
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS Prisoner Becomes Desperate Attacks Warder Compare these Accounts GRENADA Legislature Adopts Resolution Returning Thanks for State Portraits of King and Queen of England PAZE 11 Dohor arm sol LALANCE JO DATE Inwerd Depu CAR These are LALANCE The Advocate of recent date pon, he marched across the yard says: while the other prisoner fled Charles Walcott (32) who had in consternation. Bayley, who been committed for trial at the was nearby, called him and he August Assizes for breaking attempted to evade Bayley. The and entering St. Augustine warder again confronted him, Church, was on Thursday last asking him where he was going.
charged before Mr. Magistratie He raised the cutless and dealt Son by Captain Reid, Gov him a blow on the left ernor of Glendairy Prison, with which almost severed it at the wounding Ivan Bayley, a warder elbow joint, Other warders and with an attempt to murder him a few prisoners at once rushed on July 16th.
to the scene and stopped him inEvidence was that Walcott, flicting other blows.
who was awaiting trial at the Dr. Massiah in his evicoming sitting of the Court of donce said that the wound was Grand Sessions, was allowed to four inches long and had cut all walk about the prison yard the tissues. It was dealt with where other prisoners were at great force and had cut the bone work. He suddenly became vio part of which he found lying lent on the date mentioned and, loose under the skin. There was rushing from under a shed, he no certainty that this wound knocked over a prisoner who would not affect a certain amount was working with a cutlass. of permanent disability to the Armed with this dangerous weaWhich one is yours?
BOTH started with 50. One has remained dormant through neglect, the other shows a substantial balance gained by regular deposits of small amounts which most people squander monthly According to the West In Speaking on the resolution, dian, the Grenada Legislature His Honour Mr. Blood, recently adopted the following Administrator said: Apart resolution: Whereas the sub from the value of the gifts, he jects of His Gracious Majesty thought the pictures were indiKing George the Fifth in cative of that exraordinary inloyal Colony of Grenada have terest which His Majesty took received with great pleasure, in every corner of the Empire.
painted copies of the State Por Precluded as he had been from traits of their Majesties the has King and Queen as a gift to the travelling, that interest Windward Islands from His been indicated by the variMajesty.
ous journeys by his son, His Be it Resolved that this Royal Highness, the Prince of Council on behalf of the people Wales. The gifts showed His of this Colony, while express Majesty continued the intering their loyalty and devotion est in the West Indies. West Into His Majesty Throne and diang were, if he might say so, Person, offer their respectful notorious for their loyalty, and thanks to His Majesty for the the resolution had beon so wordsaid gift. Be it Further Resolved that ed as to afford them an oppor this solution be forwarded to tunity of expressing their the Secretary of State for the thanks for the gracious gifts Colonies for submission to His and renewal of the loyalty to Majesty the King.
the King.
on trifles.
You Can Seve 1, 000 in For Yoare by Banking 84. 52. Wask.
The Royal Bank of Canada arm.
8901 iR. Herman, Manager Panama Branch (Santa Ana Plaza)
Colon Branch (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. Grosch, Manager TRINIDAD An Atrocious Tragedy Woman Chopped and House Set on Fire BRITISH GUIANA New Indusıry ODO 100 Hero Decorated Dr. Leo Pink the ambitious scheme of Mr. Producers Association Oo CRICKET!
was blood curdling incident occurred at Tableland, last Wednesday night involving the lives of three persons and serious inOcean Rescue Drama Surgeon Dentist jury to a fourth.
The surviving victim a young TRINIDAD, August 16thwoman of 28, named Evelyn Men 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
For heroism at Sea, Mr. John doza, is in the San Fernando hospital in a precarious condition Jones of Port of Spain, former Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Seaman on the Trinidad liner from wounds on the head and Malyaro, received yesterday in body.
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Port of Spain a gold medal pre WOUNDED WOMAN STORY sented by the President of the According to a story alleged United States of America.
Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment to have been related by the woIn August, 1928, Jones togethman herself, she lived together with six others, manned a ODO with an aged aunt, called Ange lifeboat crew from the Mayaro ODOODOOD er lina Williams, and three children, in a carat house, in Watts in the Gulf Stream near New Trace, Tableland. On Wednes York to pick up the shipwereckday night whilst she was in bed, ed Captain, his wife and the 2001 1000 ODO she heard footsteps outside the crew of the sailing Schooner house, and opening a window John Martino. After several saw Theophilus George, her hours toil the rescuers were cousin. She closed the window Successful.
and retired again.
About half They had hardly brought the an hour after the houses shipwrecked party safely to the on fire. Leaving her aunt, and Mayaro, however, when NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM their the three children asleep in an lifeboat was smashed by a huge HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES adjoining room, she ran out wave. They were left in a most through the back door where perilous position.
Get a copy of the she was chopped by her cousin, Theophilus George. She The medal, which is about the ran back in the house, and under size of a crown, is inscribed. inflited more he followed and To John Jones of the Britinflected more wounds on her.
ish Steamship. Mayaro, in reLeaving her there, he went to cognition of his heroic services and read the records of past the room in which her aunt and in effecting the rescue at sea, the children were.
on August 12, 1928, of the MasCricket Veterans She ran out and fell in the ter and crew of the American yard, oblivious to what had hap chooner, John Martino.
AND pend after Other members of the crew CHARRED SKELETONS have also received medals. Guardian. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages RECOVERED The house has been reduced to ashes and, it is believed, the look young. Others dye Some women always manage to Summary of Contents: in the aunt and three children roasted attempt.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years to death as early yesterday Admit one absurdity and twenty Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, morning the Tableland Police others will follow.
found two charred skeletons Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, among the runs.
Knowledge comes from the out, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, side; understanding Theophilus George, Alias BudPhotographs of the Teams and 16 Individual within.
son, a labourer, was Players arrested yesterday afternoon Valuable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and It fine to see a man proud of and charged with murder. The Port of Spain Gazette.
the place he lives in; but it is finer Interesting to see him living so that the place Price 50cts.
will be proud of him.
Government proposes a general reduction It is stated that the salaries of To Hatch Ducklings officers above 100 per month will suffer a five per cent cut.
by the Millions There is no official confirmation of this rumour, but it is exA press despatch from George pected that if the reduction is town states that the hatching of to be effected, it will be made ducks by the millions and the by the Governor Executive establishment of an industry Council during the examination which will not only afford exof the estimates prior to their port to the United States and being submitted for the ap the West Indies but also the proval of the Legislative Counerection of a carining factory chl.
locally from which canned duck and is Lovelace, late of the whose letter was considered at Making Appreciable a meeting of the Town Council.
in which he offered to lease the Headway Municipal lot south of Thomas House, Kitty The Demerara Argosy of Mr. Lovelace proposes to es August 12th states: tablish a hatchery on elaborate In keeping with the announce ines and not a ranch to which ment made in these columns a certain members of the Council fortnight ago, the executive ofwere objecting. Ducklings in ficers of the newly founded terms of millions were mention Producers Association are ed as being intended to be distri making appreciable headway. buted from this hatichery to number of circulars have been breeders in various parts of the sent to prominent colonists in colony who will supply an ex terested in the agricultural and port trade and also the canning industrial development of the factory, when organised. Apart colony outlining the objects to be from being elaborate, the equip come foundation members by ment of the hatchery will be of subscribing the sum of five dola scientific nature utilising a lars.
large quantity of electrical ener There has been ready resgy in its operation ponse and subscriptions have The Town Council decided been received from persons on that the lease should be for a the East and West Coasts, also period of three years and also from a few prominent citizens that the rental should be per and it is hoped that others will annum send in application early, It is understood that the AsReduction of Salaries wociation has a big programme and a vigorous policy to pursue, of Offices mcluding the development of the banana and pine appleinmistry, corn and cassava cultiThe Daily Chronicle, of wation in which connection neAugust 15th, says: Department botiations are in progress for al heads in the Civil Service are the supply to a firm in England bustý preparing their estimates of dried (dessicated cassava for for 1931 in order that they may which there is a demand for be approved by Government in 5, 000 to 000 tons per annum, time for consideration at the samples of which have been Annual Session of the Legisla rent to Mr. Wood Davis and tive Council following the Gen can be seen at the offices of eral Election in September. Messrs. Collins, Ltd rumor of a very persistent In connection with the pinenature has been in circulation apple industry a letter has just during the last few days relat been received by Mr Hawing to the salaries of Govern ker, one of the Foundation ment officials to the effect that (Continued on Page 7)
West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 comes from PALAIS ROYAL FOR SUITS How often one little trouble, even annoyance, makes us forget a thourand mercies!
Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panams ODO


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