
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 PAGE FIVE INTERESTING JOTTINGS Lilian Gish Says Carribbean Key Beauty and Health in Life Unknew as cer no LA MASCOTA SO Just Received a Large Assortment of were ENGLISH TWEEDS WAY (By ELIJAH HUNTER. Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
By Dr. HENRY HINES Friend and Countrymen: Here most money. This saturtlay night asked if she would ake the role ther important bearing upon we are again with the same ola in question, things did not go very pposite Robeson. Miss Gish said the future history of limitation HAY FEVER story. There is nothing new under well with one of these girls No she did not see Robeson play of armamento and particular The the sun, is the trite saying, and that is many callers put in their appear in the role while abroad, as she drought which has nd respiratory tracts, causing true. In connection with this, an ance. They all, or most of them spent all of her time in France ly on the relative naval ton brought ruin or near ruin to Sneezing, watering and itching old lady had an only daughter seemed to have been lured to the nage on the Atlantic and Paci many has done something for of the eyes, and swelling of the whom she was trying to make as resting other girl apartment all night fic oceans.
the hay fever sufferers. Among mucous membrane within the good she could. She gave her long, and for one it was a miser The announcement by Miss all the instructions calculated to able slow night of watchful waiting. Gish that she would take a part che numerous plants membrane nose, with sometimes a watery make one correct in views of life. In the morning. Sunday) one was opposite a Negro created con Admiral Hepburn called at of those unfortunate people wh discharge in the morning and and in things related to the make happy, the other sad. One happy tention to the fact that the are sensitized to them, rag at night or during the entire up of one existence. She for success, the other sad for fail siderable interest among Ne. Canal is of a very delicate me. weed and golden rod are out day. There may be a mild fever, properly described to her the are. The one that was happy com groes, because the motion picchanism and could be destroyed standing. The two varieties of increasing as the day grows old things she should do, and the things menced to banter the other. you ture in which she achieved her by a successful operation on a rag weed and the golden rod It is a type of protein poisoning she should not do. And she told know how the women banter each first screen success as a star her of the things she could do. other. She went out upon very small scale.
have many allies, timothy and the was an anti Negro film, The To grasp what happens one and how and when. She took the porch in very high spirits, sweeping Birth of a Nation, produced by orchard grass being prominent must remember that absorption trouble to let her know that some everywhere that was Dana Munro, Chief of the amongt them.
perfectly David Wark Griffith, a notori. Latin America division of very of the things that people regard clean, using the broom with takes place readily through the the This so called hay fever is a as wrong are not wrong in ous Negro baiting Southerner. State Department and recently mucous membranes upon the fact, much pep, singing as she swept. but is right or wrong according to call things bright and beautiful. The Nation film was based appointed United State Min begining of thepollinating seaseasonal disease. August 15, the surface of which the dust rests the way in which it is done, and the creatures, great and small. Th on the notorious book by Thomister to Haiti, decried the critic son for the plants that affect when you breathe through the circumstances and conditions un other girl felt it keenly. She en nias Dixon, The Clansmanı ism directed against the United most people, marks the begin. people made sick by eating lobo nose. We formerly talked about der which done. She talked to the girl derstood what it all.
in a way this. Gal, a bach this girl hande a nobserved and is said to have been based States for its Caribbean policy ning of their suffering, which ster. shell fish, eggs, etc. you mus creep before you walk. You mus that she didn do very much tha or the exploits of the Ku Klux by persons unfamiliar with the may be continued until the first having an idiosyncrasy for these chaw you bittle before you swal night before, and that she (the first Klan during reconstruction. facts and said that the present frost. After that they are free foods, all of which are largely low it. Ef you swala before you girl) had. Driven to desperation. Miss Gish, however, is not a policy of the United States is to chaw, it wi choke you. You mus but being able to curb herself, she Southener by birth. She was for another year.
protein in their nature. What me an don see.
cut down You mus hear retorted by opening her vocal control over Haiti an don hear. You Musnt tek woman the born in Springfield, 1896, this one. oh wait, meekly wait and withdraw at the What really happens in these really happened was that earliest pon yourself before you know fe and murmur not, while she als and been a leading woman in possible moment.
cases is a sensitiveness to the people affected were poisoned tread needle an mek button hole, swept with her broom!
pictures since 1913. She has action of plant pollens of by these proteins. Similarly in and darn tacking, and men you taken the chief role in numertain types appearing usually ir hay fever the protein of the pole frock. You Musn put load pon the fall, although The old folks say Dog get him ous films, the more important we have len absorbed through the mu.
you head before you mek katta.
Teason fe swalla bone. It is true. of which were Hearts of the spring types as well, suok as PALAIS ROYAL cous membrane brings a chain You musn tek man before you There is plenty of phylosophy in all World, The White Sister, of symptoms described above, can care man. You mugn rose fever.
tek these sayings of the old folks. The Way Down East, Broken good sinting mek popyshow. You The trouble is characterized FOR which are due to the sensitive musn kin you teet all de time express themselves in ways that stupie Blossoms and Orphans of the by a catarhal affection of the ness of the person affected to because present day people are laughfy laughty gal FOR BEST CLOTHING bear good name.
You mus enough to call crude: but as a mat Storm.
look mucous membrane of the eyes the particular protein present before you lep. Ef you run in the pollen.
too ter of fact, it is the present day peo fas you run two time. Ef you ble who have crude sayings, and to Before this was understood broke tick in you eari boot their sayings don have much by the medical profession hay something bad happen to meaning that can be put to good fever patients were all treated you, no call me, dat time me gone use. It is not so with the old sa out. Notin no name new. Ebery. ings Everyone of them has locally biy sprays and applicaTral, good, substantial motto, and tions to the nose and throat and ting you see to day happen al they can be relied on for profitable ready.
application, if only we do not allow eyes. Some relief was obtained ourselves to become too respectable but there were no cures. Ope: Upon a saturday night, not to read, mark, learn, and inwardly ration was often resorted to uplong ago, there was a competi digest them. For instance, this sav.
on the nose, with little or no tion between two girls, one aged ing we have just quoted about the help. Uncomfortable and even thirty, the other thirtyfive. They dog: the dog knows in advanen serious asthma followed or was both high steppers, the time he swallows a bone how coincident. The only real relief you kn how. They liv. is going to dispose of it. He know ed next door to each other, and that he cannot digest a bone, there.
obtainable was by a change of were always able to observe how fore he cannot dispose of it by that residence to some place where each other get along. When they make he knows then that if he the particular plant or plante were not engaged, each sat at the ean digest it, it must be gotten rid In the very Latest Designs causing the disease did not exist door way and watched how many, of in some other way. That. the mountains for some, the called at the other, and made a knows therefore he swal mental count. There was the lows it. Now, if the philosophy seashore for others. Relief was desire in each to be the recipient in that saying is studied and ALSO had during rainy, damp weather of more callers than the other, and rlied. those who so study and an when the plants did not spread that would make a differenn ply it must certainly benefit by its their pollen, also during windeach caller had to pay for his call. stud and application. It is as true Naturally. the one who received a truth. Dok got him reason less days to a lesser extent.
the most callers would earn the swalla bone. We have now found that by testing out the individual with SINGING CONTEST Kipling Interviewed extracts made from the differ. By Ford)
ent plant pollens it is possible Singing Contest will take (Continued from page 4)
to ascertain which causes his or place on Sunday October 12, unLEST YOU FORGET about it.
her fever. Then by injecting der the auspices of the Edith Don concern yourself with graded doses of the pollen exCavell Friendly Society at their hings that happened before you tract over a period usually from Hall 19th Strebt Guachapali.
were born, he warned. The 15 to 30 days immunity to an Members of the Life Guard expression the widow was attack is established.
Choir under the direction of commonly used then, would IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL Should an attack occur the in Padmore and those of tot say in court circles, but on Edith Cavell under Sobers, he streets, in the army, everyspite of the first series of injections, further treatment with will strive to achieve vocal where, almost like Uncle Sam the pollen extract will greatly honours on this occasion, is used to day, although, of Both Choirs are in good shape course, in not quite the same lessen its severity.
consequently, it is expected way. If you were in the army, MULLER Prop.
One series of injections of that the competition will be Government stores were refer.
the pollen extract may not 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 red to as the widow You see, cure, or if it does cure may challenge is extended by she was a widow such a long not do 80 for all time director Ford of Chapter time. It was a very familiar The treaments should be repeat 14, Choir, to the phrase in those days. Mon ed for several seasons to ce winner of the contest treal Star.
ment a cure. even though complete relief is obtained in the DEBATING SOCIETY TO BE first. The injections should be MISSIONARY SERVICES AT RE ORGANIZED.
started early enough to allow LA BOCA for completion before the 15th Arrangements are under way of August. There are two The annual missionary meet.
ing in connection with the La debating society at the Commu for the reorganization of a new methods of administration, each of which has staunch ad.
Boca Wesleyan Church nity Hall, Chorrillo.
Of every description herents. One method consists held on Thursday night last, The society will be known as 18th inst.
of injecting every 24 hours, the The Standard Debating and other every 48 hours. In either The Rev. Cousins of Lierary society. The directcase should a reaction occur the Trinity Wesley Church, Cocrs are members of the local lon in his usual general man community who are well known characterized by symptome of ner presided over the meeting. for their love of literature and blemos hayfever the dose is suitably AT THE reduced and continued from The report was presented by debating the Ry Wright who gave this point upward.
an outline of the ever widening Directors, Messrs. Smith Following are the Board of operations of the Wesleyan Yearwood, Toppin, Missionary Society, from its Harvey, Cox, Murrel and commencement and its work Barnabas.
ORDER BOOKS The Rer. Mulcare of The names of other members.
St. Peters Church, La Boca will appear in point at a later (who was heartily welcomed)
pave a very stirring address.
Phone 453 AND Rev. Hartzell of the DRY CLEANING Seawall church also gave The Choir sang two anthems PANAMA REASURER STEAM PRESSING very interesting address, This which were very much appreciat ON SALE subject was based on the words ed.
The church was crowded 16 STREET DYBING We Dye To Live At the Workman As many as touched him were and the meeting was evidently PANAMA made whole.
very much enjoyed.
anBlue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA very keen.


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