
Extortionists Deinand truck driver, who is said to ary Şix, Col. Randolph re UNIVERSAL FRANCHISE have made a complete con feed Mr. DePriest to ſession, and Julius Link Walter Walker, attorney Captain Cipriani was confident Continued from page 3)
that 28 years old, a candidate for for the Employers associa the Government would they reveal his identity.
son consider the granting congress from the First tion.
Vest Indian Self government extortionists, posing district at the last election While Walker was con Is Vision of Hon. Capt. Cipriani ilthough he did not anticipat as pruicssional killers hired Link refused to talk, police sidering how to bait a trap the Cranting of full seli goren by DePriest enemies ir say.
the extortionists sent the of Trinidad ment. He is asked for the an Alabama to assassinate him Mr. De Priest received congressman a threatening Self Government in six years is ndards through out the Em pointment of a Royal Commis stated in a letter sent to the special delivery letter Sepi telegram on Sept. 10.
sion to enquire into the whole congressman that they had at his office, 3439 State on a universal franchise with sire subject of West Indian Govern been offer 5, 000 to kil from the extortionists an Trinidad the administra No resolutions were ment, and he expected an an him, but for twice that surrouncing their purpose. The tive centre of a Southern tie Conference.
explained Tointment they would spare his life. message was illegibly prin Small ern West Indian Federation to Captain Cipriani when asked nouncement of its to be made this coming winter ed on cheap paper.
The prisoners are Solly that Trinidad might expect as include the etward Islands and DENTIST the Windward Islands. Such result of the British Common possibly this year. That, he said Lason, 25 years old, 374 The congressman talked MASONIC TEMPLE wou be a direct outcome of Lake Park Ave. a milk over the matter with John the vision of the noul alth Labour Conference, but the Conference Office Hours am to 12 pm able Cipriani. Mavor of e had a rank discussion with Hawkins the same after. 30 pm to 30 PM Port of Spain, as given to he Government on all matters Legislation givng effect to And if the 1st Indian Colonies noon he received the letter Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, Commission of the after the British Commonwealth affecting the various parts findings Sid bec me bankrupt, is it took no further action Labour Conference at which he the Government recommended might be expected, thought Car he thought that Cuba, who no Tuesday, on advice of Mr Box 787 CRISTOBAL was Trinidad delegate, to the West Indian colonies that tain Cipriani, in to years dumps its surplus production in Hawkins, who is Mr. De PHONE: 1664 OFFICE Royal Commission to time, universal franchise SOCIAL LEGISLATION in Britain at a price that make Priest bodyguard, the wire into the constitutions stead of the present restricted hould be extended. This will sugar chean, would continue to congressman took the let The West Indian Colonies will be include the adoption by all the franchise is almost rele sell cheap. No, it would com ter to Col. Robert Ishar DENTIST HOWELL appointed next Winter molonies of a Workman Com granted, he said. Any reform mand the marker and get its Randolph, president of th The Imperial House No. 912 La Boca Government pensation Act, Old Age Pensions however will be combined with own price (Barbados Adve Association of Commerce have recommended an extension some sort of Federation, he cate)
or some analogous form of Canal Zone and chairman of the Secre of social reform throughout lief for old people, and the sani continued the West Indies. Trinidad, it is tary reform of prisons.
GOOD GOVERNORS LALAFRUISERSLAS inderstood, is to have: Trinidad had a. SUSUFLFFL545FFLFFLTP Workman There would be no difficulty Old Age Pensions scheme or Compensation Act, but this will in the Leeward Islands and the something analogous he extended. It does not include Windward Islands joining in Federation with Trinidad.
mensation domestic or agricultural work Act extended and improved rs, but the Under Secretary of maica and the Colonies adjacent to it could also become federa domestic and agricutural work State agreed with me that these ers are expected to be included. should be included.
ed, as was seen by Mr. L Wood (now Lord Irwin) in Reform of Prisons.
is proposed to secure uni minimum wage Bill ha fications of social legislation that this division of the 1921. My own private Lewi Wes been under consideration of the hroughout the West Indian coi Indies into two Federations wili Imperial Government as part of onies. This unification would be adopted.
its policy to increase wage be a big step towards the form labour Governor is an im mediate possibility for one more of the West Indian CA qnies. The question of appoint ing to these governorships mer who could really understand the people they are sent to goverr was strongly urged by me said Captain Cipriani. We got mer We are making a Special Offer during October of only 150 sent from Africa where they have control of people New ROPER Gas Stoves at Special Prices to just emerging from a state of slavery to govern an advanced people of 150 years of civilisation. It is true most West Indians are co oured men but they are colour ed gentlemen The old practice of sending Here are some Bargains, Don miss them to the colonies men whom Eng land wants to get rid of The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro cease. There are good Englis duced for the motorist who uses his car for long men who are sent out as pells on bad roads, or in other ways involving rnors. Let us have more particularly arduous service conditions. them. We pay them. Trinid: Davits Governors more than VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE the Prime Minister of Englan: VERY EFF. CIENT paid. Why then don we have the very best that can be sent Send us a good Labour Gover or who would be willing to ear his salary, and we would Batisfied. thnk one or two wi 419B POPER Burners, be appointed very soon Large Oven with Burners 283 ROPER Burners, Large SUGAR QUESTION CASH PRICE Oven with Burners 35. 00 The Government attitude to TIME PAYMENT 40 CASH PRICE 56 50 the sugar question was frankly 28 Down 11 Payments of 00 TIME PAYMENTS See the disappointing to Captain Cipria Down 11 Payments of 00 coloured ni thought that the West Indies medallion would get better treatment on the The Government gives adde The famous their sympath y but will wall Dunlop Tyre take no action. Captain Cipria Your Dealer of Standard ni thinks, however, that many will be glad Construction Labour s are begining to show you is, of course, understand the facts.
this latest Installations at Special Low Prices Mr.
still available Dunlop proBevan agreed at duction.
Conference that something mist be done and done soon. he DUNLOP RUBBER said, think steps will be taken FOR FURTHER DETAILS COMPANY LTD. help to the West Indies St. Jame. but what the Cabinet will say Ask any of our 600 Employees Branches throughout the World do not know. have been asked, Why should the British workingmar put his hand into his pocket te 29 help the West Indies? say that if he does not some of the West F, ESCOFFERY Panama put all West Indian workers on Wholesale Distributor the dole? It would be cheaper to give the preference akd.
With an even greater reserved of Strength DUNLOP FORT NEW GAS CONSUMERS mu BORE FORT OTHER STOVES FROM 00 To 100. 00 AGT NOW! Our Stock of stoves is Limited the CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ For Sale at all Leading Garages Indian colonies will go bankrupt At Your Service, Always Colon


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