
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 THE WORKMAN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 73 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Aneon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION VE ONE YEAR. 40 SEX MONTHS THREE.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 INCONVENIENT CONVENIENCE a.
The day breaks fair. The Country is covered with sunshine, and when it is sunset, again, the dewey Heavens. let down up Creation her showers of blessing. She fills the air with moisture. She cools the temperature of the atmosphere. She refreshes man and beast. She invigorates their vitality. Birds, Cattle and creeping things and all vegetation have had bestowed upon them the blessings of continuance in growth, improvement and maturity, natural convenience is established throughout the Universe, and all Creation bursts forth in ecstasy. CONVENIENCE!
Yes! it is convenient to live and move and have our being. To sow, reap, and gather into barns. Maybe, it is convenient to pilage, kill, and plunder, for in some quarters of the Universe the desire to kill is the only thing which grows, the only thing convenient. The Autocrat grows haughty and pompous in his kingdom and he is athirst for the blood of those whom he subjugates. The Assasin grows in his desire to receive reward for the life of someone marked out. The gangster grows corpulent with desire to rob and plunder. The pagan curses the God who made him, and condemns his worshippers. The sucker bathes in the blood of his victims and his aggressiveness for the destruction of lite drives him to such depth that filth is more welcome than perfume, and he faces the fires of perdition with the boldness of a lion. The oppressor rants and raves from his pedestal of majesty, and he tramples under foot ti.
hewers of wood and drawers of water, sprinkling upon their heads the scorching liquid of cruelty and hate. The economic administrator surrounds himself with the commodities of stones and fish, and by his mandate, those to whom he administers are assembled before, him, and when they are hungry and ask for fish, they are blasted to atoms by a rain of stones. All this for CONVENIENCE!
Men of the world of valor, character, and acumen are tantalized, scandalized, and even penalized, for they dare to leaven the dough that bread might be forthcoming for the hungry. Demons spring up to the four points of the compass, and they terrify the saviours or humanity with their frightfulness. The pigmy is ready with sling and stone to cast forth with deadly aim at the giant whose figure darkens his view and would turn his light into darkness. The harlot is in wrath with the chaste woman, and constantly besmears her a: parel of cotton with corruption concealed in silk and adorned with satin. The fruitful is made barren by the spear of the killer, and the innocent is tagged with the insignia of dishonor, and finally, humanity bears the mark of the beast, all for CONVENIENCE!
But is this convenience convenient? Is it right and mete that the righteous shall be persecuted by the ungodly, and the innocent slain, and the poor oppressed, and the widow and orphan given thorns, and thistles, and stones for bread! Is the convenience of saying nay, nay, when it is yea, yea, convenient?
Let these questions be answered by reason, and righteousness, and humanity. Let them be answered by men who were made in the image and likeness of his maker who is just, merciful, and kind, and who will repay with a just measure an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, for sufficient unto the day is the reckoning thereof. Men Bretren how say you? Is it CONVENIENT to INCOVENIENCE others for your CONVENIENCE?
WITHOUT COUNTRY ed that age old maxim, He who would be free must himself strike the first blow. They have not learned that the world has neither respect nor regard for quitWriting editorially in its issue of the 6th inst. the ters, and they proved that when they failed to be men Pittsburgh Courier animadverts thus:when the test came! Far better for all concerned that Something happened in Chicago this week which shows they had never made the team!
the difference between America sense of honor and And finally, Chicago does not want these yellow justice and the same qualities in other countries. Two streaks. It has no place for cowardice we are making great atnletic teams came here to represent England and too strenuous an effort to prove ourselves men and womthe United States in a dual track meet. On the British en in this city to allow a group of quitters to come here team were two young men not of the white race; three and set up a counter movement! Henceforth these athyoung Americans, dark of complexion, were members of letes will not be welcomed here. And this is true of all the American team.
other young men who are willing to barter their heritWhen the teams arrived in Chicago, the British team ages for a mess of pottage!
went to the Medinah Athletic club to be quartered during If they can stand and act the roles fitted to the its stay here, while the American contingent went to the parts they are to play, let them get out of the picture Illinois and the Chicago Athletic clubs. We make the and make room for others who can and are willing, story short by saying that the British team remained in even to the point of making personal sacrifices where tact at the place designated for it but the three boys of occasion demands!
the American squad, Eddie Tolan, the world greatest sprinter; Gus Moore of New York and John Lewis of Holy Confirmation at Church Services the athletic clubs have their own policies which the whole St. Peter s, La Boca WESLEYAN METHODIST power of the United States could not alter.
Tomorrow Night Tolan entered the race Wednesday night and conPanama 11 a. Rev.
tributed his bit to the United States Victory. But it was At the close of Choral EvenCousins Missionary an empty victory. To the little rumt, out there strainthe Anniversary Song tomorrow night, ing every muscle to help the United States triumph over 30 Rev.
Great Britain, there must have been something strangeApostolic Rite of the Laying on Cousing Of Mands will be performed at ly unreal in the thousands of cheering voices that urged Rev.
him on to win. He must have been thinking of the conSt. Peter La Boca, by the Rt Colon 11 Wright 30 Rev.
trast between his country and the country which he was Rev. Jas Craik Morris, This is the second time for Wright helping to defeat. He must have thought of the hypoclass La Boca 11 a.
Mr. Percy the current year that a crisy of his country its rottenness even in sports where the world sportsmanship itself has no meaning! He must has been prepared for Confirma Hinds 30 Mr Walters have been running under a terrific strain when he tion at St. Peter New Providence II a. Mr.
recalled that he was good enough to represent his counThough the Bishop will leave Hilton Airall try in such an event as this, yet was not good enough to these shores early next month Mr. sleep and eat under the same roof with other members for his new field, Lousiana, he Paraiso 11 a.
McFarquhar of his team.
will, in compliance with the re. 30 Mr.
We say Tolan and the other segregated athletes quest of the Presiding Bishop, Walters must have thought of these things as they ran and won remain in charge of the Mission for America. But we have no sympathy for them. They ary District of the Canal Zone EVER. READY for another year.
AND PRIMdeserved to be Jim Crowed they earned the discomfiROSE CHORAL UNIONS ture which came to them because they were not men To the public a very cordial the invitation is extended to TO SING enough to do the manly thing under the circumstances.
When they were informed of the arrangements made service tomorrow night.
Members of the Ever Ready for them, there was but one thing for them to do pack Choir and the Primorose Choral up their belongings and get home as fast as trains could Union are making preparations carry them. There was no alternative no debate to the Kipling Interviewed for a grand singing contest to affair at all.
In Montreal take place on Sunday October Yet our boys accepted the humiliation the stigma 19th at 30 in the hall of of segregation and then entered the meet! All of which makes us wonder when we as a race, are going to develop Kipling is just what the man the Jamaica Provident and Be.
some backbone. When will we learn that there are some on the street imagines he would nevolent Society at Calidonia.
Both these Choirs are in cap be.
things greater than empty honors. Is pride so dear that Short, slightly stooped, able hands and the occasion it must be sacrificed on the altar of shame? Indeed, is with thick glasses, he is easy our sense of manliness so dulled that we cannot tell the to identify from pictures, be is being looked forward to with much interest.
difference between honor and shame? Is there a white cause of his traditional droopman or a black man with guts who would have accepted ing mustache and his enormous ST. PETER EXCURSION this insult? Hardly.
black shaggy eyebrows.
We can offer no excuse for these young men. College Kipling speaks the language students, seasoned athletes, boys who have had more of the people. It must be a Once again we beg to remind than their share of the better things of life. Not like source of concern purists the general public of the grand that this man, who can write Excursion which the Workers of those aged and weatherbeaten Gold Star mothers who were Jim Crowed to France by their government. In the such flawless English, and who St. Peter Church. La Boca have latter case there was much to be said for the mothers has been acclaimed by the com.
elected to sponsor on Nov. to for these athletes, absolutely nothing!
mon people at least as the But the damage has been done. These boys missed greatest contemporary English. The beautiful island of Taboga Tickets are on sale, and it is poet, should use such words as the chance to prove themselves men and not Colored men. They proved the contrary. Those officials respon ain in his conversation, and hoped that a large number of sible for this disgraceful affair have now an exnot be above slang expressions members and friends will be in cellent precedent upon which to work. And the Race is like guff.
poorer in respect by that margin. Tolan and the other But Kipling looks like the athletes who spent their time in Chicago at a Jim Crow man who never gives the pur: PANAMA WESLEYAN MIS hotel are men without a country. They have not yet learn ists a thought; indeed, his offSIONARY SERVICES handness and abruptness gives 1000 the impression that stickles Missionary Services in nection with the Panama Wesfor style will be rudely disillu.
FOR THE BEST IN sioned by him.
leyan Church will begin tomorrow at pm. when the child.
Kipling was asked about In.
Ten of the Sunday School will don know a thing about render the music for the occaBion.
it, he answered shortly. This from the man who wrote books The Rev. Cousins of the Colon Wesley Church will be of every description about it, was a reporter of an Indian paper, and lived many the speaker for the vening. years there.
cordial invitation is extended to VISIT THE Expressing a great interest all.
in the West Indies, he wanted The programme will be con: to know what Canada chances tinued on Monday night when were for securing the hay mar. his Excellency Major Brath.
ket for Bermuda, where the waite Wallis, British Minister automobile was banned and to Panama, the Rev. Cou horses were plentiful.
He sins, and Colonel Futcher of a fine Selection of thought this was a great oppor Fort Randolph will be the tunity both for Canada and Ber speakers.
muda to reciprocate in trade, The Choir will render an anHe was a bit anxious lest Can them for the occasion.
ada should let some other LSO THE VERY BEST IN competitor get in. Never mind the League we Eulogistic to a high degret want more freighters, he said.
ENAMELS about the PAINTS Canadian National Along this line, he said one Lady boats, he said: more boat designed to They re like clubs. They are carry general cargo might be Give us a call before purchasing wonderfully comfortable. De. employed.
elsewhere signed as they are for the trop Many people have claimed ics, should like to see them that the poet laureatship did not go into the Mediterranean. go to Kipling because of the exPANAMA HARDWARE The West Indies Leagues was pression Kipling used many cited to Mr. Kipling as an ex years ago with regard to Queen CATHEDRAL PLAZA ample of trying to establish bet Victoria in the line, the widow ter relations between the In pays in red. He was asked dies and Canada. Continued on page 5)
B: GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON Do your friendship mellow and grow closer with time, or do they grow cold and die? Do you make excellent first impressions, know the touch of warm, welcoming hands only to find that the grip grows less hearty and that your presence is not hailed with the former joy? If so, search yourself for you are missing in some vital quality that draws and holds men together. You do not support close contact you offend. If you would carry your frien dships with you from childhood and maturity, along ti he wintry trail of old age, learn your faults and correct them.


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