
7 PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 were team was at UNSELFISHNESS has put herself and her own interests and her own natural desire for pleasure in innocent things aside in order THE WORKMAN It is difficult for us to understand fully the griefs to give herself more completely to helping others.
and pains of others. Dwellers in the north can underThere is the simple explanation of a matter that stand only partly what the heat of the tropics is. has often filled observers with astonishment. The less Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 dweller in the South Seas can get but a vague idea, we think about ourselves, the more nearly we can apCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, RP.
any, of a northern blizzard from a description in a book.
proach to a full understanding of others. We cannot Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Aneon We seldom fully understand anything that lies outside all go under a rule of life and bring a daily work under RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION of our own personal experience. When we look at a the strict mental and moral discipline of a religious dear friend writhing in pain, we do understand that he order. That requires a vocation that only soine persons ONE YEAR.
12. 40 is in distress and is suffering severely, but we are far possess. But, the general principle is the same, whether SIX MONTHS 20 from realizing to the full what terrible sensations are practised by a religious order or by those who have no THREE. 60 passing through that suffering form.
vocation to a religious life; that is, that the direct way ONE MONTH. 20 Spread over all the concern of lite, this inability to to a full understanding of others, of their troubles, their fully realize the trials and difficulties of others is the hopes and fears and sufferings, starts from forgetfulThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS cause of what looks like indifference and hard heartedness of ourselves, and the farther we get away from ness in many cases in which a sympathetic disposition selfishness the nearer we get to a sympathetic conscious THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 is not really lacking. We should sympathize much more ness and realization of the feelings of our fellow beings.
and much oftener if we were capable of realizing at We cannot all live by the rules of a religious order; least in imagination what exactly the sufferings of but all of us can think less continually of our own gratiTHERE IS NO TO MORROW others are. But, if we gave our sympathies a chance we fications and pleasures and satisfactions, and a good should better succeed in understanding, or at least in deal more of the hardships and discouragements and Our caption appears to be si unge; but it is so only estimating, the trials and sufferings of others.
disappointments and pains of those about us, self love keeps our thoughts occupied with ourselves; and preat first sight. One might call the statement a new The more we are filled with ourselves, with the im vents us from exercising with regard to others even phylosophy; but again, there is nothing new under the portance, real or imaginary, of our own little affairs, that limited understanding of what others think and sun. Facts and circumstances in ancient times, down the less we can understand what others have to put up feel, which is possible for our human faculties. Record, through the ages, and to this day have proved that there with. We cannot think of others if we are always thinkis no to morrow. To demonstrate. when someone is ing about ourselves. If we are always, thinking about attacked by an affliction which requires quick and cor some pleasure we want, we do not and do not want to, Australia Looking Forward to rect treatment, if that is not forthcoming, that one shall think about unpleasant things. In a word, the more surely die. For him there was no to morrow. The sur selish we are the less thought we have for others.
Visit of West Indies Team geon is performing an operation upon a patient. The Observers of the charitable activities of Catholic knife slips and severs a vital art and the patient dies.
religious orders, who are not Catholics themselves, often Says Skipper Grant in Interview With For him there was no tomorrow, except that on which are heard to express surprise at the sympathetic unhe was buried, and which for him was virtually a toderstanding shown by the calm faced Sister who seems Newspaper Man day. The baby is hungry and in need of nourishment. Its to understand so fully just how the suffering patient is stomach is empty and it languishes for food. No food is feeling. The explanation is not far to seek. That Sister TRINIDAD, August 24 In an tween wickets and particularly available to feed this child. The pangs of hunger is too begins to forgetting herself. Her rule of life and her interview with a Trinidad calling each other for a run.
great for it to survive, and at this moment it dies. For vocation require of her that she should practise self Guardian representative yester Hobbs and Sutcliffe judge run this child, there was no to morrow.
forgetfulness, and study always to serve and help others.
day, Mr. Grant said: Austrato a nicety. They do not sprint We have come across a beautiful illustration of this She takes upon herself that task as a daily duty; takes ia is lookking forward very down the pitch and tire them No To Morrow fact, sad as it is, in the reading of the up that duty as a religious practice, for the glory of keenly to the visit of the West selves, as saw the West Indies following story: There was a rich woman who lived GOD and the good of her own soul. She is not distractIndies team bastmen do when they ed by a hundred little affairs of her own; is not thinking in a certain locality. She had all that this world might When the Australian out for short runs in 1928.
give to any living being. There was no possibility for of how she can have a good time or a pleasurable thrill.
Cambridge University Learie Constantine will be an her to suffer for the want of anything whatsoever. She Starting out with that idea the Sister who they assured me that the West attraction.
lived in a mansion which was her own. She had ser takes on herself the nursing of the sick, for in indies visit would be very we saw him at the Fourth Test vants, and Carriages, Cattle and horses, and she revell stance, gets closer to that sick, person who come. hope we will do well Match at Manchester and he ed in luxury to her heart content. But unfortunately her is under her care. She is closer to understanding and enough to justify the interest Seemed quite fit.
realizing just how that sick person feels, because she they have shown in us.
life was one of extreme sordidness. She spent her time think we should do pretty know my difficulty, will be well in Australia. We shall get only in clubs, night houses, liquor bars, gambling dens, to get acquainted with the me a great and other places where she found the kind of amusewelcome and the Aus Son, which shows that it is a rits of the players as a team, at tralians are confident that the ment that appealed to her. One night, she was on her way West Indians Banned unitel effort on the part of will have but little opportunity tour will be a success. The Aus from one of these resorts. She was travelling by car which the people that is forcing the she drove herself. She came upon a gathering per. Contiued from Page 1)
tralians are a great side. They hands of the Government.
of seeing them together. While was on my way out play 61 Bs, trussed up and thrown WEST INDIAN MISCONDUCT admirably sons at two Clock in the morning, and out of mere as a met the President of the West Rhodes is still a great bowler curiosity, she stopped her car and listened to the voice into an oil hole Mr. Williams was aked if it of a speaker. She heard him say, There is no to mor DID NOT FEEL SAFE and, while think Ryan turns was true that West Indiang had Indies cricket sction in Panama the ball more and fights it well row. If anyone within thesound of my voice knows that After that did not feel misconducted themselves in Ve and he has been good enough to he or she is not living a correct life, change it now, and safe, Mr. Williams declared nezuela, and that this had led arrange a match for us there on he is not so deceptive.
begin to live a, correct life. To morrow might be too because worked at night, and October 22 to the Government ban. PLAY AS TEAM late. These words rested heavily upon her memory. had to walk about two miles at On the conclusion of an ad He replied that while that have not played since the ditional slow to medium pace She became unhappy, and drove off, pondering them as o clock in the morning ir might have had something to do University match when Peebles to rely on the fast bowling with she went. Reaching home at three Clock, she retired order to get home.
with the ban, it was not the got me before could score to bed; but could not sleep. At four Clock, she got up. When heard that the 61 Bs, trussed up and thrown in of primary cause.
bowler, Browne Prefer Peebles is a difficult bowler to fices and upon a scratch pad which lay on her dresser, she were not reemploying West Indians, men and WC play My average this year wrote the words. six months from to night, will be West Indjans, and that when men, he said, have been givably, Mr. Grant said: heard was about 46 or 47 per innings.
the matter mentionad before gin to lead a new life. She went back to bed, and was was not worrried, because ing the Government Some had a fairly successful season tormented further till the clock struck five. At this time don ever expect to go back than trouble even more left England, but so far as the My hope is that the West know the West Indies team is she got up again, and taking the scratch pad, she drew a Something is bound to har natives with their domestic afline across that which she had first written, and wrote pen there. Every Venezuelan fairs: little differences between complete with 16 men. To pick Indies play as a team and be in its stead. three months after to night, will begin as soon as you have any alte husbands and wives, and things more would probably make it quick to take advantage of or portunities which present them unwieldly, as Insomuch many men to lead a new life. Back to bed she went and did not cation with him says. Alright of that sort.
that selves. That makes all the dit would have to be tested before sleep. When it was six clock, she got up again and you are all going to leave here nowadays in Maracaibo, if ference in Test crickt.
a Test team could be arrived at having struck out again the three months she had writ PODO 1000 1000000 ODO However, believe that correr propose to have practice matches here before we sail and ten, she wrote, one month after to night will begin pondence is coming also a considrable amount to lead a new life. She went to bed and fell asleep. She FOR THE BEST IN through, and do not know of is sleeping yet. When her maids came in at seven net practice. This will probat whether any change is antici clock as usual, one of them took her coffee into her ly also be done in the other pated.
colonies. HARDWARE :room and found her dead, dead, dead. For this woman We will In have but three Barbados, again, there was no to morrow.
matches before our first course, the cricket Test From this illustration, one can learn a great lesson.
and it would not be easy to try One can learn to do to day that which can be done. One out a great number of men When landed at Barbados is reminded that there is no tin like now. If the iron is form a Test team. will have met Mr. Yearwood, Pres hot, that is the time to beat it. If the corn is ripe, that VISIT THE the help of Scott and probably ident of the Board of Cricket time it must be reaped and gathered into store. If Martin Control, also Messrs. there is an opportunity to day, that to day is the time to The West Indies have much Kidney, Bartlett, Birkett (of Trinidad)
seize it, for opportunities once lost, can never be regained.
mention, for instance, running And sad as it is, it is observed that in this place, our between the wickets. We will After the Australian outr people had never permitted themselves to be convinced have to improve running be may very probably return by anything whatsoever that there is no to morrow.
England for a year or so to get Men of every race and tongue have perpetually urged a fine Selection of Some practical teaching experi them to make hay while the sun shines. Benefactors of woman complaing against herence before returning to the husband humanity have cried aloud saying, the time is at hand, or vice versa as West Indies.
is ARTIZAN TOOLS get ready your bow and arrow, and prepare for the frav.
very often the case, the com IN BARBADOS plaint is not entertained and all Yes, the industrial fray, the economic fray, and the The Barbados Advocate of fight for liberty and existence. To date, all this have ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN parties concerned are deported. August 23rd says: It happened just recently.
fallen for the most part upon deaf ears. The nopulace Among the intransit passen Venezuelans. Mr. Williams add gers from England to Trinidad are adamant and unimpressionable. Perhaps, like the being taught woman in our story, resolutions are being made to begin to by the Elders and Fyffes work in various departments of Ariguani arriving at at some time to come. Well, it can almost now be plainly this Give us a call before purchasing Oil Company activity.
seen that it is late, and no one knows if the time is not port yesterday was Mr. Jack elsewhere In a garage where he had Grant, captain of the West In at hand when the sound will be heard, late, late, too late, worked some good West Indian dies Australian Team who ye cannot enter now.
mechanics were employed at paying a visit to his home prior. But we hope that such a time is now at hand. We entertain the hope that the fact will dawn upon the PANAMA HARDWARE dollars a day, but they had to his tour to the Antipodes.
been dimissed and English me On arrival Mr. Grant minds of our people that for existence, there is no tnCATHEDRAL PLAZA chanics were teaching Venezuela met on board by Mr.
morrow. The time is now, and if it is not now, it may. lans. These Venezuelans were Yearwood, President of NEVER!
the DO OPOSODOBSODOE being paid dollars a day. Continued on page 5)
team 80 a now of is season now on.
of every description tc to learn in cricket yet. might Griffith and Sealy.
Panama Hardware PAINTS ENAMELS ed, were is was og


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