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the Panama Cana, Horary SEP 16 1930 Hall Insurance Benefits For West Indian Canal Employees Cound The Workman ESTABLISHED поруч os THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 19. No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 PRICE CENTS African Chief Fights White Man Liquor Mining Concession NEGROES BEING NOTED AMERICAN Terrific Hurricane REPLACED BY WHITES NEGRO ACTORS to Englishmen Hits Carribbean Cancelled Islands Seeks to Keep His Country Free from the year the employment situa well to New York and Amitrica City of Santo Domingo Devastated Drink and Other Evils Thousands Killed and Injured New Orleans Where Decide to Change NationalUnemployed Situation ity Owing to American is Acute Race Prejudice NEW ORLEANS, LA. Aug. NEW YORK Roland Hayes with of noted faremore Tiny Tots Orchestra Scores Big SO was tiunt became so acute in New last Friday when he sailed for Orleans, that in many instances France on the Ile de France LONDON, August 25. dra whether this action is lawful gro laborers were discharg: Mr. Hayes is to become a na matic story of an African chief One eminent counsel says od and replaced with white, turalized citizen of France. In a terrific hurricane which limits is roughly estimated at efforts to keep his country a that it is; another, at least equal live months ago, some 1, 800 talk with newspaper men he passed over the Republic of San 20 million dollarg. Relief ships land where prohibition is in full ly eminent, says that it is not warehouse, but today there is says: to Domingo during the early with food, clothing medical supforce free from drink and In such circumstances it does no one Negro employed at this have determined to be part of the month left the chief plies, doctors and nurses have other evils which have usually not seem likely that the charter municipal owned warehouse.
come a citizen of France city in desolation, Only 400 been rushed to the scene of disand attended the penetration of na bd company will submit tamely tive territory by the white man, to loss of its rights, unless there by white labor, the ratio stand place of abode, Hayes is Negroes have been replaced will make Paris my permanent houses standing of a total of aster. The plight of the 5000 re over ten thousand in the city. injured and 30, 000 homeless and lies behind the recent announced is nothing in the district worth ing 1, 800 to The proportion is ported saying Of the thirty thousand left destitute was growing decision to Tsekidi, paramount mining. But if there are nojalling, but homeless, five thousand are in critical hourly as the week and is true, and the chief of the Barnangivlo in Be minerals, it is asked why ha fact stands that Negroes are American race prejudice and jured. The living, it is stated, is hungry began to stalk the streets chuanaland, to cancel the min the company paid something being fired and white hired in the indignities and humiliations unequal to the task of burying Relief workers had time only ing concessions granted in 1893 like 10, 000 pounds during the their places. Negro to which have been subjected the dead and over 200 bodies to attend the living and so lest by his father, Khama, to the past 37 years to keep its claim workmen while touring the concert stage were being burnt on great fun the horror of pestilence be addof Louisiana, and New Orleans British South African company. alive? And why has it tried to especially, are facing the worst of my native land, have led me eral pyres.
ed to the city lamentable burto make a decision to become Up to the present the conces negotiate with Chief Tsekidi for situation that they have faced The damage within the city (Continued on page 8)
sion has never been exploited, a new concession to replace the since the panic of 1907.
a citizen of a country where although the company has regul old.
ability, not color of skin deterForce Negroes to Quit Work arly paid 25 pounds a month mines a man recognition an!
Chief Tsekidi was under the for its rights for the past 37 impression when he left HARRISON, Ark. The sight position. My present visit to last British gove of Negroes working while The United States is for business years to maintain the same. April that the Success many Lately, however, there have ernment determined to whites are unemployed reasons and that alone; nothing been indications that the char bring pressure to bear on him to was too much for the white else would bring me back here.
tered company, as it is usually make him accept this new confolks here Tuesklay morning During his tours as a concert In Unique Concert at La Boca and the contractors called, intended to start work. cession. It was made clear to employing artist in the United States after Clubhouse Thursday Consequently Chæf Tsekidi, who, him in England, however, that the Negroes were forced to dis having ained universal acclaim together with many of his peo the British government, merely charge ther.
as a talented artist, and having The classical entertainment The closing march Second to (Continued on Page Continued on page 8)
ple, is a Christian, came to Engo believed the alternative concesstaged on Thursday night last None by the augmented or land last month to try to get sion to be more favorable to the at the La Boca Clubhouse, un chestra with Mrs. Cyril Mc the colonial secretary to help in natives than the original, one, der the auspices of the Tiny Caine at the piano, was a very preventing what he and the and that it would certainly not appropriate closing piece. Mr.
other leaders of the Barnangi compel the chief to permit min roaring success Me Claine and Miss Doris Rodvios believe would be a catas ing if he could chartered comAll the contributors excelled ney did excellent work as accom trophe.
themselves in their numers panists throughout the cnire pany.
The cancellation of the conOn the other hand, the gove from start to finish.
Government will Assign 100, 112 programme.
cussion, which is the sequel toernment has announced that it few opening remarks were All attending this concert es Chief Tsekidi London visit, is proposes to issue mining reguAcres to Estate Party made by Mrs. Bridgett Aird pressed themselves as being well followed by a march entitle satisfied with the evening spent.
not likely to be the last act in lations for the protectorate. In the drama, for there is a direct the absence of regulations, min Mr. Matthews, a mem And it is possible also that the The Radio Boys by the or conflict of legal opinion as to (Continue on Page 8) ber of the Belize Town Board Government will support in chestra.
who has been in Jamaica for other directions the case of any The audience was then treat FLAX APPOINTED the past four months studying party or parties genuinely in ed to apiano duet Dashing PUBLIC INTERPRETER municipal matters, told a Glean. terested.
Speed Galop by the Misses er reporter on Saturday last Aviator It is known that the soil in Lansiquot and McClaine.
that he had that morning bad British Honduras is noted for Mrs. Alkins in her song According to Official Resoluinterview with His Tu its productivity but the coun Thora and Mrs. Walker tion dated, September issued Goes to to Buy Airplanes for jeney Sir John Burdon. try is still undeveloped in many Headley in Carissima elicit by the Secretary of Government Hon.
ways, and it is felt that by first ed unstinted praise from the and Justice, Mr. Charles Randolph Flax has been appointi duras, who arrived in Kingston eveloping its agricultural pos audience.
last Friday on the return joursibilities, British Honduras will Messrs. Pas, Neilson and public. The Resolution is issued a public Interpreter of this pr PARIS. Aug. Hubert Ju lik, which was conferred on ney to Belize from England doubtless become a country of Jayes of the Republican from the office of the Sberen!
lian, who soine years ago at him. On inquiry at the Abys In the tempted a trans Atlantic flight, sinian legation here it was con view course of the intervery great importance.
Band who played the Clarinet, of Government and Justice and Mr. Matthews said, he has arrived in Paris from AbysMoreover, the suggestion is Oboe and flute respectively, bears the signature of the Pressinia on his way to the United firmed that he is in the employ was requested by Sir John to one that should attract a great were all that could be desired ident of the Republic.
States, where he says he intends of the Abyssinian government, get in touch while still here, many, since there is a large Mr. Jayes also rendered piacing orders for airplanes for that he has the title of colonel, with members of the peasan number of persons representing very excellent solos on the xyloThis is guarantee that any the Emperor Tafari.
that he was decorated by the try and induce them to mi the peasantry class phone which were very much cument translated by Flax will Julian carries an Abyssinian Emperor, and that he is to re grate to British Honduras INCLUDING LABOURERS appreciated. Master Rosano be legally recognized by any passport on which is written turn to Abyssinia shortly. His there indulge in agricultural who failing to obtain work in Spinella made a hit with his Court of Justice in this Repub Colonel Hubert Julian, a title passport is written in French pursuits.
returnthat he says was conferred on Cuba, are continually violin Selection Simple Aveu. lic.
and Amhario, the official lan STATE TO ASSIGN LANDS. ing home, and also cannot sehim by the Emperor himself afMrs. Nena Thomas, the lady Flax is well known among ter witnessing an air exhibition guage of Ethiopia The passThe Government Mr. Mat cure employment here. Saxaphonist, gave a very fine the West Indian community of his and at which he was ac port is said to be signed by the thews was assured, would Mr. Matthews will leave the contribution, handling her in and should consequently be of claimed as The man of the Emperor himself.
sign lands, say about 10 or 12 island for Belize on Wednesday Strument with great skill, Ad great service in this connection clouds by the assembled citi While in Paris, Colonel Julian acrtas to parties who appeared of this week, and will be pleas ded to this wealth of music, to all those who may have any zens of Addis Abbaba.
has been playing the fairy god desirous of engaging in agri ed to give interestvd parties any was Mr. Vincent Hall Com difficulty in registering etc.
He also wears a gold medal father to nearly all the culture, on terms that would information he is in possession edy. Mr. Hall is surely a co We congratulate Mr. Flax on said to be The Order of Mene (Continued on page 8)
be found extremely attractive. ot.
median of some class. Continued on Page Jamaica Labourers May Go To Orchestra was voted to British Honduras a Hubert Julian Negro an Abyssinian Governmentalis two col.


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