p. 8


V8 352 ESTABLISHEDVES va The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1930 Britain and United States Reception for Report West Indians British Labour a are on 111 118 HORSE RACING More New Horses Entered for Tomorrow Should Divide Cost of Waterway (Contined from Page Continued on Page 8)
Continued from Page 1) Boyke, Ferreira, lack of money in the country, fore the World War, it was re.
Races at Juan Franco Suggests Prominent British Lindsay, Campbell and scareity of employment, and it peatedly charged that the na.
Lawyer Myers of Panama. would appear as if these condi. tive rebellions so sternly SupThe racing public will be treated again tomorrow to one WASHINGTON, Sept Ir what he proposes was learned Gittens, Hector Connor, years yet. Some years ago Cu the cruelty of the whites.
of the classiest race meet ever a conference to day with An. His position, however, is that Lawrence and Cyrus of Co. ba flourished and West Indians In the French Congo so late pulled off at Juan Franco in drew Mellon, Secretary of the British government would lon. Claud. Walker of red rushed there to better their ly as a couple of years ago many moons. Quite a number the Treasury, Hawkin, a prefer to see part of the cost Tank and Percy Glasgow of conditions, for which they are great Flerkeh writer openly of the newly imported horses prominent British lawyer, pre. financed in that country rather Paraiso.
not to be blamed. Jamaicans charged that the natives were have been entered in events sented a new suggestion for than in Canada on the ground The interested public and a large number of them forced to labor in rubber col.
with othr old veterans of the constructing the proposed St. that it is approhended the Unit asked to give the venture their astened there to seek employu ection by tyrannical fines and local track, and this of itself Lawrence waterway Mr. ed States otherwise would get loyal support.
ment and it is a well known fact sentences if imprisonment in should create a great deal of Hawkin advocated having the too large a measure of control that many of those who went flicted without rhyme or reainterest.
British government and the He made it clear to day that the GOVERNOR BURGESS there had been able to return son.
The Governor The program for government of the United Spoke unofficially in presenting of the Pana. in much better financial positomorrow ma Canal, Colonel Harry Bur. tion. But things have changed In the vast territory collect.
is well mixed. There are three States divide equally the cost of his proposthl.
races for native ponies and developing this seaway from Mr. Hawkin figure on the gegs who is now in the United that is available in Cuba goes ively known as British East Af.
rica the authorities are anx.
che Atlantic to the Great Lakes four for imported horses. This cost of the project as 200, 000, States for the purpoße of dis.
to the natives and there is lit will no doubt create reater exinstead of having this country 00. This is a far higher figure cussing Panama Canal appro tle or nothing for foreigners to ious to write a new story. The domain and Canada divide it.
is made up of Kenya than citement and enthusiasm thân has been place on it by priations, is expected to return do. Then what makes the sit.
the United Fruit, line, on ation much in many past events and should Details of Mr. Hawkin pro. experts here.
wose, the cost of and Uganda, which are British at the same time puzzle the gramme were not made public Mr. Hawkin had a letter of Wednesday 24th inst.
living has increased and an in possessions, and Tanganyika the mandate for which was asdopesters in picking the winners ad only the general outline of introduction to Secretary Mel flated price has been placed on when Here goes the program: lon from Representative James The proposal to have thi the common necessities of life. Sumed by Great Britain this former German possession Beck, Republican, of Penn. country and the Birtish govern Mr. Wright expressed the 1st RACE FURLONGS was wrested fom German rule. Mr of hope that something would be Black Water. 114 American Race flaters Hawkin that the matter of me Lawrence project is a new one To Make United Colony done to give added steamship Marcial.
120 The British government facilities gotiation of an understanding here. Indlications are that adbetween this island de.
Deported from Russia with the British gvernment on. 112 vocates of the waterway in sires to make of this territory and Cuba so that Jamaicans do.
Monte Mahal.
the waterway be taken up at this country will take readily miciled there might find less something like one united Sibarita 11.
115 IM SOVIET FINDS ACCUSED the Imperial Economic Confer. to it.
difficulty in being repatriated crown colony, the ultimate and 126 May.
President Hoover is keenly in to their native land.
distant object being to make of Dancing Girl.
110 BUED WITH SPIRIT OF RACE énce which will meet at London PREJUDICE BACH GET JAIL on October He hopes that terested in the St. Lawrence it a great self government de 8Don Simon minion SENTENCES, LATER SUSPEND. Ambassador Charles Dawes improvement and it has been 2ND RACE FURLONGS For this purpose the govern.
ED AND DEPORTATION will be invited to take a part in understood generally that he ford MacNider would be able to Infimo 106 ORDERED the conference and consider hoped and expected the new come to an understanding with ment proposes to name a high Rippling Water. 105 this subject.
commissioner, who will have all Minister to Ottawa, Col. Han. Canada. Orange Crush.
105 MOSCOW, Sept. The Sovi the powers and most of the Trigo.
117 iek gave race hating, white PRETTY status of a governor general of Huerfano.
182 Americans their first lesson in a victory.
Tunney. 114 justice today, when it ordered He will have twofold duties. Zapo.
111 the deportation of Lemuel He will be the chief adviser to Lewis of Detroit and William the secretary for the colonies 3RD RACE FURLONGS La Chiquilla.
124 Brown of Toledo for attacking on all native questions. He will Wee Gentleman.
126 a Negro worker in the mess administer and legislate on such. AT: Bistouri Or. 126 hall of a factory here where all projects as railways, ports harbors, Nobody Honte. 126. were employed, for the reason customs, defenses, Tufli. 126 that he was colored. The trial posts. telegraphs and telephones Napa 116 which was carried out with all To perform the latter duties fairness, was completed and he will have a council of three 4TH RACE FURLONGS the men sentenced to two years officers of his staff and twenty1 Marcella. 115 imprisonment under the Crimone other members, each of the 126 Administrator inal Code dealing with the colonies being represented by Frivolous.
charge of national chauvinism seven, but all being named by Maria Luisa Later the sentence was sus.
Corazon. pended because the accused Natives to Help Govern Boyer. were imbued with the spirit In doing so, he will, as far as 5TH RACE FURLONGS of race prejudice and therefore pessible, name some who will Socia. 126 dangerous, menacing citizens represent the various races. The Foxy Peter.
to have in the country. They means that, in addition tc Excuse Me.
a 100 were then ordered deported.
white men on the commission, Miss in Brown and Lewis attempted there will probably be native Elsewhere 126 FEATURE EVENT: to plead guilty assault and Africans, Indians and Arabe. Pors.
battery, which carries a less The government backs up 6TH RACE PURRLONGS Beveré sentence, but the judges white paper issued in 1923 Royal Eagle. 100 declared it was purely a case of Royal Eagle, KIN Joy, Kitty Gill, Otelo, which said that Kenya was. 108 race prejudice primarily an African territory Determan, Kitty Gin Claprock, 126 and that the interests of the In the factory where the as. Otelo. 114 sult took place about three African natives must be para5 Claprock mount.
weeks ago there are 26 nationPOST TIME 00 6Determan 126 alisties employed. There has ITH RACE FURLONGS never been any trouble of this Silver Star. 120 nature until the 300 white Unemp yed Whites May.
115 American engineers began :50c.
Cococha 122 working at the plant. The as(Continued from page 1)
Infimo. 126 sault on the Negro was strong tents housing these workers Marcial. 110 ly disapproved by the Soviet PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE and also the field boses with Hot Water 124 and they immediately placed bullets.
the offenders under arrest. In Tramcars direct to and from Track The company officials were Goverment Economy declared that they would not althey appraised of the situation and they urged the governor to (Continued from page 1) low the ways of bourgeois protect their workers or that ganization, America to influence the Soviet.
they would give up the work.
It is further stated that the The Negro worker is our bro.
This plea resulted in the sendvarious secretaries are requestther like the white American ing of troops to the scene. The ed to reorganize their depart worker. We castigate any who arrival of the troops armed with ments on an economici basis dares to destroy in the Soviet arrival of the troops, cooled the and this may mean the dismise land the equality we have es HART. Manager wrath of the whiten but sal of a large number of em. tablished for all proletarians of trouble is expected if they are ployees.
all nations.
126 122 126 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 21st 17. Good this Races. 120 126 112 120 Kill Joy 110 General Admission:PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB

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