
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 PAGE THREE TRINIDAD BARBADOS Members of Parliament years old ได time in a nit come Grenada manager, The Bob Will Return British West Indies CRENADA ed out.
West Indian Is the Prediction of to be Linked up Members of The intruder, whose name is (Continued rom Page 2)
Loraine Joseph, is said to have by Air Service Stylists of the World (Continued from Page 2)
rance to Guiana. de Pastes first through the North gate Crown Colony tried to get to the Presbytery present ponderous machinery of Government, WASHINGTON, September A cable despatch from Lon Tras come to the Caribbean to She found this closed so went which had been created years. The bob is coming back, lon states that plans have been make an economic and social round to the south gate through ago in far away time should be and will be more popular than made for a new series of air survey of the French Colonies. which she succeeded in passing got rid of and the islands, self In favour of ever as American women increas services in the West Indies, At the same time he is visiting She is about governing municipalities to all Women Suffrage ingly refuse to graft 1830 modes which British colonies for purposes of will begin in the early intents and purposes, should be of hair dressing upon their 1930 summer of next year comparison placed under the watchful and Municipal Courcil benevolent care The Advocate of the 19th personalities, according to the ATTRACTIONS FOR of a High The British Hirshfield Government prediction of ulto. Says: TOURISTS Wants Charity Commissioner who would pay have undertaken to subsidise the and other stylists) who arrived visits when occasions demand The House of Assemblyre ervices which le has nothing but admiraof will make here today from all parts Sumed in committee on the Sweepstake remendous difference to Lion for the system of ed. And Federation of the the govern the country for the annual con Bill to amend the law relating West Indies would be a step to ment in Trinidad. Our Govern administration of the scattered vention of the National Hair r3, he says, are really represen The Trinidad Guardian of to the qualification of voters in wards the scrapping of this the election of members to serve dressers and Cosmetologists Colonies, tatives of the people, and stay August 29th published the fol ponderous for machinery, Association in the General Assembly of the It is estimated that the air tong enough to do some work. lowing :light and darkness cannot go to island.
Instead of looking backward routes will shorten the de Pastes is greatly inAgitation for Municipal gether.
Mr. Walcott while the Bill for inspiration the beauticians taken in present communica terested in the possibilities for Charity Sweepstake was re prominent visitor to these was in Committee, moved an in session here are exploring the tion by weeks, for the will tourist trade in Martinique. It ceived yesterday when the Port shores, in advising the Colonial amendment to section 3, for the possibilities of the newest and operate over stretches where is a more beautiful island than of Spain City Council by a two Office to cut the gold lace and delegation of the word man most progressive methods by there are no regular steamship Trinidad, he declares, but vote majority adopted another brass bands suggested the fed and the insertion of the word which to develop the person services nothing has been done to exploit resolution by Councillor Alfred eration of the Windward ality and individual charm of and person in its place. He point its natural beauty. What has Richards (Southern Ward) op Leeward Islands as the modern woman.
The headquarters of the seran experied out that this was equivalent vices been done for tourists in Trin the subject.
ment will be in Trinidad and to the introduction into this We support this view Hair, they say, should be and idad is magnificent Your The resolution urges that and therefore our brothers in colony of woman suffrage In will be worn long or short the airplanes will fly to British Cuina Barbados. Curacao, and roads, your organisation, your steps be taken to amend the the rest of the Windward and support of his motion he said straight or curly, according to police, your facilities generally Port of Spain Corporation the client type Leeward Islands. But we must al he had not heard any argument th coast of Venezuela.
But they are far beyond the French col Ordinance, enabling the Council So sound a note of waring. We that could be introduced against predict a complete revolt from Only one regular tort onies, There is no comparison to authorise the Sweepstake, want sound Federation and no it, and it was well recognized any but a temporary reversion service now exists between Tri at all Councillor Richards who had half baked fusion as exists in throughout the world and to the fashions of bygone day vida and British Guiana andi moved the original resolution INTERESTED IN the Windward and Leeward Is this country women were seen In fact, the delegates were dis takes the form of a steamboat on the subject, stated that Muni FEDERATION cussing extension of their funclands today and which our Ja working side by side with men cipal Sweepstakes were run in maica contemporary the Mail Mobetween the island and and if a man who had an income tions to include lessons in per Georeetown de Pastes was very inter Ireland. Some benefits he antic describes as a mockery at Fed of 40 a year was entitled to sonality cultivation and the pros ested in the proposals for ipated in Port of Spain were :takes sen eration.
pects this journey vote a woman who earned the are that hereafter Federation or the British West Help for Spaccapietra Asy the same sum was also entitled to charm instructor may be found hirty six hours, but when contributions to Society Indies, and thought that in the lum: have the vote.
occupying a booth beside that cervices star this (0 mile of Les Amantes de event of such a merger it was Jesus; Agriculture in trip will be accomplished in less of the permanent wave operator Mr. Reece said he wessible that the French col. Creche for poor workers child masseuse and manicurist than hours.
ren Grenada nies would was in favour of woman suf to Some As the American woman vi frage in the abstract but the Slving boats will be used on If fail now he said, the next be arrangement with the British sits the beauty parlour to The fran islands move will be to get the Home question of granting the ervice, and they will also Legislative come beautiful. Franklin Government. And if fail there Council recently passed a vote chise to women in this country of Cleveland, managing direct emploved on the inland exten intend to ask was too large and important to that of 1, 751 to established a Fruit money or of the organization, said to ion of it because the rivers of Vegetable Bureau in that be considered and introduced the assembled delegates. British Guiana Mazaruni and Plans Air Mail Line from Trinidad general revenue be handed to us for the objects colony. During the debate it merely by a sidewind, the form where else should she go to Petaro have been surveved and From Paris to inftended by the sweepstake.
was stated that the Bureau was of an amendment to this Bill acquire her correct poist and found suitable for landing pur intended to assist peasant culti It was a question which requir the more subtle forms of femTrinidad poses.
vators ed dis consideration and full or marinine charm if not to this keting officer, would be appoint cussion by the electors in same agency.
PORT OF SPAIN Trinidad PALAIS ROYAL constituencies. It ed during October The Super the various This question, and the probFOR August 30 By next year a letintendent of Agriculture under had not been raised and discuss lem of styles, in hair dressing INTERWOVEN HOSE dropped in the post at Paris the instructions of the Director ed at the hustings, and therefore for the coming season will be 000 beauty shops in every part ill be able to arrive at Triniof Agriculture of Trinidad he was not in favour of the decided during the discusions of the country and all the East ind four and a half days later, were working on all amendment Another reason matters of the next two days and ern and Southern Staths and 1C ording to a statement made connected with the new scheme was that there other nounced at the Thursday night including fifteen delegates from Paul Vachet, general man The Agricultural Board of members of the Legislature session New York City, registered to nger of the Generale Aeroposale Grenada recently agreed that who were absent from the is More than 000 members of day and executive meetings Company in Venezuela.
HAS REMOVED TO the Government should intro land and it was not fair to take the association, representing opened the week sessions, Mr Vachet has obtained duce measures to make advantages of the absence of 29 HSIREET erbal assent to proposals for pulsory the grading of fruit those members who were strem he establishment of an air Panama City and vegetables, including tomat nously opposed to a redac drome on Queen Park, Savan intro nah, here as a link on the route Classes in English pes, intended for exportation tion of the franchise to to Canada. The grading regula duce the question Martinique It is expected a OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE Year like zervice between Venezuela and BY DAY AND BY NIGHT tions should be introduced this It is also recommended 80 suddenly at a moment PHYSICIAN Trinidad will be opened within Dr. BARTON, that a (Continued on page 5)
standard registration three weeks, extending to Mar mark for produce should be HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO tinique on Nov. 15. The French PRINCIPAL.
acopted The Greatest Thrill Mo. K STREET company intends to allow other aviation lines to use the facili 200 ODO TOL inthe World PANAMA CITY ties Bullion will be carried from the Venezuelan gold fields, savo ing a full week. With the es.
tabishment of a seaplane service from St. Louis, Senegal to Natal, Brazil, air mail wili NEURALGINA doubt interesting books, when you now go from Europe to the West Indies. British and French co operation will mean a service Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any from South America to Canada Stop and analyze it. there switching over here from land nothing in life that gives more neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
machine to seaplanes.
Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET pure bappiness than making someone else happy.
TOP 10 B01 When we present a gift, we Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Woman in Priest 0 want it to be packed with all the and reduce the fever of children Robes Held in Fentiment, affection and good its quality every time it is soen.
Trinidad FOR There a multitude of things NEURALGINA that will serve, but they lack in PORT OF SPAIN. The amaz some respect. They wear out Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart ing story is revealed of a womquickly; outlive their usefulness; an who entered the Roman Cath and olic Presbytery at San Juan or have no usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will For sale both Wholesale and Retail some time after midnight, and quicken the recipient heartdonned the priest robes and beat. that will tell her more hat calling herself Father Lo AT THE eloquently than you could that raine.
see you wish her well. that speaks When a constable was called, that never wears out. that re AMERICAN PHARMACY she hid under a stairway and taing its value. that arouses was discovered only after a the admiration of all who see it?
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor long search.
MA Yes it fine jewelry such as Asked by the Constable what No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
we will be glad to show you if Panama.
she was doing at the Presbytery, you will pay a visit oon.
the woman declared that her Panama, FULLER mother had beaten her and turn122 Central Avenue were an Private Academy com.
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