
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 4, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS GRENADA Solicitor Committed For Trial On Charge of Criminal Libel Against a Police Magistrate Al gust 1920.
JAMAICA What Will Happen to Murder Charge The Corporation. Renewed After Three Alternatives Available Dissolution Ten Years by Privy Council; Action by Corporation According to the Advocate Themselves; No Action at All After having been declared a lunatic and detained at the QUESTION OF ALTERING LAW Mental Hospital for a period of Under the above caption, the Council of the Corporation for bertha Applewhaite, of Stream ten years, Iner or Libian Gleaner of recent date says. their action the Corporation, of Road. Christ Church, was on What is going to happen as a course, having power to expel Tuesday last brought up on re New Horizon result of the deliberations of the any of its own members by a mand, charged with the murder Officer Administering the Gov two thirds majority vote. It is of Julia Yard some time in Al NEW horizon opens out before the man ernment in Privy Council on generally felt that this latter with money. With 1, 000 saved you can report of the Grant Commis method would be the most sat It appears that this charge look to the future with confidence start one shon, still remains to be seen isfactory for the Corporate was brought up by the Police ir of these easy savings plans now or to be correct, it still remaine body could thus be purged, if ne 1920 and during the preliminar to be announced, as the Privy cessary, of any undesirable ele hearing the accused was declar 1, 000 in years costs 940. 16 in weekly Council considered the matter ments, whilst public business ed insane and sent to the Luna payments of 52. 1, 000 in years costs 956. 28 in weekly on Thursday, but have not yet would not be interfered with, as tic Asylum She has just recor payments of 13.
seen fit to announce their deci the appointment of a Commis ered and proceedings have been 1, 000 in years costs 970. 32 in weekly sion to the public.
sion would inlevitably interfere instituted against her by Acting payments of 33.
Naturally, speculation is very with it. In addition, the Corpora Inspector Goodman keen on the subject in the city tion Law could be amended at just now and the general opin the coming Session of the Legis Evidence given was that Julia ion is that the Council have de lative Council to make the qual Yard and her daughter quarrell of Canada cided on disolution of the Cor lification for the Corporate ed and Inez had been quarrelling over some money which poration, and have cabled their body a more searching one.
Ine Panama Branch Herman, Manager (Santa Ana Plaza)
said her mother owed her. One decision to Sir Edward Stubbs, Colon Branch Grosch, Manager day in August 1920, awaiting his confirmation. That LATER REPORT SAYS Daisy (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. of course, is only popular opin DISSOLUTION ADVISED George heard Inez call to her ion nobody outside the Imother for the money. Julia Privy Council having any infor After the above was written told her to wait for the 10. She mation on the matter at presis was learnt late last night told Julia that if she was not probable abhithentic her mother she would kill her THE THREE ALTERNATIVES source, that the Commission has few days after she was seen DO There were three alternative found against all the Councillore crying and heard to complain ways of action before thé Privy charged who appeared before that her mother annoyed her Council they could decide chem, or who were called upon Later she went to work and the do nothing at all, this is hardly to explain certain transactions mother did not return. Inez likely with the exception of one of ported to Mr. Reece Surgeon Dentist Manager of Bannatyne, They could decide to dissolve the members.
that the Council, appointing a Com It was also rumoured mother had not returner mission to carry on for a stated one of the recommendations of home. He sent some labourers 23 Central Avenue Panama City. RP.
length of time.
the Commission is that the Corto search the canefields. They Or they could refer the reporation Council be dissolved did 8o and found the dead body Phore 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, port of the Commission, and and it is hinted that it is not un in a field near the one in which their own comment and recom likely that in connection (Continued on Page 7)
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works mendations thereon, to Continued on Page 7)
The Royal Bank 1001 An exchange says: in Grenada recently, Mr. Donovan a Solicitor was committed for trial at the October Criminal Sessions on a charge of criminal libel, arising out of the publication of a pam phlet in which reference was made to Mr. Henry, a Magistrate Some of the evidence follows: Mr Hurley of Gren ville Street, St. George Mag istrate Clerk was the next depondnent He said he knew of the hearing of the case of Francis vs. Samuel over which Mr. Henry presided. The respective parties were repre ented by Messrs. Dono van and Richards.
At times during the hearing of the case, he sat in the Court proper, at his desk, and in the Magistrate Room. Whenever anything exceptional attracted his attention in the Court he would always come to the door and listen. That day he heard Mr. Richards telling Mr. Don ovan: Man: Donovan behave yourself man. Mr. Henry shortly afterwards said: Mr.
Richards, go on with the case.
Mr. Donovan is having all the (Continued on page 3)
1695 of from a ent OP01 Dr. Leo Pink to that her TRINIDAD with the Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Central Water Supply Scheme ово IODO DOPOSODOCOMO ST. VINCENT ST. LUCIA Newspaper Strongly Supports Model Cottages For Proposal for a Fusion of Caribbean City of Castries IODO CRICKET! CRICKET. West Indies Cricket History Definitely Decided. Work to be Started Early BOP01 Next Year Islsnds to Form West Indian The voice of recent date says Included in the last grant Commonwealth The Guardian made from the Colonial Develop of Sept. 9th: says: ment Fund for the improvement In a recent issue the St. Vin tries have every reason to be of public health in this colony Trinidad Central Water Sup cent Times says editorially. proud. It cannot be said that is a sum to provide thirty model NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM ply Scheme has now assumed We dealt with the benefits the people do not know how to houses for Castries at a cost of HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES definite shape, and it is expected that these Caribbean Colonies exercise the franchise because approximately one hundred and that work will be started early would reap as a commonwealth. even an ordinary municipal elec thirty pounds each.
tion in Trinidad, Jamaica or Get a copy of the next year, Howard Humphreys In keeping with our promise to British Guiana, or that of a pa Too much cannot be said Sons, Consulting Engineers, stem with the practicability and rochial board in Barbados, a appreciation of the idea of im has approved of the scheme put difficulties of the fusion of the forward by the Honourable district board in Grenada, is a proving the housing conditions governments of these colonies Murphy, most interesting affair. Parlia in which some of the poor e we now revert to the subject. Director of Public Works ment work is literally legisla classes are forced to live. It is West Indian Commonwealth and read the records of past The estimated cost is 854, 700 practicable as will be shown tive work on a wider basis, and quite true that slums exist in Cricket Veterans The Quare River has been decid by the arguments advanced since a people know how to many of the larger cities of the ed upon as the source of supply, herein. The inhabitants of these choose their representatives to world but modern ideas have Legislative Council, why caused a general move towards. AND and the scheme calls for the de countries have been for the past should not they know how to the elimination of all slums and livery of 4, 200, 000 gallons per twenty years steadily educating choose their representatives to such like conditions. The over day, of which 1, 000, 000 gallons themselves in politics and not Parliament? In some quarters it crowded little rooms and huts Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages will be delivered to Port of few have been ardent students is argued that insularity makes with their human occupants Spain, 600, 000 gallons to San of political economy. There is no better example of the ad colonies under central govern rially to the spread of tuber it impracticable to bring these herded together, conduce matte Fernando, and the remaining Summary of Contents: 2, 600. 000 gallons for the villages vancement of the people in mat ment as it would greatly deplete culosis and other diseases History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years along the Eastern Main Road ters political than the many as the revenue to maintain mem well as make it positively im Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, from Valencia to the City, and sociations which have sprung bers of Parliament and run the possible to reduce the appaling Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, along the Southern Main Road into being for the purpose of Parliament on the whole in proportion of illegitimacy.
watching government and de whatever country it be set up.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, from Curepe to Siparia.
In the erection of these mode manding their rights of citinzen That The im punding dam in the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual same argument was ad cottages some attempt should Quare River Valley will be cap ship. So well have the people vanced by those who opposed lie made by the authorities to Players able of retaining one thousand been taking their political edu the union of the states of Aus locate them in parts of the towr Válvable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and and fifty gallons of water. Four cation that they have learnt to tralia when the Commonwealth where they will replace unsight Interesting new reservoirs each capable of form themselves into.
was being fought for during the ly and insanitary huts. It is not holding 3, 000, 000 gallons, will POLITICAL FACTIONS years preceding 1900. Today, the amiss that we should mentior Price 50cts.
be erected, besides the delivery Bodies like the Trinidad and To Australians are so proud of some likely spot which, if taker of water into three of existing bago Workingmen Association their Dominion that they en over by the Government for that reservoirs. The site of the im and the British Guiana Labour force their Munroe Doctrine purpose, would materially im Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN pounding dam has been definite Union are o grisation of more rigidly than Canada or prove the general appearance of Panama ly decided upon which the people of those coun (Continued on Page Continued on page 8)
10 ORIO (Continued on page 8)
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 as


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