
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 PAGE THREE re and even on ST. LUCIA GRENADA Cause of Influenza The Future of the West Indies Restoration of the People Themselves causative organism of epidemic The reported discovery of the With Proper Government Federation pidly. It will r; and already we sem to hear the tumult and Continued from Page 2)
influenza by Dr. Isadore Continued from Page 2)
only Salvation the shouting, like the sound of or is engaged in arraning de lands Salk, a University of Chicago Government raised by scientist, holds out hope to Under the above caption the int constitutions are what they many waters, Federation! Fetails in connection with its Jewed working the Hon. Copland, Mem. those who have suffered from deration. West Indian Critic and Review are we may never hope for im.
ber for St. Patrick Carriacou. This disease and live to rememstates. Surely the Imperial Gov. provement, though the ablest How can it be otherwise in the We strongly recommend to in the course of his speecn un or it. Whether this discovery ernment, which know very littit and wisest of Colonial adminis. face of such neglect. Cast your the authorities that the restora. che adjournment the Hon, mem actually has unearthed the about us and sem to care less trators be sent to us. Have Engeyes over the different colonies tion of the Scholarship should ber for the Northern constitu long sought cause and possible which is more concerned about shmen of today decayed so much and behold the sight. Barbados te made retroactive and that it ency suggested that Grenada means of prevention of this di that they find it impossible to once strong enough to make should be awarded to Mr.
Fre should take some action in the sease cannot be definitely stated reducing unemployment in So.
viet Russia than in the saving emulate their illustrious ances ngland safe against the armies serick Degazon inasmuch as he conclusion of a Federated Wind for some time yet. Working these Caribbean colonies from fors? Theste Caribbean Colonies of the enemies by simply giving attained the Scholarship stand ward Islands at least for the pre during the epidemic of 1928 29 industrial ruin, can have no ob are in the grip of a political her moral support it is now en.
ard satisfactorily dast January. Sent leaving the bigger ques Dr. Falk and his associates isojection to our uniting and look slavery which has been strang tirely demoralised; she has lived It was only a short time previ tion of Windward and Leeward lated an organism of streptococ in after our own affairs. We sing them for years and from Bolong on the traditions of the ous to the holding of the Lon islands amalgamation for a cus family, where also is to be have reached a stage where we which they are calling aloud for past and the glories of ancient don Matriculation Examination later time. There should be found the germ of scarlet fever want them to work with us, not deliverance. Their weakness is days which at most are not verwhat tho Government decided to one Judge, one Chief of Police, and septic sore throat, for us. There is a great differ an Empire weakness, they form nutritious when her cane fields suspend the Scholarship tempo. One Colonial Secretary, one Di have produced a disease resemence between these two and our the weakest link in the whole remain idle and her distilleries farily and even at that time it rector of Education, one Direct bling human influenza in mon.
troubles are mainly due to the chain of Empire. Their strength dry. British Guiana is like was felt by many that the sus or of Agriculture and one Sup keys infected with this particuFormer People with a lot of will be Empire strength; let giant struggling out of some ne pension should have been from erintendent of Prison: Improv tar organism. Every influenza trouble of their own near at them find it in working out their pleasant nightmare wherein she after that year sitting and ed means of transportation and epidemic of modern times, at wn destiny found herself in a mighty swamy not from just before it. Such a communication, the aeroplane least, has brought forth similar home can hardly remember or with virgin lands. beyond but nc consider the needs of grown up he failure of the Imperial gracious gesture on the part of wireless telegraphy. would people thousands of miles away Government to grapple with the leading her thirther.
one to give a helping hand in the authorities would be appre. make Governmental control an organisms thought to be the The Caribbean colonies of Sugar Crisis is perhaps ciated and acclaimed by all easy matter. St. Vincent could specific cause of the disease.
The Windward and Leeward classes of the community.
these organisms Britain have long reached ma the last straw in the load of ne be reached within one hour One by one glect and indifference which will Íslands are like healthy children ture age and the indifferent way while an hour later St. Lucia have failed to measure up to in which the Imperial Govern bibak he Camel back. May be crying aloud for bread with the Work on the New siderable sums were being ex would also be within reach. Con expectations in Succeeding epifull knowledge that only stones demics. The value of Dr. Falk ment have for years been looking therefore, in after years when in sight. Jamaica and Roads to Begin pended on the existing discovery can be determined after them indicates that they these colonies shall have found are lad are in sight. Jamaica and are tired of performing their their strength in union they will system of separate officers for only by further careful scientif.
at Once the various colonies.
ic investigations and confir.
self assumed duties and bearing rather remember without malice Trinidad are the only two colonies with some amount of subtheir self imposed burden. But the impotent Socialist governIn conclusion the Hon. mem. mations. Scientific Magazine there no need to do either. We ment which drove them to a destance, still able to do something We have been authoritatively ber expressed the hope that at are not ungrateful or unappre termination to place themselves by way of improvement.
informed that His Excellency some future time the Council ST. VINCENT DE PAUL TO ciative of what has been done na position to grapple with Such is the picture, and the the Acting Governor has given be asked to make advances to instructions for work to be wands such realization.
SPONSOR POPULARITY for us in the past, when we were their own problems and issue only solution lies in federation, a on the new road CONTEST infants and mother milk was union of all the Caribbean color commenced For that is going to be the result HIS HONOR VIEWS good enough, but now we are of this Sugar debacle. Men who nes with self government to scheme. Immediate operations Replying His Honour said: Members of the St. Vincent grown up people we are like all before were indifferent will now that goal we are now travelling, will be undertaken in connec. have listened with great inter other grown up people in the give voice to the sentiment and hastened out of our travail by tion with the opening up of and est to what the Hon. Member De Paul Roman Catholic Church the attention of the Roseau of Panama are making arrangemost loving, family ready to rejoin the agitation for federation this last unkindest cut of all.
of Road had to say on the matter into the Millet Valley. Windward Islands Federation.
lieve father and mother of their knowing full well that ments for a grand popularity We learn further that the order it is a question which is very Schoolroom sometime during contest to take place in their natural obligations and look after though this government fall be.
for road rollers and ourselves. minor is expected fore long, England, which has Bahamas Nurses stone much in the air and meetings crushers in connection with to thinks as his parents, do, but evidently entered heart and soul the coming month.
have Strike Against been held in various when one has come to age he upon the unique occupation of this scheme is being despatched forthwith.
If you would like to The first count of votes for begins to cultivate tastes and am manufacturing respectable pauphear what are my views on the this affair will take place Government bitions and ideals difficult for ers, will before long return This is indeed good news and subject, should say that there Tuesday next 23rd inst. when the parents to appreciate espe another Socialist Government will be received with pleasure is one thing which stands in those who find it convenient to cially as the child is generally an From such governments the Ca.
by all.
Says the Bahamas Tribune: the way fo Windward Islands attend, will have the opportuimprovement on the parent, ribbean Colonies sincerely pray As a protest against the Te DENTIST HOWELL Federation it is the people nity of voting for their favorite more advanced in thoughts as Good Lord deliver us.
fusal of the Government themselves. It the people in candidate.
ideals and desires.
For years a few of us have grant them adequate accommo House No. 912 La Boca the islands themselves who There can be no doubt about it been agitating and educating dation and a suggestion that have spoilt every attempt which that there are deplorable condi against this day. The seed has they should do duty in another Canal Zone have ben tried.
tions existing in these Caribbean been well shown and it has taken institution well, sixteen The late Governor tried on spirit of suspicion and jealousy Colonies which are the direct Toot in soil now heavily manur nurses of the Bahamas Hospino less than three occasions to before there can be any amal result of Crown Colony Govern. ed by the neglect of the Imperial tal, ceased work recently. Small get the islands to come to an ar gamation. The Government ment; and so long as the differ Government, it should grow ra.
For some time the matter of DENTISTrangement in regard to the amal in sympathy with the idea and reducing expenses in connec MASONIC TEMPLE gamation of the Chief Justice 8c is the Colonial Office.
DSC0660 006CC ship and each time the memDepart tion with the Health Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm to 30 bers of Council of the other is.
ment of the Bahamas has been Sundays, by Special Appointment lands turned it down. Personal what members have to say on shall be very glad to hear Dr. Fairweather under discussion and the break. Masonic Temple ilth St, ly ain entirely in agreement this important question at aning point came when the vote O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL with for Medical Services was so readvances for amalgama other meeting.
PHYSICIAN PHONE: 1664 OFFICE tion but we must get rid of the duced that nurses, in addition to not being provided with proper HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO accommodation were asked to 20NO The Greatest Thrill o. K STREET serve as well in the lunatic de inthe World partment on the ground of eco PANAMA CITY nomy.
The Bahamas Tribunte 0000000000 states that prior to taking acWhy throw away your old, but no tion the girls addressed a letter to the Health Board in which doubt interesting books, when you they objected to carring out the extra duties, and the Acting can have them neatly bound at NEURALGINA Director of Medical Services 233 who also holds the position of THE WORKMAN Chairman of the Health Board Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any called the girls together, and Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET nothing in life that sives more Stop and analyze it. there it is said, told them either to do neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
what they were asked or suit JAVILLO FILL pure happiness than making themselves. The girls thereup OCO someone else happy.
NEURALGINA on walked out of the instituIs there?
tion. The gatekeeper was comWhen we present gift, we Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches municated with by telephone what it to be packed with all the and reduce the fever of children and instructed to stop them at Lentiment, affection and good the gate, but they swept pass its quality every time it is seen.
him like a whirlwind and proNEURALGINA ceeded to Government House that will serve, but the lack in where they represented their some respect. They wear out Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart grievances. Since the strike the quickly; outlive their usefulness; FORO and Board held a meeting and u SETO for have no usefulness at all, nanimously decided that by their there ANY THING that will For sale both Wholesale and Retail action the girls had broken Cleaning Clothes Good quickcom the recipient heart their contract and should be bent. that will tell her more discharged see eloquently than you could that AT THE It might be mentioned that Sie you wish her well. that aponks AMERICAN PHARMACY some of the girls who walked that never wears out. that reREID out would have completed their tains its value. that arbus course of training and graduatthe admiration of all who see it?
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor ed in October next.
No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Yes it fine jewelry such as we will be glad to show you if Panama.
PALAIS ROYAL Panama, you will pay wa volt Boom FOR RULLER FOR BEST CLOTHING 122 Control Ave ito as is IOD Book Binding! :9 3 FOR of Making Good Clothes


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