
The Sugar Position The Venezuelan in the West Indies was near THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 PAGE THREE African Chief Fights RIGHT HAND TRAFFIC FOR Colour Bar (Continued from Page 1)
CITY OF PANAMA ing would be illegal, so this deTRINIDAD COUNCILOR office will certainly bring mat Wrong Right or Lett the fol finest ones, just enough for two.
cision on the Under the caption Right or Many cars, among them the Commenting editorially under Chase National Bank, the Bana TO MOVE RESOLUTION ters to a head. It is understood, lowing appears in the current under present conditions of deft. of the your tion, the West Indian Com of Canada, and Messrs. Hayº not actually legalize mining but mittee Circular of August 21th den Stone and Company. Mean Home Government There is more truth to the partner wants to get out, she will only regulate it in those title of this editorial than most must get out in the middle of says: while the sugar slump is report Asked to Intervene chief have given authority to be the National Assembly that you say awkward but it cases in which the tribe and the of you are ready to grant. It will street, not on the side sidewalk, The immediate outlook fored to be at last causing real is Bugar in unchanged, and it can concern in Java, and we learn some one to mine.
will decide definitely the ques. very dangerous as well. The that it has recently been the TRINIDAD not be said that it is a cheering 23rd. Council CONCESSION IS CANCELED tion of right hand traffic. There cars you see here are built exone, though it has a few bright subject of discussion in the Peo lor Alfred Richards has given ple Council in Batavia. One notice of the following resoluChief Tsekidi, having official are good arguments in favor of pressly for the right hand trat points.
member pointed out that the tion which he intends to move ly notified the South African both right or left, but all argu fic.
We must face facts. The Gov: cutlook was serious. There at the meeting of the City Coun Hague commissoiner that he has ments must be weighed accordo len go to gear old England ernment has very definitely re were thousands of tons of sugar cil on Thursday next :cancelled the concussion, the ing to the country involved, in and you have left hand traffic, fused to grant subsidies to the in the warehouses, China Whereas the Venezuelan Gov. next move lies with the charter this case Panama.
best where is the driver seat, Colonial Sugar Industry to em incapable of buying owing to ernment has summarily prohibed company Will it fight for It is quite easy to conceive on the right hand side unless able it to tide over the serious West its rights? Or will it forego that one who eats saw the slump in silver, and condi ited all British coloured dust he has a car not built for crisis through which it is pass tions in India were unsettled, Indians, irrespective of their them? It is understood that in long enough will insist that left hand drive. His seat is ing. The forceful representa and he even went go far as to financial status or moral worth, the event it foregoes its rights. there is real food value to saw where it should be for left hand tions made by the West Indian assert that the possibility of a from entering Venezuela either Chief Tsekidi is prepared to re dust traffic. In Panama it is not.
There is the rub we Committee, the British West collapse of the sugar industry for fund the monies already paid in temporary or permanent have had left hand traffic here You say that there will be Indies Parliamentary Commit residence; and respect of advance rqyaſties so long that many of tis find it manymore accidents when traf tee, and the Church, to say noth could not be excluded from conBut if the company fights and Whereas the Venezuelan ci wins, fic is changed from left to right.
fits our every need. Few of us ing of LORD OLIVER LORD sideration. In reply the Finance what precautions is it Director, Speaking on behalf of tizens, the majority ask, how do you know? Point ELIBANK and others, have not, the Dutch East Indies Govern also themselves coloured, conwhom prepared to take to keep drink know that after all driving an to some definite case. Confuhowever been altogether in and debauchery away from the automobile is subconscious. But tiere let us look around us. This is ment, is reported to have said sion at the start? Yes, inue to enjoy the privilege of mines? The Barnangivios are a vain, for we do not believe that race.
PASSFIELD recent that he would gladly bring the entering any British West In pastoral and agricultural what we find.
will be, it must be expected, but LORD Drink is unknown among them. The United States is the bigo it won be many days, less than statement as to the continuance matter to the attention of the dian island either to sojourn or The chief and people are as one gest manufacturer and the bigyou have fingers, when right of the existing tariff preference home Government and the other in reside permanently, are own.
These ers of large properties and hand drive will become subto Government concerned, was attributable in demanding the right to live gust solely user of automobiles. Its conscious and you will again own lives, taking what road system is the marvel of the financial exigencies. It will be two items of news may not give legally entitled to purchase their lands, trade and to engage in they wish from western civili worls.
remembered that in the House rise to much enthusiasm aman What do you find? point with pride to how careful the practice of the learned pro zation and keeping the rest at The driver is on are our chauffeurs the of Lords on July 30th he said, those who have followed the course of similar discussions fessions; therefore: arm length.
left hand side of the car, and Now will point to cases, ra should not assume that it is and negotiations in the past. Be it resolved that in the opin the traffic is right hand.
Cheif Tsekidi, who is You ther. will let you select them.
likely that the sugar duty is reprebut they cannot be ignored. Bigion of this Council, the Local going to be abolished at will not say this is accidental. Take any country in South the senting his people in the matter, financial interests are now tak Government should make repnext Budglat. or, for the matter is a young man in his twenties. Enginering skill and experience America that has had left hand ing a hand in the game, and the resentation to His Majesty He speaks excellent English determined where the driver drive and changed to right hand of that at the Budget after.
Substantial sums they must Government for the adjustment and he added, There is no reahave at stake lead us to hope of this anomally. Relations beand is accustomed to English should be and that traffic shall drive. say select any one of son to assume. that the Prethese and compare their records, that their intervention may 19 ways. He governs his 75. 000 be to the right.
en the British West Indies subjects through a council of ference is going to be abolished effective, and that they may be and Venezubla should be recip subordinate chiefs, one of whom curb is a fixed object. It will not Here is one reason why. The This is what you will find. first that the change from left to next year or within the able to achieve their avowed pur rocal.
is an honor graduate of London move. You know it won hurt right was easy, Second, that future. This very definite hint pose, which is to find means to That this resolution be for university and who accompani you. Your safety depends on there was no increase in accishould afford Colonial sugar handle the carry overs which warded to his Excellency the dents, and third, that right hand ed him on his mission to Eng what is moving toward you.
Governor with the respectful land. In fighting for the right when traffic is right hand and producers some comfort. Apartare affecting markets adversedrive helped simplify many of from this, the most encourly, and to bring production and request that it be forwarded to of his countrymen to live free the driver sits on the left side, their traffic problems, aging wg comes from Cuba consumption into at least an ap the Secretary of State for the from the evils of western civili he sees what is coming toward For decades we have heard of and Java. It has been announced proximate balance. We trust onies to be placed before His that American zation, he is following in the him. This is one of the strong. the road that will go from the and Canadian (Continued on page 6) Majesty Government.
footsteps of his father, Khama, est arguments in favor of right northern tip of North America banking interest have co opewho came to London in the 90s hand drive.
rated with all the leading sugar to the most southern tip of Laugh on a similar mission.
producers in Cuba in forming a Some of you say it does not South America, and we are still ORDER BOOKS committee to find and apply follow in Panama, that dreaming about it. But honestly, remedies for the present deplor SECRETARY When the world is full of trouble As you journey on through life; streets are very narrow. You it won be long. Before many able situation, which, accordAnd you re feeling mighty blue; If adversity overtake you point to 8th Street, and correct us are very old, we will have AND And When your specs all burst like ing to the Department of Comjust pave your way with you are in that the streets are this famous road. Some of you merce at Washington, is worse REASURER bubbles strifo; narrow, but that has nothing in don believe it? know it, and than it has been for many years Take a good grip on your manhood, favor of retaining left hand joy will be just so much bigger And you don know what to do; because you don believe your ON SALE. we would have said than it Just remember that the sun will And pass by the world riffraff. traffic. On the contrary, it is an ever has been in the island. At the Workman shine Put your hands deep in your pockets, argument in favor of right hand when we finally get this road.
The banking interests representAnd your troubles fly like chaff, Throw your shoulders back and traffic. But we won argue This road is important in ed are understood to be the Printery If you follow this prescriptionlaugh.
right or left on such narrow more ways than one. You heard Just a big and hearty laugh.
streets because the solution to the story of that grand old lady Just remember that the sunshine Such narrow streets is one way that watched the company of When the friends you knew forsake Always brighter after rain; traffic and no parking, whether soldiers parade down the aveyou Passing through your darkest hour, your traffic is right or whether nue, among them her only Son, Continued on Page 7) it is left.
and how proud she was to see PHYSICIAN The Greatest Thrill him so stalwart, and military.
10 poi You remember her remark, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO in the World Everyone is out of step but Mo. K STREET my baby boy. And so he was.
And so will Panama be, dead PANAMA CITY out of step, unless she does change from left to right hand 000000000 Why throw away your old, but no drive. Panama is the only counv in this International link that doubt interesting books, when you still clings to the old loft hand NEURALGINA can have them neatly bound at traffic. Right or left, Right or Wrong. Think it over. Right is Right and Left is Wrong, insa Stop and analyze it. there far as thig Continent is concernShould be in every office to immedjately soothe any nothing in life that gives more ed. ZETEK neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work. pure happiness than making Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET someone else happy.
DENTIST HOWELL When we present a gift, we House No. 912 La Roca Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches want it to be packed with all the Eentiment, affection and good Canal Zone and reduce the fever of children its quality every time it is seen.
FOR There a multitude of things NEURALGINA that will serve, but they lack in Some respect. They wear out PALAIS ROYAL Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart quickly; outlive their usefulness; FOR or have no usefulness at all, is and INTERWOVEN HOSE there ANY THING that will For sale both Wholesale and Retail quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that see Small AT THB you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that reDENTIST AMERICAN PHARMACY tains its value. that arouses MASONIC TEMPLE the admiration of all who see it?
Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Yes it fine jewelry such as No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Sundays, by Special Appointment we will be glad to show you if Masonic Temple ifth St, Panama.
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