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The Panama Canal Library ust OCT 13 199 Na Of THE WOR DIS FULL OF MUSIC STABLISHED 1912 The Worliman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIU. OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 19. No. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 PRICE CENTS FAITH HEALING GRAZE TAKES HOLD OF COMMUNITY THE BIG FIGHT TO MORROW INDEPENDENCE DAY CHINESE CELEBRATE AMERICAN CITIZEN SQUASHES ANNEXATION TALK Belize an many mannel is 01 of of be Arrival of French Joe Walcott vs. Tommy Festivities Noticeably White at the Bull Ring Lacking as on Other Sunday Occasions Crowds of Sufferers fron all Classes Speaks Out Advising Honduras to Seek Cure from Woman with Vision The Chinese colony in Panama and Colon, and for that matter, Stick to British Empire GEORGETOWN, September 17 throughout the entire Republic. From time to time there come all parts of the colon Since have been in Georgetown has its latesi Prussian yard, previously quietly celebratad the 19th craze faith. healing. and orious as the centre il niversary of the founding of the echoes from the West Indies of gathering data for my an agitation for secession to the articles and books about British judging from various reports Chinese Republlic yesterday.
area in Charleston United States the craze has taken hold became the hub of attraction This is parti Honduras have heard a few It was indeed a marked contrast all sections of the community. the city, and dail: hundreds of as compared with the gala fes cularly noticeable at this time Britishers make the remark that wished festivities on previous anniver when the people of these colonies they the United The centre of this attraction people are seen waiting patient is lot 14 Lombard street, Charles. many of them perspiring in saries and except for the closing are feeling the pinch of the Brit States had the Colony because ish Labour Government indif then things would be different town, where in the upper flat the heat of the sun, crowdiny of all chinese business places in ference to their plight in the here. There is no doubt but that of a two storeyed building, the ihe yard and both sides of the city there was no unusual event halt, the lame, the blind. the pavement to get attendance in connection therewith, to indi present sugar crisis. Such talk thing everything, would be dif deaf, the deformed, healthy and is not confined to the ravings of ferent in Belize and British Hon SURPRISING CURES cate that the celestials were hav addle pated politicians seeking a duras if the United States had unhealthy folk from all parts of The effecting ing a day off.
little cheap notoriety but occa control of the Colony. But let the colony, go to be attended to cures is Sometimes surpris At the Chinese Legation, the sionally finds expression in an American, a trained observer and to be cured by faith. ing. An atmosphere of religion customary diplomatic and of some of the lesser press of the tell HOW different things would THE HEALER DESCRIBED created The operating tical courtesies were observed, West Indies. It is idle to deny be Perhaps after that is made And the magnetic healer of theatre is the living room but as already stated the colorful that the idea of secession meets clear there will be less enthu all these types of human ail the apartment, and, in very festivities which generally char with some sympathy, especially siasm for the United States and ment is none other than a darl: serious cases, the bedroom acterize the occasion were among the untravelled coloured its particular brand of so called Negro woman, a little above the Both are very airy and while the rikingly absent.
population, who seem to think civilization here in Belize and average height, and of good patient is being attended to by that annexation, to the United British Honduras.
physical proportions with at patint is being attended to by REMOVED TO NEW States would be followed by a full head of hair and simply the lady, those who form her QUARTERS great increase trade with In the first place, if the Unit dressed. She is Mrs. Amelia entourage indulge in the singing that country, and an influx ed States came in here and took Sealey. Her husband is Mr of hymns Please be Still. Trott, proprietor of the American capital. In fact, an control, there would appear in Albert Sealey, previously well Come ye TOMMY WHITE who are weart. known cleaning and press nexation is looked upon by these stantly a material civilization known as a boat builder and a Believe and thou shalt The Panama Bull ring is desire establishment of 15 people as a short cut to that has never been seen here pros fairly social man about town, saved, and other well known tined to be the scene of one of Street, who for the past many perity.
before. Evrything would be put especially among people of his airs form part of the chorus, but (Continued on Page (Continued on page 8)
on the dollar basis People With a view to showing the would have friends, not for class. Mrs. Sealey is stated to those who sing them do so in the other side of the picture, have been born on the 15th. of all seriousness. Presently as friendship sake, oh no, but be War against the visions of prosperity cause they could make a dollar November and is about 39 voice of Mrs. Sealey is heard.
that are indulged in by these ig out of frienship. Big business years of age. She lives with She is speaking to the patient. General her husband who is slightly old If you believe, you will be in norant annexationists, we take would come in either driving the liberty to quote here some er than she and, as far as could cured. work with the help of out the little independent fellow extracts from an article written altogether, or else pushing him be gleaned, they live happily to the Man above.
An onlooker mind at that so hard against the wall dependent. by Russell Raymond he wouldn be able to make a About July this year Mrs. reverted to the busy times of AND AMERICAN SOLDIERS Voorhees, the VISSION TO HEAL when he effected Mollyneaux internationally decent living. Everything would known writer himself an Amer be keyed up to making money Sealey had a dream. It is stated his so called cure on the East Before the Last Great Offensive by knowiciente that she saw a vision in which Coast, principally at as if making money is the only she was informed that she must and Belfield, a few year 10 Germany Along the Argonne Section WHAT VOORHEES SAYS decent and honoruable thing or go forth into the world to do But Mrs. Sealey is said Writing on the subject of the earth.
By OLD SOLDIER Germany made its last determin annexation of British Honduras good works. She began to put charge no fees, she operates COURTS OF JUSTICE ed drive along the Champagne to the United States, he says in this into practical shape about free, gratis for nothing, it being General Henri Gourand, fa In the second place your August and her fame spread to (Continued on page 5)
mous hero of the Marne and Meuse Argonne, sector, and the part. Continued on page 3)
speech was mimeographed one of the most beloved soldier distributed to these soldiers.
of the nel forces during the The speech, which copied war, who arrived in New York and now have, reads: Committee this week to attend the Amer To the French and the cican ican Legion convention in Bos Soldiers of the Fourth Army: To Aid Unemployment by Finding ton, recalls to mind his famous We may be attacked now at OnWay Back to Abyssinian Republic speech to French and American any moment. You all feel that Work, Food Clothes for Non Work soldiers under his command on defensive battle FACT THAT FORMER CANADIAN PARACHUTE JUMPER the eve of the last real offensive fousht under more favorable con IS IN SERVICE OF RASTAFARI, CONFIRMED IN DETROIT. As a first step on try to find jobs but will of the war.
PARIS in fulfilling his pre election cam distribute food and clothing to the speech, delivered to paign promise of relief for un the needy families, will be able We are informed and PARIS Colonel Huberted from America so quickly.
employed, Mayor Frank Murphy to reach hundreds thrown out group of soldiers drawn up in a are on the watch. We are Julian of the Abyssinian Air There is no doubt whatever semicircle near the town of Maf powerfully reinforced in infantry Forces arrived here on the Eur that Julian betf Abyssinia on a appointed a committee of 75 of work by the financial depres freeonrt in the battle town and artillery. We fight on opa and after spending two days special mission for the Emperor prominent leaders of both races, sion.
Section of the western front of transformed to handle this problem.
ground you have in Paris has left for Genoa, Ita Tafari. The Acting MinisterIt was agreed at a meeting of France, made one of the most by your persistent work into a ly, from where he will take ship the Minister, learnt, has left Negro members appoint the committee that only those impressive scenes of the war formidable fortress incib ed on this committee include who had been resident in De The stern faced little general if all the passages are well for Abyssinia.
for the opening of the League of John Dancey, secretary Detroit for a year would be given stood in an automobile and read At the Abyssinian Legation Nations at Geneva, and had re guarded.
troit Urban League: Mrs. consideration and a complete reg his sprech, and an interpreter here Julian was cordially receiv ceived Julian two days before Beulah Young, editor De istration of the unemployed translated it into English for The bombardment will be ed. letter of official thanks will. left no doubt of this. When troit People New; the Rev. will be made this week. This the benefit of those American fierce. You will withstand it be sent to the American news asked whether he was satisfied Robert Bradby pastor Sec check up will include not only soldiers who could not under without losing courage. The as paper for their reception of with Julian, he replied: Tres ond Baptist church and Wilfred length of residence but length stand French. In this group sault will be terrible in a cloud him.
bien, Tres bien. Very well, Newman, a student of economics. of idleness and number of de were soldiers of the 369th New of smoke and gas. But your po pendents.
York infantry (now 15th New sitions and your armaments are this writer went to the legation Accompanied by two friends very well. 7, 000 Jobless When Julian mentioned the Mr. Dancey and According to Three days are scheduled for York) a regiment of formidable. In your breast bes brave and strong hearts of free and was informed by Acting fact that he wanted to bring two there are more than seven the registration of the unere French soldiers Minister Massai that the latter friends to Abyssinia to settle, the thousand unemployed Negroes ployd, Mr. Roosevelt announced The famous Eighth regiment was very much satisfied with Acting Minister replied that in Detroit, and he thought that to the chairmen of the various of Illinois was also a part of the Nobody will look back. nobody Julian work, and most of all of since Julian knew one who is (Continued on Pag. 8) Fourth French army at the time (Continued on Pag. 8) the fact that Julian had return (Continued on Pag. RECALLS FAMOUS SPEECH DELIVERED TO FRENCH exclusively for the Belize In once to Detroit Mayor Appoints Colonel Hubert Julian Negro Aviator never was a ditions. com a we men.
and strong hearts of a the committe, which will not


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