
PACE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 000 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS TRINIDAD 5, 000 Pounds Sterling Suit Against Attorney General SEQUEL TO PRISON Primier McDonald Accepts fift From Trinidad BARBADOS Planters Willingly Co operate With Department of Science and Agriculture The Royal fik of Canada la Ender mellan thus Behind the Man! is BACK of every manback of every The write was hedged in the weich bore an expect the recent The Royal Bank 3806 Dr. Leo ST. VINCENT to Writing editorially, the Agri tered on.
SENTENCE cultural Reporter observes The sugar cane could hardly be superseded in Barbados but TRINIDAD, Saturday 16th We do not think that there we must do all we can to supAn action has been filed in the was ever a time in our agricul. plement our staple, industry.
Supreme Courtt by Algernon the tural history when planters in We observe that an expert C. Burkett who describes Some months ago, says general, have shown such will ment with bananas is being himself as a Journalist and Labour Leader, the organ of ingness to work in co opera made on an estate in St. James Managing Director of the Trin the Trinidad Workingmen Astion with the Department of There is no reason why banaidad Prospects Corporation, sociation, while Comrade LeonScience and Agriculture. They nas could not be grown as Sa agfins the Atorney General cite Estrada of Matelot Sec are in (the Hon.
partment freely and are in most of course, they are easily claiming 5, 000 damages for working timber on the North knot family back of every home, stands cases ready to go in for experi. stolen and rigid legislative false imprisonment and depri. Coast, he came across a ments in various directions. measure should be enacted to vation of his rights represen the Bank the guardian of fortunes, minority may be indifferent but protect the grower. Many years those who, The Com the counsellor and friend evenfually all must copoperate ago banana wings widespread.
cultivation was realizing the uncertainty of to morrow, Registrar Office yesterday.
in the order that the best re started here but the bunches rade thoughtfully preserved it In his statement of elaim, the and sent it to Captain Cipriani, provide for its emergencies out of today sults on the most econo Eco. were shipped to the English mic in methods with increased plaintiff sets out that on the who in turn forwarded same to resources.
market only and there was no th SON yield is absolutely necessary if proper means of transport. To27th of June, 1930, he was or the Rt. Hon. Mr. Ramsay Macthe present crisis is to be bat day Canada is very keen on es dered to serve two months im Donald, Prime Minister.
tled with successfully. Our tablishing a close trade relaprisonment by Mr. Waper We have very much pleasure agricultural problems are Harris Acting Assistant City in reproducing a letter just re: of Canada in. tionship and the difficulty of 112 deed many and a hearty co ope transport would very soon be Magistrate in respect of an ceived from Labour Prime Panama Branch Herman, Manager ration betwen the Department overcome. Our peasant holders order for costs made by the Minister (Santa Ana Plaza)
of Agriculture and the planters would be able to grow bananas Court of Appeal in the matter 10 Downing Street, Colon Branch (Cornet 11th and Bolivar St. Grosch, Manager must be maintained if progress at a substantial profit if they of the Corporation in which he Whitehall 1695 is to be made.
is interested against Gopaul.
were protected from dishonest 21st. July 1930 We have not the varied re neighbours. It is theft which is The amount of the costs was Arthur Cipriani, Esq. sources of larger places but hindering to a large extent the 13. 169.
13 40, St. Vincent Street, what we have should be organ industry of many of our pea PARADED IN PRISON Port of Spain ised and made the best of Jam sants and it is the duty of the Trinidad, Burkett alleges that on the aica has shown what can be Government to take up the afternoon of the 27th of June Dear Sir am exceedingly 2010 done through co operation. question. It is not insoluble and There was a time when a wave he was taken to the Royal obliged to you for the little a strong committee, on which Pink Goal Stripped of his clothing gift you sent me of a wooden of adversity extended over that the peasants should be repreand boots and paraded, in the paper weight, So curiously island but by determined and sented, would surely be able to widespread efforts the face of offer workable suggestions for gabl among dozens of prison marked. shall use it on my Surgeon Dentist ers, convicted of arson, larency table. It will remind me of Trin affairs has been changed and an the consideration of the Legis.
and other offences, idad and it Workingmen era of prosperity has been en lature.
Association 123 Central Avenue Panama City, Later on, he alleges he was workmade to stand stark naked thank the agricultural while a warder took his height think of sending it to me?
man who was so kind as Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, and other measurements and Your sincerely, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works marks of identification. He fur One Governor for Windward RAMSAY MACDONALD ther alleges that he was made to sleep on cold concrete.
Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment and Leeward Islandsic The statement of claim pro Petroleun Industry ceeds to allege that the next on the Increase 100 FOCO Urged at Public Meeting Held in Colony morning. June 28, his wife tenso a dered the amount of the costs, The Trinidad Guardian of the Kingstown Board and Mr.
but. Mr. Harris declined to acThe anual report of Mr.
12th ulto publishes the follow De Bique, Solicitor. The at.
cept it until an appeal of which Cathedral, the inspector of ing from St. Vincenttendande was representative of he had given notice against the mines in Trinidad, affords very An important and highly sucall sections of the community.
two months sentence had been interesting reading, showing The speakers stressed as re.
cessful public meeting was held withdrawn.
as it does the somewhat are hamarkable headway which the on Thursday night at the Free medy, one Governor for the He also pleaded that Mr. Har colony is achieving in regard to Public Library. The object was Leeward and WẢndward Isris refused to state a case for the expansion of its petroleum to draw attention to the exist lands, with official amalgamathe Court of Appeal. He men industry now the largest in ing System of Government TRA tions including the Audit of Po.
tioned that Mr. Harris was lice, Judicial and Electrical De.
a any part of British Empire NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM which entails too great over partments, in the Leward and layman, and pleaded that in the the colony crude oil output year. 1928, he was deprived of last year was the record of 8, HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES head expenditure, retarding the Windward Islands and the de 10 certain rights through the ac 715, 652 barrels or an increase progress of St. Vincent and the sirability of a Federation of other Colonies and to devise retion of Mr. Harris.
of the West Indies.
bo of over 1, 000, 000 barrels upon Get a copy of the medies for the situation.
The meeting thrown The plaintiff pleads that he the figures of the previous 12 The principal speaker was open for questions and discussuffered great indignity and months, while of the total oil Mr. Duncan, Editor of the sion and there was complete claims, las meritioned above produced no dess than 7, 652, Investigator, ably supported by accord with the views of speak 5, 000 damages, etc 726 barrels were refined in the SVOG HORRO Mr. Samuel, Member of ers. Other meetings to follow.
LITIGATION an island. It is interesting to reand read the records of past cord the fact that a Trinidad Thr Irigation which gave e si Cricket Veterans sont rise e this action was a case in petroleum industry is now firm Hidrott which Gopau? was accused of ly established, and future tenu odluke year will be a steady expan orio. AND misappropriating the sum of ass klø entrusted to him to secure rsion of production Last year butput was obtained by 15 opeoptions 1957 rating companies, while in 1921 to Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages The Acting Assistant City when the output. was under 2, dit so eilor Magistrate refused to convict. 400, 000 barrels, no less than 26 th and; an appeal was brought, to, companies, were engaged in Summary of Contents: the Full Court, by.
Mr. Burkett. operating. But in that year on sy History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years The Grenada West Indian, as, Managing Director of the ly 116, 860. ft. were drilled, siwr Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, of a recent date, states: Corporation, but the Court of while last year the new drill Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour. There is one thing which Appeal upheld the decision of ing was over 307, 000 ft Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, sands in the way of Windward Restoration of the the Magistrate and dismissed ett 19 the appeal with costs.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual island Federation, it is the peoStipe Bravery Rewarded sto buona Players most ple themselves, said His Honour Island Scholarship It was in respect of these the Administrator, Mr.
cust that Mr. Burkett appearValuable instructive; Historical, accurate, Complete and el lefore the Acting Assistant, For heroism at sea, Mr. John TRINIDAD August 16. Blood, presiding over Whiting editorially, under Beth Interesting.
the Legislative Council in the City Magistrate on the 27th of Jones of. Port of Spain, above caption, the Voice sion on Friday morning last at says. ada 112 June.
former seaman on the Trittidad Price 50cts: intervista York House ds want to 1632 Scik In connection with the IsOFFICIAL CAPACITY liner Mayora, received yesterHis Honour Geory made the state land Scholarship. are able ftohnoi ne The Attorney General isi sued day, in Port of sPain a gold Copies to be. bade from the office of the WORKMAN ment when replying to a com to say, authoritatively that it has in his official capacity. Pobt medal presented by the Presiment on the present much moot been restored to St. Lucia and 02 a Panama en seil mobno, of Spain Gazette. ASUK (Continued on Page 7)
ed of a Federated Windward Is that His Excellency the Govern хоног 110 (Continued on page ta OROS (Continued from page 3) mos. it 40 vitet er CRICKET! CRICKET. was West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 GRENADA People Themselves Stand in Way of Federation Says Administrator of Colony ST. LUCIA 1019 ses. age DEN Su


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