
dent of the United States of America In August, 1928, Jones together with six others, manned a lifeboat crew from the Mayora in the Gulf Stream near New York to pick up the shipwrecked Captain, his wife and the crew of the sailing schooner John Martino. After several hour toil the rescuers wer!
They had hardly brought the shipwrecked party safely to the Mayora however, when their lifeboat was smashed by a huge wave. They were left in a most perilous position.
The medal, which is about the Bize of a crown is inscribed: To John Jones of the British Steamship Mayora, in recognition of his heroic services in effecting the rescue at sea, on August 12, 1928 of the Master and crew of the American schooner, John Martino.
Other members of the crew have also received medals.
OSOFT TORTO VAISUTAB 33 03218098 plays a very important part in the success of your business.
saa 300 THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Between Co.
and Costa Rican Covernment Says the Jamaica Gieaner of the 3rd inst: The banana contract be tween Costa Rica and the United Fruit Company was still be ing discussed in Congress at San Jose on the 27th of last month and up to now, no news has reached the island of a decision having been arrived at.
Newspaper reports show, however that the opposition to the contract is steadily losing ground and the agreement ht to be approved by con tract in the course of the next few weeks. It is the opinion in some quarters however that much of the delay is due to the fact that the company is not particularly keen on having the contract signed just now, as. this would mean that they would have to put in a considerable acreage in bananas and st likely owing to the pres.
ent over production, they would be unable to find suitable markets for their Costa Rican fruit. La Tribuna of the 19th of last month contains the report of the previous day session of Congress. memorial was received from Mr. Marvin T! Marsh, head of the United Fruit Company in Costa Rica.
He informed Congress that the TO GET GOOD WORK DONE One Hundred Trinidad Pilgrims at Lourdes grimage We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at est 0364 company had gone to the limit it on his the country was There LOURDES, August 14 hundred pilgrims from Trini.
dad who reached here on Friday from the first official pilto the grotto from that West Indian island.
Fr. English, Sp.
superior of the Holy Ghost Fa.
thers in Trinidad, and Fr Ortiz, Superior of the Augustinians of the island, led the pilgrims.
They began the pilgrimage at Port of Spain and landed at Le Havre. At Paris they were joined by Mgr. Montes de Oca the 34 year old Bishop of Valen cia, Venezuela, who is an exile from his country owing to his uncompromising defence of Christian marriage.
His Lordship strongly protested against the marriage of a State official as a divorce was involved. He was exiled and went to Trinidad, Two of the Trinidad pilgrims Mr. and Mrs. Ludovic de Verteuil, who belong to one of the oldest families of the island, halve celebrated their golden wedding here, surrounded by thirty members of the de Ver.
teuil family HERRARAZA lo THE WORKMAN PRINTERY nanas 72 Street Leila TE NEAR JAVILLO DARI Carlosamendoza. Stre NEAR sobe RUBBER STAMPS British Guiana as far as concerned.
was a long discussion and a motion introduced by Senor Padilla asking that the company be compelled to pay a tax on rents. On the following day (as the report in, La Tribuna of the 20th shows) the motion was defeated by 25 votes to 14.
The same paper on the 21st reports that on the previous day the amendments proposed by Senor Mayorga to abolish the penal clause in the contract, BU and to reduce the term of the st contract from 20 to 12 years was thrown out. The motion of Senor Guido that the tax on balovels be reduced from cents per bunch to cent foot! when the amount exported Alisema exceeded ten million in the AtCOM lantic area and five million in Get on the the Pacific was withdrawn by the mover after some discusi sion.
nota On the 21st the United Fruit Company forwarded another memorial to Congress. In this memorial the Company promis ed to ship their fruit through எம the ports of the republic if the bob boobro government would promise to al low the erection on the eastern LID SUTA Spesville coast of a pier with sufficient space for the Company to exน2 สำหร. วด วย port their products.
sto sito no The motion of Senor Padilla, which was introduced on the 26th caused a lively debate.
The motion asked that the AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE United Fruit Company be com0 pelled to make a loan of 500. 000 to the small producers of bananas.
This motion whis, however, defeated. The same fate met the Bill introduced by Senor Mayorga Rivas that the Company plant the 300 hectares specified in the contract in set the Atlhntic zone.
hin At the sitting held on the 27th, the motion of Senor MaDE yorga Rivas that the promise of TDI the United Fruit Company to Yo 49 assist in obtaining a loan of two 100wTESE million colonies for the small solution producers of bananas was passde ed. The motion of Senor Urbisive na that the price to be paid by the company for bananas be vas fixed by Congress and stipulat1000 2000 100 ed in the contract, was defeat.
FERRETERAREA FELLSLAAITIERER Demerara Electric Company In the list of causes for hear ing in the Supreme Court during the month of September, says the Argosy, is the action of the Attorney General of Brit.
ish Guiana and the Mayor and Town Council of Georgetown the Demerara Electric Co. Ltd.
in which the plaintiffs are seeking an order of the Court compelling the defendant company to take up the sleepers of their tram rails and also to make up the portion of the roadway from which the rails and sleepers are removed in pro per manner, or in the alternative the payment of 72, 000 as damages, o Manufactured to Order 196 noriuba tuono GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED DO YOL AMAMAS DE 111 ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY be AND HOTTE REASURER ON SALE At the Workman rest Printery NTSALT Ooi


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