
Members of the Association, to the effect that samples of local pine apple sent by him (canned)
were greatly appreciated and made an excellent comparison with products from elsewhere.
Enquiries have been made for large shipments.
GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO ODOOD TODOC DOO 10 DO The Rice Industry plays a very important part in the success of your business THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE LONDON, August 29. The Empire Marketing Board has issued a report on rice growing in British Guiana prepared by Mr. Charles Douglas who visited British Guiana, Barbados and Trinidad last October.
The report says the essentials of a successful industry exist and the industry is capable of expansion not only by increasing quantity and improving the standard of paddi for the production of first class parboiled rice, but also by taking up seriously and with duel forethought.
under suitable direction, the pro duction for export of both brown and white rice.
Mr. Douglas warns against an undue haste, and remarks that far too much mixed and low grade paddi has been sown with results that must only be disappointing. The progress of the industry has been retarded by hap hazard sowing of mixed seed, the crude methods of threshing, cleaning and milling and the unregulated system of shipping and selling The report concludes by contrasting the lack of organization in the rice industry of British Guiana with the organized condition of the sugar industry and declares that without proper or ganization it is difficult to prodict a rosy future for the rice industry.
We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at Athlete Record Jump In England Hutch Hutchinson, Grenada born pianist, Leads Orchestra of England foremost revue. Jack London, British Guiana Sprinter, heads promising Jazz Band. By SAM DASHIELL Two of the best known Netheir fame recently by stepping groes in London have added to out as conductors of dance bands. They are Jack London of British Guiana, who represented Britain at the Olympic games in Amsterdam, and Hutch Hutchinson of Grenada, painist and guiding spirit of the orchestra in Cochran revenue at the London Pavilion London is rated as one of the best sprinters among the current crop who endeavour to push their Union Jacked shirt fronts over the tape for a win for home and Empire. His best performance in the 100 yard dash has been 4 seconds.
Critics believe that he has not yet reached the top of his form and will do better in coming seasons. But as a band leader he is becoming one of the warmest in town and is kept bus in avoiding conflict between engaments on the track and in London ballroom.
COULDNT KEEP AWAY Jack couldn keep away from a piano, he said. His parents would not allow him to take up music when he left school but he has been taking piano lessong now for some 18 months. He hopes eventually to study classical music and make it a profession but just now his activities on the ivories are limited to leading his dance band and aecompanying Negro Spiritu: singers.
As for Hutch, he is ning tution in London thea. rical world. Numerous Nere bands and band masters have come and gone but the lankv pianist in Cochran orchestra has outlived them all.
INTRODUCED SYNCOPATION TO LONDON He introduced London to its first steady diet of real rhythm and subtle syricopation. Now Hutch has a band of his own which is available for those denizens of Mayfair and other places of great social altitude who have developed a craving for the best in dance music, London is still talking about the days when Florence Mills and the Black Birds twisted society inot one of those turnoils from which even Sons, daughters, mammas, and papas of the best families, were unable to escape. Folks whose names often grace the Court Circular were among the victims of the artistes and their natural ability for crooning an audience to sleep or stampeding them over the orchestra stalls.
Cochran importation of the Black Birds company was perhaps the greatest achievement of his come back in the theatrical world. And what my Lords.
Ladies and gentlemen like, London likes.
The production of Porgy, also a Cochran effort, was likewise successfulll Do Do Green, Negro comedian, scored a great hit in Appearances. And the reasonant voice of Paul Robe Bon, first heard in London in the Show Boat, is often available on the radio or at a spiritual concert that many Englishmen recognise it as easily as they do chimes of Big Ben. Grenada West Indian. THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO London. Clearing the stag gering heiht of feet 314 inches Gordon of Oxford University, the British Guiana high jumper, when rep resenting Oxford and Cambridge against Princeton and Cornell in an Inter varsity meet recently, not only won the event but also created a new record for that meeting. Princeton and Cornell eventually led heaver in the total successes a. the meet.
Gordon, it will be recalled has been named and is likely to represent British Guiana at the Empire Olympiad, which will be opened at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, on Saturday August 16.
RUBBER STAMPS Laugh Manufactured to Order (Continued from page 3)
Remember you will smile again, Though a tempest rage within you. Cling more bravely to your staff.
Adversity cannot crush the man Who can face it with a laugh Royal Acanum Bulletin AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE WIT THE SAGES Experience is about the only thing in this world you cannot buy on the tasy payment plan.
Men of the noblest disposition think themselves happiest when others share their happined with them.
GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED The only time some men tell the truth is when it will hurt somebody else, There doesn seem to be much trouble meeting expenses. one meets them everywhere.


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