
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 100 ΕΟΕΟΕ 05050505050 2000CSOKOL 100 00 ΟπόEOE 00 (Ο Ο1000 CECILIA Tomorrow Sunday THEATRE Monday yrave Tu scay 10 September 14th September 15th September 16th NANCY CARROLL ΤΟΞΟΣ ΔΟΞΟΣ IN THE DEVIL HOLIDAY AN ALL TALKING ALL SINGING PICTURE 900 102 10 POLOOSOL TOP 10 NBBUR TO 100 ΕΟ Ο: 00 (ΟΞΟΣ TO INTERESTING JOTTINGS 900 Panama Weslezan Society LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs ALSO Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels up (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Friends Countrymen: Its rainUne blast mt round dress, not tou ing right now. It raining all around, long, with plenty of gig me rig in the land, in the belly, in the brain, around the tail.
in the pocket, and now am inclin One whey fe me round dress, not ed to sing like the little children Un go to hel silk stocking, red. rain, and an rain, stay way, stay but if you can get one red enough come another day, but am con.
vinced you can send one nearly red, and he that songs will not keep will do the rest with half pint away the rain. Anyhow, am not so annatto seeds, in a pint of boilin bad off after all. Another fellow is water.
worse off than The other ev One pair of pants, stocious, and ing was passing one of the bu strong enough for me to ride merry thoroughfares, and met a man com go round in without any danger. In ing towards me like the ball out my next will tell you what have gun, quickly stepped aside to left out of this letter. Now Willie give him the way. After he was you don have to let that wife of gone, met a woman with mouth yours see this, because you rememeighteen inches off the base, froth ber what she did when she saw the ing and penting, and saying 80 first one. How is she anyhow? An help me god. asked her what was swer soon. Yours truly, You know the matter. She said, Mister, tha Who.
blasted chance man let me wait from sunday till now for what One of my girls cuased me this week, won him. When he did come this eve She told me that was too darned ning, he told me horse dead, cow fat fresh. But didn stand for it. bout him didn sell enough to pay did not argue with her; but sen me my ten dollars, and am look word to her telling her that all the ing for the police to lock him other girls have said that am just right now. So you see although it the oppoiste of fresh, and it is sur might it might be raining all aroun me, the chance man and this woman prising that she alone should find have it pouring a little me so. As the majority carries right henvier.
or wrong, am inclined to rely on the cven to follow the custom. askel Theard that a pain of a letter came even to follow the custom. Is aske: to a fellow by last mail. It came her reasons. have not heard from from a member of the two time club her yet. When do, if ever, will She lives far away from here, and tell you what those reasons are.
is a past officer of suid club, wear.
ing the victorious cross on a pro Adina got some blows from one of minent part of her faceognomy. Sh her lovers this week gone. He had reminds this fellow that it is getting gone out and expected to stay till near on to Christmas and that al. next day. Something went contrary though she has a home fellow, that and he came back at twilight the this one must remember to send her same evening just in time to see his share of Christmas presents. Dina as he called her in the sweet She wrote like this: Dear Willie embraces of a stalwart fellow with th fellow is doing so and so, both lips touching each other gent.
told him the other night that the ly. He called. go easy dina, am right back in Colon by next boat. here. The fellow jumped and neardny he forms the fool, will be ly broke dina neck. Through the So, you can exptet me at any time. window he went, landing on the But don think it will be before back of a Rooster in the yard below.
next year, so am writing you now The lover in, grabbed dina to send me these things for th saying. Dina, tek you blows Christmas, and what he gives not so much for the kissing; but for will be for my New Year. want the pluck you have to tek a mout the things from you: like that a on top of yours. will One pair of gawd blin me shoes, teach you that next time, you must white remember me, and look for a mouth One whey fe do hat, broad rim, with that will leave space for mine.
a lot of pep.
Wow. LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department The subjejet of the Panama Wesleyan Society on Wednesday last was Judas the Apostle. The programme was arranged by Miss Louise Dawkins and presided over by the Rev. Wright. paper on this apostle was read by Mr. Grant and other items by members of the society, made a very interesting programme.
The regular monhly consecra.
tion meeting was observed and members responded to the rollcall. One associate member was added to the list of active members. There were otherg who should have been added to the roll on this occasion, but the were unavoidably absent. The meeting was brought to a close with the Mizhap and the Beneciction.
The programme is as follows: Hymn 595. Anywhere my iour ver The Miniser Scripture Reading John 12:1 Mathew 26: 14 16 (Miss Browne) Mattew 27 346 Reading of the Minutes Miss Dawkins Hymn 615. Dying with Jesus Recitation. Thrve Things Miss Villiers Solo. Mrs. Reece Paper. Judas the Apostle Reception of New Members Hymn 592. Not my Own Roll Call. Miss Alice King Repeating the Pledge Closing Hymn 877 (Collection)
CENTRAL AVENUE 37 37 RUBBER STAMPS came Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH fChurch Services WESLEYAN METHODIST AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 30 pm to a CHAPTER 186 OF THE Three judges have been select ed by the organization to decide the winner of the contes and Elocution Content present indications poi All arrangements have been vere excellent evening completed for the grand elocuThose who take advantage to tion contest which is to take be present will be amply replace tomorrow at pm. in the warded by spending an evening Hall of Chapter 186 of the with great authors of elocution under the auspices of the and music.
Garvey Club, Inc very interesting programme of music and other items will PALAIS ROYAL be rendered by well known artist of the community to aug FOR ment the evening entertainment.
SUITS Panama 11 am. Mr. Martin Rev. Wright Colon 11 a. Mr.
Walters 30 Rev.
Cousins La Boca 11 a. Rev.
Wright 30 Mr.
Phone 453 Kinnimouth New Providence 11 a. Rev.
PANAMA RE Cousins Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Har 15 STREET iT PANAMA lo ris Mr. Franla Reed of the and his ALAIS BOY DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner STEAM PRESSING DYEING We Dye To Live 30


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