
PAGE SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 Marseilles, The City Where Anything Can Happen Beauty and Vice Flaunt Them Moslem Chiefta Gets The Sugar Position selves in the Streets Side by Side Ten Years in Jail SENSE OF MYSTERY to MARSEILLES, Aug. 11 It is candlestick maker, or even the Blimpse of hand on the Mediter. imprisonment and a fine of 000 ments concerned the question of tariff preference Cuban sugar The circumstances surround from which the sugar industry Private Academy in is GIFT FOR YOU portunity among sugar producers all the world over, which, as LORD OLIVER has shown. Continued from page 3)
the British West Indies have cer that whilst these negotiations tainly no reason to fear. On KARACHI, August 29. for the immediate relief of the this occasion, however, negotia(Router Service. The sugar industry are proceeding, tions would have to take a some not what different trend, in view of seeing the great liners and their Moslem chieftain, the Pipagaro long range remedies are well feld passengers.
or Saint of the Turban who is being forgotten. We refer the fact that neither Java nor credited with almost divine at the recomendation of the West Cuba, the two largest producers, The Degenerated Chicago of Europe; That is only Marseids by tributes by his followers in the Indian Sugar Commission that give bounties or enjoy protecname the stopping place on a No One Seems to be Real Sukker district was sentenced his Majesty Government should tive tariff advantages, if we may long sea journey, the vague at Sukkur to a total of ten years take up with the other Govern except the comparatively small ranean.
not surprising to any one who cheap merchant. They give one rupees on various charges, in the removal of bounties and of receives in the United States.
knows Marseilles that the Brit a sense of mystery.
Go into some of the larger cluding illegal possesion of arms the excessively high protective ish Consul, Mr. Lee, has They might be doing anything cafes at night and go to the lit and kidnapping a boy and keep advantages which helped to crisis disappeared without any face, in for their living dark secrets tle narrow, grimy streets hid ing him in confinement.
bring about the severe spite of all the efforts of the po might rest at the back of the den away round about the old lice, mind of that man sitting beside harbour. Then you will see what ing the arrest of the chieftain, of the world is now so sorely Marseilles means.
early in the year caused a sen suffering. What is obviously HAS REMOVED TO Anything could happen in Mar me sipping an aperitif.
seilles from the most wonderful Marseilles is the degenerated The police in January, needed is a further Conference The trouble about this ideal 29 HSIREET in response to an urgent appeal on the lines of that held miracle to the meanest, foulest picture is, of course, that the Chicago of Europe. It is also one from the women of his house Brussels at the beginning of the Panama City crime. It is a city of beauty and Jark secrets actually are there; of the greatest drug marts, espe of vice, and both of these quali and they are not romantic se cially in cocaine. The man who hold raided his fortress at mid century which resulted in the restoration of equality of op Classes in English tils flaunt themselves in the crets.
was selling peanuts in front of night, rescued several members streets side by side.
a cafe this afternoon will be of of his harlem and afer searching BY DAY AND BY NIGHT They mean dope and slavery Pering you snow by the ounce the fortress found a large conYou glide into the port and the and sudden death. They mean a water of the Mediterranean in cealed store of arms and ammu years.
this evening. Ships come slog on the head in a dark street loaded with tracts and Bibles. Dr. BARTON, nition also a youth named Ibra Pirpagaro was acquitted on a PRINCIPAL as blue as the blues: sapphire. The gleams of a knife as it risus fine cargo until you know what him shut up in a box in which charge of murdering Ibrahim The waves glean in the rays of a Scorching sun four mother On the crowded and falls. The dull listless eyes is inside them, for their leaves he had been chained for and haggard faces of the dopie quay the thin dresses of the women blaze in a glory of colour fiends. The hard painted faces are cut out and they are hallow.
Inside is heroin.
FILE red vivid blue, green, yellow, all and avaricious lips of the women in the lower quarters of the theprimary few weeks ago about 1, 00, tints the while 000 worth was seized by the men with their sun tanned faces city near the water front and blue overalls, seen as they GRIMY STREETS Customs. That, so they said, move silenty in card shoes about That sounds like an exaggewas the finish of the gang one the boat sheltering in the old ration, but it is not. To sebe gang perhaps! But others take harbor. form a living part of some of the real Marseilles, it is its place.
the eternal South.
no good standing at the end of Walk over to the quayside, No one in Marseilles seems the Cannebiere watching the slip to your right down a smail real. The people as they pass in fine lattice work of ships rig. dirty lane, lighted by old gas the streets do not call to mind ging against the sky, or going lamps placed at dangerous in butcher, the baker, the over to the new harbour and tervals.
the Fat old harridans sit on chairs outside gloomy doors from which comes no light.
Through lighted windows come glimpses of women suppose OF they were women once, before they became machines sitting with mechanical smiles in filthy, tawdry Surroundings. Negroes, half castes, Levantines, Portuguese, stroll along the alley, a a cigarette half smoked hanging from the corner of their mouths.
IN THE UNDERWORLD Can you afford to miss this Round you are swarms of children who, barefooted and un washed, come running beside you, asking for pennies, and then you see through the doors little dark rooms, unlit and part The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro ly furnished with a bed, and a FOR duced for the motorist who uses his car for long woman sitting knitting at the door.
spells on bad roads, or in other ways involving particularly arduous service conditions.
Meanwhile the hustle and bustle of the crowd, brought toVERY STRONG VERY DURABLE gether from every corner of the Special Regular Your VERY EFFICIENT world, goes on. Clothes bartered, in the street. Veget Price Price Saving ables are cried as they were in old London, Light 00 60 60 The many coloured clothes loved by the poor of the South Lights 50 11. 60 10 change kalei doscopically and charm the eye until one is al3 Lights 10. 50 13. 60 10 most blinded.
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wall Dunlop Tyre Almost will be in force again one forgets. Then Your Dealer of Standard Suddenly through the darkness, will be glad Construction there comes a flash and a roar to show you is, of course, and a muttered curse. You come this latest Dunlop pro still available back to earth and you duck duction.
Some one has offended. Some one has transgressed the rules FOR FURTHER DETAILS OF THIS DUNLOP RUBBER of the underworld. Women cry EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER COMPANY LTD.
out and silently disappear inside the houses. The street empties Branches who have and a few minutes later, you Ask any of our 600 Employees see a broken human thing gasping and cursing on a doorstep.
When it has gone and all is quiet again hhadowy figures out of their holes like rats.
Soon the drawn breaks over ESCOFFERY Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon the habour. The figures go back. It has just been a twentyWholesale Distributor four hours day in Marseilles.
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