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an when a emthe public. and the animals cer pired on Tuesday morning at In some cases, whole villages prominent vocalists of Panama ployers, who it is said assured Grand was is anni 14 DAYA 55A backa men from all over ally going back to Juan France DEATH OF MRS.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 More Race Horses. Tragic Death of Hylton Terrific Hurricane The Sacred Cantata Negroes Being Hubert Julian at New Providence Better Races Two Seasons (Continued from Page Continued from page 1)
The sad and tragic death (Continued from Page of den of misfortune, Two white tile setters from at On Wednesday last To be Staged by Panama Americans he meets. Meeting a another William Hylton is Little Rock were iven the conreported temot of burying the dead wn batch of 18 horses arrived for from New Providence, Monte abandoned in favor of mass in Wesleyan Choir tract for the tile work in party of six, including Mrs.
the Panama Jockey Club.
Clayton Powell and Mrs. Charthe This Lirio, Canal Zone where he reBoone County Hardware cineration.
Members of the Panamana Company building.
makes a total of 36 importeri sided.
When they les Stewart of Baltimore and It is stated that the speed Wesleyan Choir under the di arrived Tuesday mornin the the writer, he insisted on takwithin a month by the Club, and According to information Hv the hurricane was 189 miles per rection of Mr. Harris, are brought is proof conclusive that with them ing all to Rouzier one of the the several ton left his residence on Sunday hour.
Jevoting much time preparing Negroes as helpers and started best restaurants in Paris, where new management is determined the sacred Cantata entitled The the work.
ordered the best to eat and to raise the racing game in morning the 30th ulto. for his DOMINICA ALSO SUFFER cow pen to look after his cattle Two Seasons for the harvest drink. He ordered the most ex nama up to the standard of on his way he was attacked by British island of Dominica state cable despatch from the festival of the church which will Little progress had been made pensive champagne in the house, any other part of the a bull from his herd and knockgroup of whites appear and as the clock flew up to the take place sometime during the world and on a better basis that the Hurricane struck ed down suffering severe inn month of November.
ed on the scene and told the ceiling with a bang he shouted than in many places.
that place, and did damage to juries.
The music of this Cantata is that unless the Negroes were Aha, the President of the UnitAt last Sunday afternoon poor peasant and labourers fired there would be troubid. In ed States can do that! The It attractive, but not difficult.
He was picked up and rushed houses and property estimated is so arranged, that it gives an races the first batch of import order to keep down trouble the next day he took a party to the to the value of 10. 000, and help ed horses were paraded before ed to the Colon Hospital, but Lida and the Ambassadeurs by in spite of all medial aid he ex for them was urgently needed. Opportunity for soloists to have Negro workers were sent ba to Little Rock by their two other de luxe places o clock With the dried skins of lions, tainly made a good showing, were wiped out.
who are not members of any them that they would which he says were shot by him.
each looking fit, with every Hylton was a native of Jamai The hurricane seems to have particular choir, have kindly the same and other souvenirs, Colonel trait of the real racer. The most ca and hailed from the parish of hit the middle part of the island consented to assist.
Julian Sails on the Ile de France.
favourable comments were Westermoreland. He came to most severely The deaths so far Edith Cavell Society under Mr. He is full of enthusiasm for his More will be said about the heard and the many expression the Isthmus in the early con reported number four, and Sobers, will compete effort at a later date.
for adopted country and his Empeof Noy the Jockey Club means Struction days, and was one of many injured are being treateri singing honours ror, who, he says, is a most business, and it takes a ma the pioneers in the building the in the Roseau and the Both of these gentlemen are remarkable man, working from like Mr. Hart to do it Panama Canal.
EDITH CAVELL SOCIETY TO well known in musical Bay Hospitals. doctor circos, in the morning until late into sent from Roseau to attend to HOLD quite audible SINGING CONTEST Hylton was an honest, hard and it is felt sure that their ef. the night, supervising all details the injured on the Windwari Arrangements are under way And by the way, was nt that working man, of an unassumforts in this connection, will be of the government himself. The side of the Island. The homeless for a singing contest under the some crowd that packed the ing disposition and was much lik greatly appreciated.
Emperor is most progressive in are sheltering in schoolhouses auspices of the Edith Cavell large hyppodrome at the breezy bd by all with whom he cam Many selections from the oli his ideals and takes a special ir park last Sunday afternoon? in contact. He was 60 years and other temporary quarters Friendly and Benevolent Society terest in aviation. In Ab This goes to show that the Pan old and leaves a wife and near re for the time being. The dama to take place at their Hall 9th masters will be rendered on th lub has the reputation of hein ama public love races and will latives to mourn their loss to public buildings and roads Street, Guachapali on Sunday occasion.
the wisest king since the days has not been entirely assesseri Oct. 12th.
Those attending this Concert give it unstinted Supportif of Solomon The sympathy of the entire yet, but it appears to be more run right. the public Members of the Life Guards will undoubtedly enjoy an evenThis The Abyssinians, he says, are convinced is the intention of community of New Providence serious than was thought to be Choir under the direction of ing of good music by these are a very kindly and hospit goes out to them.
the case at first.
Mr. Padmore and that of the two choirs.
the consenew management able people. They welcome quently racing fans who had the 8worn off the track ara gradu world who have the ability to do things for the preservation of a Sunday afternoon and par LOUISE KIPPINGS of the only black kingdom retaking in the sport of Kings maining in the world.
Last Sunday program The death of Mrs. Louisle The country is rich in gold very satisfactorily carried out and minerals and the soil is very fertile, with a wonderful. AT: cliher residence 12th October mate up there among the mounplayers. But tomorrow card Street, Guachapali, on Tuesday tains. That is why the white surpasses last Sunday by last the 9th inst.
people are so anxious to get long shot. The seven events list Deceased had been ailing since hold of it.
ed include of the new import the month of May and all efAt ed horses entered in a race by the Abyssinian legation forts to restore her to permathe writer was told that colorthemselves. This should prove a very interesting race when it nent health proved useless and ed Americans who can afford to comes to picking the winner she finally succumbed.
make the trip would be most The among these unknown quanticommunity welcome at the coronation extends of ties, Attached is the program sympathy to her bereaved famthe Emperor, which is to take for tomorrow ily.
place some time in November At Ist Race Furlongs the legation they said Darien. 126 they were very much satisfied Marcial. 115 with Julian work. Cococha.
INCLUDING ONE FOR NEW HORSES El Mayor. Laughing Water. Black Water.
104 Continued from Page 1)
Noted American May. the official recognition which FEATURE EVENT: Dancing Girl.
he has received and feel sure (Cont! ued from Page 1)
that he will be of much Service Znd Race Furlongs Kitty Gill, Administrator, been accorded all honors by the Rippling Water.
105 to, and very much sought for by critics of this country, Hayes Zapo.
118 a large number of our people.
Uncle Parks, was 4Hot Water many times denied acco5 Trigo.
100 modation at the leading hotels Tunney.
110 1. Water in the principal American cities, 126 Huerfano.
and was subjected to other May IST humiliation. It is believed that 3rd Race Furlongs Cococha. RACE these experiences have so em1 Golondrina. 126 bittered him against the preju2 Maria Luisa La Chiquilla 112 dice of his own country that he Bistouri Or.
6th Race Furlongs has resolved to abandon Amer5 Corazon. 120 Claprock. 126 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE ica for France, Don Florentino Otelo. 126 similar decision is said te Kitty Gill. 126 4th Race Furlongs Tramcars, direct to and from Track have been made by Paul Robe Administrator Weights 10 lbs, below scale son, noted singer and actor. Wee Gentleman Uncle Parks. 126 who is reported as having ap2 Miss Pink 6Royal Eagle. 110 plied for citizenship in England, Boyer. 114 where his interpretation of Tufli 7th Race Furlongs. 113 Shakespeare Othello has Otto Berz. 116 Zapo. Kill Joy proved a sensation in the Eng 11 Huerfano. WEIGHTS lish theatre. Rowdy Lad. 116 Hot Water. AFTER My Vernon. 116 Water.
RACE HART. Manager 5th Race Furlongs Trigo. 2ND Pride is a sign of the worst po1 Black Water. Tunney.
verty ignorance.
HORSE RACING was Most of the favorities won and Kippings of the Parish of St.
paid good dividends to the form Michael, Barbados, occurr JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 13th Good as Races 12Flax Appointed 130 110. 108 105 Claprock, Otelo, Royal Eagle POST TIME 00 116. Wrigits. AFTER 126 Dancing Girl General Admission. 50c. 118. 105. 126. 116. 111 PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB


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