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near on a at on Brad HORSE RACING Win a Race Horse Constantine Gives POEM Privy Council for a Dollar The following poem is taken Opinion of Don Bradman from the manuscript of a very (Continued from page Continued from page 1)
interesting book being compiled next few days.
Want to win a fine saw Don Bradman play plete on equal terms with by Wilson, a wellknown It is probable that the Plans are under way to se choroughbred racehorse? his great innings at Head any cricket power in the resident of this city. The book Privy Concil may have recure the Balboa Stadium for the Well, be at Juan Franco ingley, and it was a revela world.
is expected to be published soon ferred their decision by match and another meeting of liace track tomorrow after tion. have never seen that cable to Sir Edward Sing the soul when fortune is The greatest of every noon, buy yourself an the joint Committee will be held ad type of batsmanship before.
best, Stubbs, which would acsoon to make final arrange mission ticket for one dol. He impressed me as a def. The greatest ambition of count for the delay in an ments and decide definitely on lar and you will get the ensive player who can every West Indies cricketer Sing air be joyful when put to the nouncement.
double advantage of seein score faster than any the personal of the team to meet is to help beat England at of the visitors.
and enjoying an afternoon the so called hurricane hit. Lords.
Cherish no sorrows when troubles DEATH OF GEORGE The team is expected to sail of good sport while at the ters.
My father who came tu WOODRUFFE from Panama the 23rd same time you will get a The speaker was Learie England twice with touring The sad death number which may make Constantine, the dusky cy teams, hoped should help of George aboard the For the Lord is thy shepherd, thou Tamaroa for Woodruffe needst not fear.
Panamanian, you the happy possessor of elone of the crease, who has to do the trick. Perhaps Australia, stopping at Welling members of the 0. Foreston, New Zealand for a couple two yearold race horse, proved such a spectacular ters occurred the Gorgas of days.
which, if you are not mind success in Lancashire Lea my son will do it instead.
hope to be there cheering ful of keeping to race, you gue criccket.
Hospit) on Tuesday last where They will play their first he had been confined only a few match in Australia against New can turn into some real It was interesting to hear in any case.
South Wales, commencing good dough.
the views of this great West Constantine thinks nothDeceased was a pupil of the Friday, November, 21st.
Now is nt this a new inno Indies player on the most ing of bowling fast half FOR National Institute of Panama At the conclusion of the tour, vation by the Jockey Club talked of bastsman of the an afternoon and then ge and contracted a cold during an the visitors will leave Sydney that should go over big age.
ing into the long field and INTERWOVEN HOSE athletic meet which necessitated on the return journey on March and add more popularity should like to bowl to performing prodigies of his being taken to hospital. He 6th next year, and will arrive at to the new management Bradman.
Constantine agility and speed. Some of finally grew worse and died Panama on or about the 30th of which is doing everything continued. Not that his catches will be rememThe funeral services were the same month.
possible to satisfy the race think should ever get him bered as classics for gen ORDER LOOKS aken on Wednsday last by the In another part of this impres loving public Sunday after out, but just as an experi erations.
Rev. of the St sion we reproduce an interest Sunday. It is however gra ence and education.
The other Saturday they SECRETARY Peter Church, La Boca. and tifying to notice the hearty ing interview given a West In suppose Jack Hobbs is the AND interment took place at dian newspaper man by Mr.
response of the public ti the best of all those have took 280 at Nelson, and it Herrera Cemetery Grant the Captain of the team.
these new features.
bowled against. There is was a record in the number REASURER He leaves a father.
mother no need for me to say what of people who paid. It ON SALE Another good program and uncle to mourn their loss a great player he is, but one would be interesting to sec Annual Missionary of seven races has been ar ranged for tomorrow after felt that he conceded the this dusky warrior of the At the Workman PALAIS ROYAL FOR noon. As usual seven races poor bowler a chance. From crease bowling at Printery SUITS Continued from Page 1)
have been listed included in what saw of Bradman, man. Exchange.
bowling at him must be a good showing of the Le which is a seven and a mar LSLSL LSL LSL LSL LSL LTL gions and of the Boy ter furlong event in which something like trying to Scouts. He congratulated several of the cracks first get a cricket ball through a bit of Hadrian Wall.
the Church on the good imported by the new man We have some good bats Troup of Scouts connected agement of the Jockey Club with it. The next speaker will compete. These ar Otel men in league cricket, but was the Rev. Marshall lo Hindoo, Dunroi, who will they are not so thorough as of the Balboa Union Church defend their colors against country players. Of course who has for years been a a field of the last imnorted they have to make their. AT :runs quicker. So far my great favorite at the Wes American throughbreds.
best score is 124 in an hour leyan Church. He gave On a whole, a good card. for Nelson, made 106 in a very fine speech which is offered and a large crowd 55 minutes the other day.
greatly impressed his hearis anticipated. Here is the Nelson won the chamers. The other speaker was program: a new friend to the audi1. Lucky Strike. 110 pionship last year and we Bright Light.
130 are hoping to do it again.
ence in the person of the Irlandes. 110 Fortunately for us, Bacup Rev. Chaplain Futch4 Scorpion dropped points last week at er who also brought an5 Dampwing Lowerhouse.
other distinguished friend Donny Mar. 118 Bugle Boy.
Major Sherwood of If the West Indies should need me for the Test match the Gorgas Hospital. The 2ND RACE FURLONGS es. my contract with NelChaplain gave a rousing Hot Water.
son will allow me to play.
speech. Rippling Water 108 League cricket is very During the meeting the Infimo.
100 interesting, and am sure Choir rendered appropriate Orange Crush Zapo. 114 am learning all sorts of Anthems and they were com FEATURE EVENT: plimented for their good Tribunito. 103 useful things; but of course, Tunney.
126 there is nothing in the service not only during Trigo. 112 rame quite so satisfying as these services but at all the searching keenness of times.
3RD RACE FURLONGS Test match play.
The closing remarks were May Claprock, Dunroi, Hindoo, made by the Chairman, af2 Marcial. The West Indies are not Cococha ter which, the Doxology Don Simon 110 capable at present of holdPOST 106 ing their own with AustraBenecdition and a vote of TIME 00 Dancing Girl.
thanks by the Rev. Half Rate.
124 lia, and England, but the Cousins, brought the eve7 Gypsy. 116 enthusiasm of my country ning proceedings to a Meti Mahal. 105 men for cricket is so whole. hearted that believe some General Admission:4TH RACE FURLONGS. 50c. Golondrina.
120 day we shall be able to com Excuse Me 105 BRITISH LEGIONS TO HOLD Elsewhere.
PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE IMPORTANT MEETING Bee Gentry. Royal Spade. 126 Nobody Home. 105 Pora. 100 Galiano.
Tramcars direct to and from Track The Panama Branch of the Determan. 112 British Legions will hold a 5TH RACE FURLONGS Clap Rock. 116 very important meeting tomor Pauline.
124 Dunroi. 115 row evening p. at the Rowdy Lad. 116 Hindoo. 110 Loyal Victor Lodge Hall, No. Tufli. 110 Foxy Peter.
126 7TH RACE FURLONGS 45 Calidonia. Miss Gill. 124 Wee Gentleman 126 Administrator Quite recently, many Miss Pink.
new Bistouri Or 126 Marcella.
members have been added to Otto Berz HART. Manager the roll and a promising future 6TH RACE FURLONGS 6Frivolous.
seems to be ahead of the Otelo 1266 Uncle Parks organization.
a JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK. 115. 110 Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 28th. 110 17. Good e Races 100 Otelo, Nobody Home, Galiano, Determan, 116 126 close.
112. 116 ATT 112 PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB. 126. 114. 110. 110. 180. 126


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