
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 Colored Soprano Spreads Fame In United Kingdom Miss Alice Fraser West Indian Singer Delights Large Audience a a. Urich) Negro Spirit Private Academy a was ONLY 10 DAYS MORE num Of Our Astounding Sale words were being made to live, waited for the Lord. preciation for his fine accomand in some the sweet pathos (Mendelssohn. paniments and skilful exploita.
the simple life of the cotton Teach me to pray Jewitt. tion of the power and responfields was portrayed as if on The Lost Chord. Sullivan. sive beauty of a magnificent canvas. It was thrilling and instrument. will extol Thee Lord wonderful singing Soulster.
Aria from Eli. Costa) During an interval the Rev.
ring, inspiring, devotional and Inflammatus from Rossini J. Whiting proposed hearty humorous in urn, and a remark. Stabat Mater thanks to the Mayor and Miss able feat of vocal endurance.
the Fraser, and both responded in Whilst Miss Fraser has her Miss Fraser and AT GLOSSOP WESLEYAN CHAPEL The Rev. Whiting (Superandoubted limitations in music few happy and well chosen Choir Negro Folk Songs: intendent Minister) briefly in words Exchange.
al polish and culture, she is Hard Trials. Burliegh. ex Scenes unprecedented in its Now, in her own country she troduced the Mayor, and singer who makes special ap Scandalize my name. Bur.
the Neight PALAIS ROYAL history were witnessed recent has won for herself an assured pressed the delight of peal to the religious emotions ly at Wesley Chapel, High place, singing the Negro Spirit church officials that his Wor. inherent in mankind, and probe Didn it rain. Burleigh)
FOR Street, Glossop, England, when wals as only one who knows the ship had so kindly come along ably as great an exponent of West Indian Songs INTERWOVEN HOSE to take the chair that evening 1, 400 people assembled, all de story of slavery in her race can the music of her race as has Pickaninny Sandman. TalThe Mayor said, it was not sirous of hearing the gorgeous sing them; yet with fine techbeen heard. In Negro lullaby bert)
singing of Miss Alyce Fraser, niçue, power and charm, which his intention to make a speech, she is endowed with a power Papa Mamma did not know the West Indian soprano, who on enable her also to render clas because he knew they had come that pulls at the heart strings.
the occasion of a recent visit to sical items with equal effect. to hear the talented artiste who and those are enunciated with a uals: the Hadfield Weskyan Church, She has a voice of great beauty was to entertain them. He felt subtle charm which in them Swing low HAS REMOVED TO the friends here were to be com Sweet chariot packed that building to its full lexible, pure and perfectly con Belves create the fervour of (Brown. 29 HSTREET capacity and sent the vast audi crolled. Emotion imbues her plimer ted upon securing Misc Moody and Sankey Revival. Heav Heav (Burleigh) Panama City ence into ecstacius of delight singing of Creole songs and Ne. Fraser, and he would like to con THE PROGRAMME Nobody knows de troubble by her wonderful vocalism. The gro Spirituals. Those who gratulate that lady upon the The items were ve seen (Brown. Classes in English fame of he singer has spread heard her memorable singing in truly religious work she How. Lovely are Thy Dwell Every time feel de Spirit ihroughout the British Isles, the Albert Hall, at the last Mis doing because he believed her bene ins. Liddle. Brown. BY DAY AND BY NIGHT and her visit to Hadfield has sionary Demonstration filling activities were having a been talked of since to such an the building with case without ficial and uplifting influence Omnipresence. Cole. Mr. Henry Fielding presided Dr. BARTON, extent that the demand for ad the aid of the organ, were en The Lord is my Light (Al at the organ with great ability (Applause. He had, therefore, litsen)
and we feel he merits real apPRINCIPAL.
mission programmes for her aphralled by the power and bril much pleasure in asking Miss pearance at Glossop last evening, liance of the artiste, and her Alyce Fraser to take up her has been far greater than the of fame having been thus estab heavy part in that evening ficials of the Wesley Chapel lished, it has gone before her to FRASE programme. Renewed ap could meet hundreds having tever place she has visited, plause. had to be refused for lack of ac and everywhere, on every hand ADEPT SHOMANSHIP commodation.
enthusiastic welcomes have Miss Fraser, who was given this talented FILLED THE ALBERT HALL been accorded a very cordial reception proved Bliss Alyce Fraser is a Wes. daughter of Wesleyan Mission. herself not only a feat vocalist ary endeavour.
Lut an adept in showmanship leyan Methodist, born in BritMAYOR PRESIDES for she embellished her ish Guiana, where she was a member of the Trinity church For last night gathering at sion, and somewhat original in hers with much skill of expres.
choir. Making her way to the Glossop, his Worship Council.
United States, her career there lor Mellor presided and was The wonderful terpretation her was one of marked success. supported by the Mayoress. purity and flexibility of voice was exploited to the full yet one always felt she had remarkable wealth of reserve power which was untapped even by the strenuous and exacting programme of some seventeen items. To our mind OF one of the gems of the evening was Miss Fraser sining with the choir in Inflammatus from Rosini Stabat Mater.
which was a sheer delight. The clarity of tone, the dazzling beauty, and superb higher register, were thrown up in great relief by the power and balance of the concerted vocalism, and the choir is to be complimented upon some very expressive The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro and well controlled singing in duced for the motorist who uses his car for long this number.
pells on bad roads, or in other ways involving SUPERB ARTISTRY Another particularly charm.
particularly arduous service conditions.
ing effort was the aria from VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE Eli will extol Ther, which was treated with an easy to Save Money. Positively Closes VERY EFFICIENT grace and superb artistry.
Every word was clear cut as a cameo; the runs taken with perfect rhythm and intonation; there was no slurring over the notes which called for real production but they were Special Regular Your sung and placed in correct Price Price order. Throughout this numSaving ber there was a dainty ripple of See the silvery tone which twinkled Light 00 60 60 coloured and danced as beffited the medallion words, and one marvelled at Lights 50 11. 60 10 on the the perfection of diction. In The famous The Lost Chord, the audience 10. 50 13. 60 10 wall Dunlop Tyre were simply enchanted by. 54 Lights 12. 00 rendering of exquisite concepof Standard 15. 40 40 Your Dealer will be glad Construction tion and all. compelling in its to show you this latest is, of course, character and structure a renDunlop pro still available dering which emphasized the real meaning of the composi.
COMPANY LTD. In the Negro songs we were St. James Home J, London, was treated to a native touch of Branches thronghwa humor; they were quaint and delicious morsels, whilst the Negro Spirituals throbbed with the intensity of the race. To these Miss Fraser imparted a For sale at all Leading Garages large modicum of the revialist fervour, her whole being vibrat Panama ing with the fire and joyous E. ESCOFFERY Colon AT YOUR SERVICE ecstasy of pouring forth her AUTON Wholesale Distributor Scul in a flood of golden song.
One instictive felt that the With an even greater reserve of Strength!
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