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The Panama Canal Library OCT 150 No Page SERIOUS SITUATION Noler.
ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 19: No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 4, 1930 PRICE CENTS Unemployed Starts Serious Riot At Baranquilla Disappointed at Not FUTUBE SEX THEA RACE THEATERES BARED AINUOSS The Causes That Taken on to Work Bring About War GOOD SAYS MOTON OF GOOD REPUTATION tc em near the public peration and caused the disturi Extension of the Franchise Heracleo conferens at Barbados ance and with and Despite Discouraging In Decree Issued By Backsets From Time Catholic Truth To Time Society Huge Crowd Becomes Desperate and Are Statesmen Sincere When They Plunder Market and Stores WAVELAND, Miss. Sept. 26 LONDON, Sept. Theatre. The world is looking and cinemas, unless of good re Talk of Peace BARRANQUILLA, September ved from Paseo, Colon and its America for leadership in the putation, are banned under de solution of its many race prot crees of the Irish Hierachy made PARIS, Sept. 18 When 15 For the past few days the these gathered other work we and whenever there is a war answer will be effects of the unemployment around them, and started the lems and the at a secret synod at Maynooth say we want peace, when we going on they fight on our terri is und right here in the South problem were being felt by all riot. What reallly appears and since approved by the Holy say we want honesty, do we tory. But before we go any fur in the opinion of Dr. See.
mean it? Lincoln Steffens in a ther, what want to know is and those who had any fore have happened was that the foton, Booker Washington Bight whatever sensed crowd had gathered seeking er The decrees, which have just witty address today asked the do we really want peace? Do that necessor as principal of Tusk: been issued in booklet form American Club of Paris.
polyment as the Municipal there would soon be a crisis with you incan it?
tree Institute, as expressed it by the Catholic Truth Society If we mean it, we can have horities had promised to Mr. Wilson answered at once mpre or less harmful results.
address delivered here before in Ireland, exhort all priests to why not cut the bunk? You ut, he declared, but if we don Yes, and Mr. Lloyd George But no one imagined that such crease the personnel of theit large interracial audience.
violent outbreakg would have staff and thereby provide said Mr. Steffens, looked up discourage betting persons Despite discouraging backsets taken place as a result of the ployment for many Priests are also forbidden from cannot make peace, gentlemen, with his lovely baby violet from time to time, the future taking any part in the making the removal of war. You must without paying the costs for eyes and said certainly he poor unemployed trying to im without a livellihood. So larg is full of hope, according to crowd gathered to get the meant it.
of wills without the consent of press their needs upon their Dr. Moton find out the causes and deter In that case, said Cle more fortunate brethren and opportunity the diocesan authority of being among Notwithstanding the dark only mine to deal with them intelli EXHORTATIONS menceau, if we especially uponthe Government those taken on, and as want perma pages in the Negro history in There are strong exhortations gently, for you cannot make nert peace, we This morning we were surpris about fifty of the five hundred shall have to eventually ed by the alarm that had sud present could be liis country, said Dr. Moton to the faithful to shun and to peace on a piece of paper give up our empires. We can (Continued on Page (Continued on Pag. 8)
Mr. Steffens illustrated his go into the world and conquer denly taken hold of the city. taken on, those who had been point with an anecdote from the it without war. If we want per The news was received that. He had this the streets manent peace, we French wil two French re have to get out of Algeria ani market porters, who said they did not HOSTILE CLASHES This crowd attracted a large Morocco, you English must know whether it was true had been witnessed between come out of India, Egypt and number of more or less disin they had tod it to him and places like that and you, Mr solldiers and civilians. The re terested personis into its ranki is Step Taken by House of Assembly then asked him whether it was Wilson, will have to get out of ports which reached our office and they proceeded to the marker true. This is what it was, and differed in many respects.
square. They first the Philippines and Cuba at Recent Meeting recounted by Mr. Steffens: stor stop running Mexico and even in some cases were con ATTACKED THE VENDORS Woodrow The Barbados Advocate of We have no doubt that an imme Clemenceau and Wilson, Georges fighting us tradictory, but all of them in the place, seizing their goods protective David Lloyd tariffs agreed in this respect that the exposed for sale. The mol August 23rd says editorially: diate rush to register will foi George were discussing the people had abandoned heir peace spared no force in taking what Alter more than fifty years low the passing of the act and peace terms To this Mr. Wilson answered Clemencea u he did not believe that it would ful air and had become violent ever goods they desired, the House of Assembly has de it is certain that a considerable drawing on his little silk gloves be necessary, and Mr. Lloyd in their claiming of their right used ironbars to break open cided that it is time to extend number of small holders will turned to the others and said The origin of the movement doors and other obstacles in the franchise so as to give poli be entitled to vote under the We have heard a lot of talk George said he did not know that was what was meant.
is unknown, and perhaps will their way. The alarm spread to tical power to the majority of new qualification about a permanent peace, Now Ah, then, said Clemen never be learnt. The very work the merchants, and they began artisans.
The success which have been we. Fre. ch would like to have cean, you do not mean it. You men and labourers who took in close up their stores and so not part, had to question each other protect themselves, but the At least it is hoped that the achieved though great. permanent peace. You know clo not want permanent peace.
reduction of the various qualifi cnough to satisfy all our hopes we are in the center of Europe (Continued on page 8)
afterwards as to how it took furiated mob broke into the is far from meagre, and should place. Some affirm that it Store Alambre de Oro and a door to a considerable number be an object lesson WEST INDIANS OUSTED started by a group of unemploy (Continued on Page 8)
HEARST BANISHED of taxpayers who are possessed IN POLITICAL STRATEGY of sufficient political intelligence No greater reform can be carri IN SPANISH HONDURAS FROM FRANCE to use the vote with advantage.
It is, however, doubtful whe ed through, without continuos o Make Way For Native Says it is Greatest Distinc.
ther this hope will be fully rea propaganda and a powerful o1 Labourers ganization to promulgate lised, for the House decided by tion in his Sixty seven the ideas and opinions.
Years Existence a majority of one to fix the in The he latest reports here from come qualification at forty beginning of the movement Tela are to the effect that th in NEW YORK, September 15stead of thirty pounds. In which has now culminated in United Fruit Company are laying William Randolf Hearst, who the Reform of the view of the rapid fall in wages Marcus Garvey Sends Letter to Franchise off large numbers of was recently banished from Governor Protesting it would appear as though the began many years ago when West Indian labourers and arti France, because of the fact that House was really anxious not the Old Progressive Association sans in their workshops, bot!
a representative of his papers to extend but to limit the fran was formed. The seed sown in at Barrios, and Tela, and are obtained a copy of the Anglo The dissolution of the Council Council shall be dissolved such chise; and a charge of niggard those early days was stimulated eplacing them by natives of French armaments of the Kingston and St. Andrew dissolution to take effect or agreement liness and lack of foresight into active growth by the fiery Spanish Honduras.
and had it published in the Corporation and appointment of and from Friday the Twenty made campaigns of the Democratic It is said that this is being United States Kt. for a year, was officialy an and do hereby further order against this small majojrity. theague show the end it was nei done at the behest of the Hon. America today and was official the Hon. Sir Wm. Morrison sixth day of September, 1930 might be successfully nounced in the following pro and direct that an election of But no point will be gained by thereof these bodies which suc duran Government; who have ly welcomed.
who ceeded in carrying the reforms not only stopped coloured Wesi He said that there was no dis clamation by His Excellency the persons to serve as Councillors being abusive, and those tinction in the whole of his Officer Administering the Gov of the said Kingston and St. An believe that the time is ripe for but the members of a new Lib Indians from entering the cotu ernment published in a Gazette drew Corporation in lieu of the a lower qualification must start eral Party who had brought less try, but are doing everything sixtyseven years which had Extraordinary yesterday. Council hereby dissolved shall to work again to reach that heat and more thought to bear possible to get rid of those at given him more genuine satis faction and he added if you PROCLAMATION be held on the Thirty first day goal. The immediate duty is to upon political problems. It is present in the republic.
broadcast the new qualifications true that this party has no tell the truth in England you Whereas, in the judge of October, 1931.
so that all those who are pos formal organization, but any DORGAS SOCIETY TO HOLD are likely to be suel for libel.
ment of the Governor Dated in Privy Council this sessed of the qualification and perusal of the debates in the SPECIAL MEETING if you tell the truth in Russia in Privy Council, the Counci: Twentysixth day of September are desirous of exercising their House of Assembly will show very important meeting of you are lucky if you get out of of the Kingston and St. Andrew 1930.
right as citizens may register that in all matters of import the Dorcas Society Star Lodge the country, if you Well the Corporation is incompetent to JELF, as soon as possible. It will be ance the members work in un will be conven truth in France, you get shoped perform the duties lawfully im Governor (Acting) obviously useless to extend ison. Even at this early stage ed at their Hall No. 45 Calide of the country.
posed on it, Now I, the said Gov APPOINTMENT OF SIR the benefits of the franchise un the members of this group have nia on Wednesday next, October ernor by and with the advice of WILLIAM MORRISON less the persons to whom the made their mark in the House ing with the financial interets my Privy Council do hereby With reference to the Order right to vote is now given are of Assembly, and among elect The object of this meeting of the Society. All members order and direct that the said (Continued on Pag. 8) ready to avail themselves of it (Continued on page 5) will be for the purpose of dea are requested to attend.
11 thications will throw open Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Dissolved, Commissioner Appointed new their


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