
PAGE SEYEN SAR ODO BRITISH GUIANA Federation of GOOD JOB PRINTING 10 DO ܙܘܩܘܘܫܙܘܕ plays a very important part in the success of your business THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 JAMAICA SUURELLER FLERE 10 DOI ODO Public Service Co. Continued from Page 2)
pany are also interested in the ice plant at Morant Bay and in addition to acquiring this utility they will endeavour to secure a license for lighting purposes.
Perhaps the most comprehensive of the schemes which ODO ORO SOODOS ODIO DO the Company now has under contemplation is that in connection with the lighting of Port Antonio, The United Fruit Co. as is well known, operated to for a number of years a small steam plant which supplied cur rent for lighting on their Bound Brook Wharf, on the Railway Pier and in the town. This plant is now to be taken over by the Public Service Company and they, it is understood, proposte to apply to the Parochial Board of Portland for permission to request from the Government a license to light the town of Port Antonio and other import ant centres in the parish. Should this concession be granted, it is very probable that the Company will abandon the steam plant which used to be operated by the United Fruit Company and will install an hydroelectric sys.
tem, using the Rio Grande River This river, it is estimated, skufficient to generate sufficient current to supply not alone Port Antonio, but centres on the route to the town, and the development of such scheme would be one of the big gest undertakings of the Com pany, outside of Kingston.
In connection with the scheme for Mid Clarendon, most of the power will be used for pumping from wells for irrigation purposes. Gleaner)
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Continued from Page 2)
ment and improvement of peas ant agriculture and co operation. We think that a conjunc tion of all these islands could not fail to be advantageous, and We strongly recommended the consideration of these possibi lities to Your Lordship. In any case no time should be lost in arranging for the closet possible co operation of the exist ting Governments in all meas ures that may be conducive to the development of the fruit and vegetable trade with Canada and Bermuda.
In the last Sentence, the Com missioners, we presume, are referring to unified agricultural service, a resolution in favour of which was passed by the 1929 Conference at Barbados.
British Guianese of all shades of political thought would welcome the scheme for the federation of the Leewards and Winwards. Circumstances point to this as the first step to further political fusion We should not grumble if the scheme of complete federation is put through at once. Poltical evoluttion in British countries is, quite properly, a matter of slow growth. It may be that later, Barbados and Trinidad would voluntarily join such a union, but obviously these two islands constitutional status were raiswould do so only the general ed. fully developed British Guiana would of course need its own Governor General, but while British Guiana is unde.
veloped this Colony, too, must consider the possibilities of a federation scheme. The advan tages are so many and so well known that it is surprising to find that business in the islands and in this Colony will not bestir themselves. It is their voice which must clamour most loudly for representative government in a federated West Indies.
TO GET GOOD WORK DONE is a We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at ST. LUCIA Colony! Gets Further Gift THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Noted Cricketer to Act as Magistrate 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS The Voice of August 20th says: His Excellency the Acting Governor invited a special meet ing of the Town Board at Gov ernment Office on Friday after noon to inform them of the re ceipt of a further munificent gift from the Colonial Develop ment Fund amounting to 10, 540 This sum is provided for the amelioration of Public Health conditions in St. Lucia and in cludes a sum of 1, 190 for the repair and renovation of the Castries Market. The proposed renovation includes the provis sion of sanitary stalls for the handling of meat and the provi sion of fly proof screens for the protection of the meal. It pro vides for raised stalls for all articles exposed for sale, for the reroofing and re painting of the market and other necessary improvements sum of 320 is provided for a new fish market separate from, but adjacent to the pres ent market.
For the erection of model cottages in Castries a sum of 3, 900 is provided, and a sum of towns, and villages and for in Soufriere.
Funds are provided for the erection of markets and slaught er houses in certain of the towns and villages and for inci cinerators for Castries (2) and the other towns and villages.
Five Hundred Pounds is pro vided for a motor ambulance and Sums are approved for a well water supply for the vil lage of Gross Islet.
Provision is made for the ex tension of the water supply from Victoria Hospital to the Lunatic Asylum and for the provision of a water supply to the hospital at Dennery The Daily Chronicle of Dem erara, says: Mr. Cyril Ruther ford Browne, Barrister at law, and the well known Barbados, British Guiana, West Indies cricketer, has been appointed by Government to an Acting Magistracy from Fri day next Septembr a recog nition which has been popularly received. Mr. Browne will re lieve Mr. Low in the West Demerara District on the date mentioned above, the lat ter having been transferred to act in the Georgetown Judicial District consequent upon the in disposition and retirement of Mr. Legge.
Mr. Browne, who is the youngest brother of Mr. Browne, Dr. Browne, Government Optha!
mologist and Mr. Browne, jeweller and we. known cricketer of Barbados Was educated at Harrison College, Barbados. He after vards joined the Middle Tempie and having been called to the Bar, practised for a year ir Barbados. He came to British Guiana and joined his brother Mr. Brown, in 1916.


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