
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 4, 1930 PAGE THREE BRITISH GUIANA Legislature Passes soms oi areas. gise.
watei case that employ friendly way noi he got to the port he will pui Extortionists Demand 10, 000 From Congressman DePriest to coco am tc ment TRINIDAD CRENADA ST. LUCIA Handy Says There Will Solicitor Committed Central Water Model Cottages be a Real Negro a Play (Continned from Page Continued from Page 21 cope but if he countinues he (Continued from Page 2)
on Broadway Some Day START NEXT YEAR Law Providing Work will surely reach the end. Mr. the town. a) Part of the lands Donovan then jumped up and lying to the east of the Chaus NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 18. give place to girls who look The Trinidad Guardian has said: You say you have see from the top of Victoria. CNS) Handy cre more like white girls and can been officially informed that TO RELIEVE ROPE TO DRAW MY Street running south. b) part ator of The St. Louis Blues, do better imitations of what Howard Humphrey Sons, Cor UNEMPLOYMENT NECK of the lands sulting Engineers, has approved at the corner of recently wrote an outstanding Ziegfield girls do.
Victoria and Chisel Streets. c) criticism to an outstanding cri There will be a real Negro of the Central Water Supply put see that you re out for my forward by the Director of Pub GEORGETOWN, August 27 blood but when you meet a Don the vacant lot lying to the west tic Mr. Littell of the New York play on Broadway some day.
World. In part Mr. Handy This play must be conceived in lic Works last year. They The Secretary of State has been uvan, you re meeting a Donovan of the market. d) the lands at the back of the market OG said: he Magistrate told Mr. Don Negro minds, the music will be have examined the scheme in pleased to approve of expend ramshackle read your article, Down by Negro composers who have detail and have found it feasible fure being incurred on the fo ovan: said nothing of the cupied by and practicable. Their recomlowing works for the relief sort and Mr. Richards can bear huts. and are the property In Front, which appeared in the blues and the spirituals and me out that did not say so.
of the Governnet. part of the The World for Monday, August spontaneous jazz in their hearts mendations to the local Govern enemployment: Dor lands lying to the east of street 25. Let me compliment you on and the feel of banjo strings in Mr. Richards told Mr.
ment, contain certain modifica (a) Macadamised Roads thought that prompted their fingers.
tions and additions to the scheme (b) Sea Defences uvan to behave himself and the between Brazil and Mary Ann the Streets; part of the lands latter retorted. Shut up in your writing it.
submitted to them hope some day to be able c) Drainage of agricultura man you are a negligible quantity.
Mary Ann Street, Grass Street It is a pity, as you sayto to be part and parcel of such The Quare River Valley has see Negro shows become bad The Magistrate then called River Side Road and a production. It must be pro definitely decided as the source ihese works which will duced and backed by Negroes.
on Mr. Donovan for an apolo Water Works Road. We men copies of white shows, imitat of supply and the Consulting undertaken forth with, are in a gy. Mr. Donovan said: If tion these not with the idea ing their worst and whitest fea There will be brown and black the Engineers are of opinion that cordance with proposals chorus girls, too, whose first have lived through the variability shall be to be scattered throughout the sev the big impounding dam can be contained in the Resplution of misinterpret the words apolc that these model cottages should tures.
sing and he Legislative Council erected with safety at the site passes ous stages of development in dance. There will be songs that Mr. Henry said: It is not a eral parts that we have mention originally proposed. No In the 3rd of July, 1930 The ex of misinterpretation but ed but that the Government with Negro music and play produc are rhythmical and original.
penditure will be borne by Im When this the aid of a Selection Committee tion in our artistry, playing and will be taken from the Aripo show comes wickedness.
Valley, for this Central Scheme erial Funds and will be limited The case continued without should select the most suitable singing only in our out of the along it will be as big a hit as as the Consulting Engineers o a total of 35, 000 up to the unpleasant interruptions to the parts that are purchaseable, ac way places. More recently, we Shuffle Along or the successes have have found that the Quare River and of 1930.
become exploited and of Cole Johnson and Williams end when quire them and have the building Mr. Donovan was gives the better yiekl and is Fonployment will restrict staged to the glorification of Walker, for, mark you, these seen to go to the Bench and erected in groups of five or ten ed to three days work a weel more suitable for the purpose our own talents as well as the productions were given in the speak with Mr. Henry in a The new Water and Sanitary So as to ensure box office receipts.
for about five Negro show as such had been corridor and told him that he Engineers when pointed will ment will be afforded to as large The present day producer is caught in the toils of Broadway minutes be engaged in locating and of a number of persons as possible had a written statement which going on the supposition that showmanship.
Later Gill, Mr. Donovan working out a scheme of supply he wanted him to sign. Witness imitators are as good as the In closing, let me join you in clerk gave witness a pamphlet objected to aflixing his signa real thing. Hence, all abandon wishing for the real Negro show for the villages which will Coconut Industry produced. When Gill gave ture thereto except he was en ed dancing and the luscious that will make Negroes who be served by this Central Water him that pamphlet he had quite lightened as to its conter:ts. Mr. singing of Negro chorus girls love their art hold up Menaced Supply Scheme their lot of those papers in his Donovan read the statement to hands. Witness had also seen have been shelved in order to heads once more.
In another two weeks, obser vations in connection with the GEORGETOWN, August 31 Pereral about the town.
him and in his reading it when flow of the Quare River will The agricultural notes compiled Owen Gibb, Supreme Court my necktold have been completed.
by the Department of Agricul Bailiff, was the last witness call him that the Magistrate never DAILY DELIVERY ture for the present week in ed for the prosecution. He said The scheme calls for a daily dicate that the damage caused that a case was being heard in said so. Mr. Donovan said he by the coconut caterpillar, the which Messrs.
Richards and would cross out the words wit Four of Chicago crack Priest, was nipped Satur.
supply of 4, 200, 000 gallons of but coconut Heness objected to stem borer and the Donovan which 1, 000, 000 gallons will be were engaged witness policemen have been detail day, when two members of the ivas attracted by Mr. Donovan said that he would not bother ed to serve as bodyguards the crew were placed under delivered for the use of Port of large locust, nuit industry of the Colony cor saying Your Worship to sign it.
Spain, 600, 000 gallons for Sar for Congreman Oscar De arrest. Another named by Fernando, and 2, 000, 000 gallon tinues to be very great, and speaking to you and you won Mr. Donovan told him that Priest, whose life has been one of the men under arthat unless drastic measure listen to me.
for the villages on the Eastern he would inform the Govern threatened by a band of rest was being sought.
Main Road from Valencia are taken by all cultivators to Mr. Richaids said: Oh Mr.
as to Mr. Henry con extortionists, who last week Donovan, Mr. Donovan. behave duct. In this witness Congressman inhint these pests the loss wil advised demanded 10, 000 from the following the threat, went De Priest Port of Spain, and on the South ern Main Road from Curepet considerable. Unless the yourself. The Magistrate said: Mr. Donovan to take no pro congressman under pain of to live at the home of his Siparia means recommended for the cor leave him alone Mr. Richards ceedings. The pamphlet was death.
son in the 45th block on There will be branch lines trol of the pest adopted and go on with your case. He shown to witness and he said The plot, designed to ex South Pkwy.
Mr. Donbvan) is running into different localities they, it is further stated will that some time after the Court tract money from Mr. De where there are settlements.
result in the wholesale destruc TAKING ALL THE SLACK The apartment was kept occurrence he saw Mr. Dono tion of this promising industry.
heavily guarded.
The town of Arima will con he will surely reach the end of van clerk going up Church Officers ODOC tinue to utilise its own Supply the rope. Mr. Donovan turned Street with several of them in RESERVOIRS.
and will not be included in the to witness and said: You ve his hand distributing them Central Supply Scheme Ample provision is made heard what the Magistrate has he went on. One was also lodged night os he started into the HAS REMOVED TO said?
at the Registrar Office.
building. He was turned 29 HSTREET Mr. Donovan then went hur over to the state attorney riedly into the Clerk Office Mr. Renwick, counsel Panama City office. Investigators would As he returned witness left the for the prosecution, intimated not say whether or not he Dr.
that his case been completed Classes in English Court was in any way connected His Worship referred the Mr. Henry never used the PHYSICIAN words complained of in the pam Criminal Sessions fixing bail case for trial ay the October BY DAY AND BY NIGÆT with the plotters. Nor would (Continued on page 6)
phie (produced. Dr. BARTON, for the defendant in the sum of HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO One morning Mr. Donovan 25 PRINCIPAL o. K STREET him in the York House The Greatcet Thrill 0010 100 PANAMA CITY ensure continuity of supply by in the Vorld building of a great impoud ng dam and the erection of four ex reservoirs. The impouding dam will be capable of retaining Why throw away your old, but no ne thousand and fifty, million 10 me Fallons of water, and the area NEURALGINA doubt interesting books, when you which the impounded water will cover is 165 acres.
can have them neatly bound at In addition, four new Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any voirs will be built, one at THE WORKMAN Stop and analyze it. there neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
Joseph, one at San Fernando nothing in life that gives more one at Success Village, and the CARLOS MENDOZA STREET fourth at Preysal in the Couva pure happiness than making NEURALGINA JAVILLO FILL someone else happy.
District. Each of these new re Servations will be capable of OO PODOC Is there?
ODO Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches When we present a gift, we holding three million gallons of want it to be packed with all the and reduce the fever of children water. Besides these new reser entiment, affection and good voirs water will be delivered FOR its quality every time it is seen.
NEURALGINA at the existing McShine Reser There a multitude of things voir, Knagge Hill Reservoir that will serve, but they lack in Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart and Laventille Reservoir.
The report of the Consulting some respect. They wear out Engineers will be laid before quickly; outlive their usefulness; and or have no usefulness at all, is the Legislative Council at the For sale both Wholesale and Retail there ANY THING that will next Session in October and the quicken the recipient heart Council will be asked to vote beat. that will tell her more AT THE the sum necessary for the adop see tion of the scheme. When that bu eloquently than you could that AMERICAN PHARMACY has been done it will take some you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that te time to get the necessary plant, tains its value. that arouses JAVIER MORAN; Proprietor material, and staff, but it is the admiration of all who see it?
stated that a start will be possi ble early next year.
Yes it fine jewelry such as Ave.
No. 6, 19 Street and Central Panama, we will be glad to show you if PALAIS ROYAL you will pay us a visit Foon.
are ODO Private Academy stationed there arrested an as to Fairweather met Book Binding! 3. DO reser St.
N6, 72 Came NA Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID Panama,


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