among Negro and mon, 10. 45, a. The The many Rector improvements which have been workers, but is in the Soviet NEW YORK, Aug. 28. White House regarding the reService for Church School NEW YORK, Aug. 28 Mocarried out recently at the Juan Union, where such acts are bit Every decent citizen must con ent recrudescence of lyching.
Children, 3, bilized under the auspices of the Franco race track have demn the lynchin evil as an un Rector International Labor Defense, much to encourage the patrons Lewis has admitted that he In his letter to President of this great sport who had kept now understands the crude mir dermining of the very essence Floover, Mr. White declared 15, 000 Negro and white work Choral Evensong and Sermon, of both justice and democracy, that the total of 14 lynchings dur 30, The Rector ers in New York on August 22, away from the track to return take that he made and blames declares President Hoover in demonstrated against lynching and lately it has been evident that himself for being under the in letter received from the White ing the first eight months of the Cordial invitation to all.
each meeting sees bigger and fluence of national Chauvin House by the National Associaand pledged their determination MULCARE, year is two more than occurred to carry on a militant struggle Rector bigger crowds of fans mingling ism. This chauvinism which has tion for the Advancement of during all of 1929. This increase, for the abolition of the barbarand enjoying themselves im originated in America and is a Colored People. The President breaking down of machinery and especially the complete St. Bartholomew s, ous lynching evil.
Las Cascadas mensely in the afternoon sport part of the system the statement is contained in a let for the prevention of such mob The demonstration was and for the moment forgetting bosses use to keep the workers held mose vicious ter, signed by Walter New outbursts. presents, we are cer Matins, address, Church School execution of Sacco and Vanzet St. Simon s, Gamboa all the past abuses of the good divided in the of weapon that renders organizaton, secretary to the president, tain you will agree, one of the and Confirmation Class at most serious aspects of disregard usual time. The Catechists will fighters executed three years ti, two militant working class tion difficult among the Negro and is written in response to a Realizing that to further advance the sport and keep thle and white workers. An energerequest made by Walter White, of law now manifest in the officiate.
ago in Massachusetts because fans interested there should be tic, enlightening campaign is be acting secretly of the advances United States. It is a danger not MULCARE, ment association, on August 15, new blood added to the regular ing waged in the Sovibt Union of their activities in behalf of Pirst in charge labor. Besides the pledge for a Sunday hoofers at the track, the and among those workers who for a pronouncement from the only to the victims of these mobs but to the government as determined fight against lynchmanagement has just imported are affiliated to the more milia whole and to the safety and ing, which in eight months has quite a number of new horses the tant organizations in other counwelfare of men and women of all WESLEYAN METHODIST taken the lives of 21 Negro first batch of 17 arrived on Wed tries to eradicate all roots of the work of overhauling the aces. This willful disregard and workers, the thousands of work nes night last and are now chauvinism in order that the Shamrock is being continued. flouting of law by lynching Panama 11 a. and 30 ers also demanded the uncondisafely housed in the Juan Franco workers may proceed unhamSir Thomas Lipton visited mobs constitutes, in our opi Rev. Wright tional release of the six Atlanta, stables near the track. These nered in their fight for better the City Hall and one of tre nion, a more serious menace to Colon 11 a, m, and 30 Rev. Ga. prisoners four white and horses will be offered for sale conditions.
first questions he put to Mayor American institutions than all Cousins two Negroes facing death at reasonable prices and on the The Communists in the Soviet Walker was what the good the propaganda of Communists La Boca 11 a. Walters the electric chair because of very best terms to persons who Union are the vanguard of the of keeping the Cup in this coun now being inquired into by a 30 Mr. Moul. their endeavors to organize Neare interesed in the game and working class and lead in this try, yet can put nothing in congressional investigating comton New Providence 11 gro and white workers together who intend to become horse fight to purge the ranks of the it.
a. Mr. Turner and also the release of all workowners working class of all remnants Mayor Walker who enjoys a Since the association letter Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Henry ingclass speakers, and carrying Another batch is expected of chauvinism and for freedom wide reputation for quick and to the president was written an Harewood 30 Rev. scores of banners with such slosoon and we understand that as for all oppressed national minan other lynching has taken place Wright 30 gans as: Negro and white these hores are disposed of orities and the Negro workers. witty replies did not have answer.
at Tarboro, on Aug. 19. Mr. Payne workers, organize and fight substantial purses will be offer. Such acts as committed by against lynching; The Internaed for each race listed, thus giv Lewis are not permitted in the tional Labor Defence Fights Against Lynching of Negro and replacing it to the former do not wait to receive detectives Workers; Down With Racestandard from which it had fal from the Communist party of Discrimination. We Demand len.
the Soviet Union to wage a batFreedom of the Atlanta, Ga. Prisoners; Long Live the splendid program of seven tle against such an evil, but of interesting races has been artheir own initiative start a viUnity of Negro and White ranged for tomorrow afternoon gorous campaign to prove to. AT: Workers, the workers burst offering. The several into tremendous applause 18 are 80 well handicaped that the darity in the class struggle the speakers pointed out that keenest of turfites will have a only the organized might and Ith Race Furlongs hard time guessing the winner 100 Excuse Me.
power of Negro and whites can in any race. Handicapper, Fields Don Florentino abolish lynching.
certainly knows his onions and Lloyd Brown.
The demonstration in New it has been noticed at the last Corazon York was one of many similar few meets that the form play. La Chiquilla. 114 demonstrations held on August ers, whose custom had been to Resolute.
22 in all sections of the country Swamp the parimutuels, have. Cartagena.
Maria Luisa under the auspices of the Interbeen wearing ong faces and de national Labor Defense, and is spondently shaking their heads 6th Race Furlongs part of the campaign against when the sure to wing on whom Dancing Girl.
Ivnching and rersecution of Nethey had wagered heavily, failed Sibarita II.
pro and white workers conductto get even a showing in the Marcial. WEIGHTS ed by the International Labor money. This is as it should be. Night. DECLARED L Water Defense.
and with this impartial handiMay 1ST RACE capping, and the starts from the Halt Rate.
TRINIDAD stall barriers, and the ockey El Mayor.
FEATURE EVENT: ANOTHER TRINIDAD being properly disciplined, horse 6th Race Furlongs CRICKETER FOR racing at Juan Franco is an as1. Ripling Water.
Otelo, Hindoo, Frivolous Dunroi, ENGLAND sured fact. Huertano.
WEIGHTHS Here is tomorrow program. Hot Water DECLARED Kitty Gill. Continued from rage 7)
pick the winners Zapo AFTER Intercolonial tournaments on sev Tunney 2ND 1st Race Furlongs Honey Dew RACE POST TIME 00 eral occasions. He represented Bright Night.
100 the West Indies in the United Laughing Water States in the 1928 tour and has Dacing Girl. 115 7th Race Furlongs len selected to represent the Half Rate. 125 Rifle. WEIGHTS 105. 50c. West May Indies in the Australian Kitty Gill DECLARED Sibarita.
Dunroi. AFTER El Mayor Frivolous. SRD RACE e is recognised as one of the Marcial. 106 PLETY OF PARKING Otelo.
SPACE leading bowlers in the West Indits, a safe field and an aggresand Race Furlongs Honey Dew.
sive bat. The loss of his services 145 White Mayor Tramcars direct to and from Track Tunney.
185 to this Colony and West Indian Huerfano. 182 cricket generally will be a heavy (Continued from Page Ripping Water one, of the Americas Cup off here It;isunderstood that his engage 104 The race was sailed in pairs.
ment will take effect for next No definite plan has been anseason after the Australian tour.
Brd Race Furlongs nounced yet with regard to com1 Frivolous. 116 In this event, he is not likely to e Kitty Gil.
ing trials but it is expected that return to Trinidad. HART. Manager Rifle.
110 the verdict of the Cup CommitBurnley is one of the Clubs Dunrol.
tee will be reached within the taking part in the Lancashire Otelo. 121 next ten days. In the meanwhile, REPETITE Cricket League.
entries the Negro workers their soli106 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK 120 116. 120 Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 7th Good elements Races AFTER Trigo. 110 General Admission:118. 126 108 120 Trigo. Zapo PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB 126. 128

    CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceSovietURSSWorking Class

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