
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA Under Belief He Had Killed His Friend, Manila Ends Life in Tank David Butler of Mandeville, Took His Employer Gun, and in:Frolic Shots Walter Ashley, who Cries out that He is Dead BUTLER RUNS TO TANK AND JUMPS The Royal Bank of Canada 1695 BRITISH GUIANA an Dr. Leo Pink The Aspirations of at as GRENADA Cycle and Athletic Club Started BIG BID BY LOCAL TRINIDAD SPORTSMEN Dawn of Better Sports Meeting In November Days for the In a determined effort to In Greater i« Wilder Rebring Grenada into the West Indian cycling and athletic lime presentative Government light a number of sports fans for These, Colonies assembled at the Gordon Hotel TRA VEL Young Street, yesterday after THE FEDERATION noon and made the initial move EXPERIENCED travellers use Travelin that direction by inaugurat IDEA lers Cheques. They are as good as ing a Grenada Cycle and Ath cash anywhere, and far safer.
letic Club. They signalised their lu an interview which he gave intention to do things definitely the Trinidad Guardian recently Before going away, buy Travellers deciding to hold their first meet while he was in Port of Spain.
Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada ing at Queen Park on Novem on his return journey from Eng and avoid worry while travelling.
ber 11th land to British Guiana, the Hon Present were: Messrs. A Webber, Knight (Chairman. who was a delegate to the Em Dewsbury, McLean, pire Labour Conference, said: R17 Kerr, Masanto, believe as a result of our James, Squires, efforts in England, the dawn of Panama Branch Robinson, Stevenson Herman, Manager greater and wider representative (Santa Ana Plaza)
Clifton Williams (sub editor of Government in British Guiana Colon Branch: Grosch, Manager the Trinidad Sporting Chronicle) and the West Indies has come (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. and Ross but how quickly it will be realis Opening the meeting Mr. ed or how long it will be retard Knight outlined the object for ed, depends entirely on the lead which the meeting had been con ers of opinion in these commu vened and first paid tribute to nities.
Mr. Dewsbury who har Mr. Webber said that he was ODO 10 DO ODO been chiefly instrumntal in bringing So reluctant to make any definite commendable idea into realisation The pronouncement on the activities ut the delegates since it was amenties at present a vilble Queen Park for such a form of obviously a matter for concerted Surgeon Dentist Sport, Mr. Knight said, ought pronbouncement by all the dele to make the movement a gates in the form of a genera very successful one.
ceport, but he did not think he would be betraying any confi 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
LONG OVERDUE dence to say that the Labour Mr. Dewsbury speak Government was plistinctly and Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, ing next said that such an assc actively interested in the grant ciation in Grenada Professional Services in ali Branches of Dental Works was long u wider representative Govern overdue and he had no doubt ment to the West Indies Co.
whatever that if a determined onies as a whole and particular Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment effort were made that a meeting ty to the idea of a West Indies could be held here in November federation reaching up to Dom and that with OPO TODO ODOGODOC great success. nion status.
Grenada would be able to make must hasten. however its way into the bigger cycle state that the West Indies must and athletic fields of Trinidad Barbados and British Guiana if hot expect from the Labour Go ernment IODO a present of either TODO only a club of some kind was West Indies Federation or a formed with good backing. The widened franchise delivered to speaker, who had been Herman them in a silver salver, Mr.
Ferguson manager on the lat Webber continued.
ter recent visit to Trinidad when he captured the 100 yds Speaking generally, the idea is that it is both inopportune NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM dash, said that Trinidad was willing to help in every way and and inadvisable for the Labour Government to step in and im HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES British Guiana too. The Brit ish Gujana under whose, any form of Government, what pose upon these communities Get a copy of the auspices cycle and athletic Sports were held, had also ex soever, but they are ready wil tended an invitation to Fergusoning and anxious to offer such forms of Government as the for their meeting but through illness the sprinter was unable people demand.
to attend. As to the way in Those who study the pos and read the records of past which they should get about the Sible hope for West Indies De Cricket Veterans formulation of such a club he mination would do well to make thought that Mr. Clifton Wil; themselves familiar with the. AND liams would be of great assist developments of the Ceylon cor ance to them.
Deciding to ask the Officer In the new Ceylon constitu Administering the Government tion Dr. Drummond Shiels, who Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages to be their patron, the meeting is now Under Secretary elected the following officers State for the Colonies was al Summary of Contents. Hon. Gentle, Pres: most entirely responsible for History of West Indies Cricket for i ears dent; Messrs. Dewsbury the framing of that constitution Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Hon. Secretary and The chief cornerstone of it is Ste: enson, Assistant Secretary adult suffrage to man and wom Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Upo. the recommendation of an irrespective of property, of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, small working committee of income, or even of education.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual four by Mr. Williams, Messrs. In discussing this matter Players McLea, C. Robinson, with Dr. Sheils he made it quite Valuable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Jan ies and Ross clear that the Labour Govern Interesting were elected members of the ment was not prepared to hani Management Committee while over the destinies of these col Price 50cts.
Mr. Gittens Inight was elected onies to any form of oligarchy provisional Cha irman.
It did not matter whether tha DRAFTI NG RULES oligarchy arose from the plan Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN On the matter of drafting the ers, from the merchants, from Panama (Continued o Page Continued on Page 7)
IODO ODOORO MANDEVILLE, Sept. 27. was that elected members were case of accidental shooting then not convinced that the cok place around 11. 30 on Tues thousands of pounds to be spent day at the residence of Mr. on that undertaking could not be Bromfield, dry goods mer spent to better advantage and chant of this town, who was at accordingly the provision wag his store premises at the time.
struck off the estimates.
It was the occasion, so it is In the light of what a represer alleged, when David Butler, a tative of the NORTHERN servant of Mr. Bromfield, dur NEWS learnt the other day ing his absence entered his from a most reliable source, it house and atook therefrom would appear that the Goverr loaded gun ment may have had other rea While romping with Water Song for the taking of the Ashley, he let the gun go ofi census, though not an inkling accidentally. The shots passed of it was given out. That is to across the forehead of Ashley say, we should not be at all sur who cried out that he was shot prised to learn that what the by Butler and that authorities primarily wanted to HE WAS DEAD know was the size of The noise of the firearm at (Continued on Page 7)
Eracted the attention of the ser vant who was in the kitchen and on her approaching Ashley she found him on the ground bleeding.
Butler, who came to the cor clusion that Ashley was dead ook to his heels and ran to an British Guiana adjoining property known Mount Nelson, belonging to The following appeared in the Mr. John Miller and about Canadian Gazette of the 4th inst.
two miles from the scene of British Guiana is convinced the tragedy. and there threw that it offers a great deal of the himself in one of the tanks tourist, and we are increasing AND WAS DROWNED our efforts to make ourselves search party went out known, said Mr.
Andrew capture Butler. Attracted by a Grant, chief mechanical engineer cap that was found floating on of the Colonial transport depart the water, a search was made ment of the Colony, when in when his lifeless body was seer Montreal the other day. We and subsequently taken out. are greatly encouraged by the The police were notified and fact that the three beautiful Detective Dyer and other limbe Canadian steamers) the Lady of the Law went to the scene of Drake, the Lady Nelson and the tragedy, took charge of the the Lady Hawkins pay regular body, and collected evidence. visits to Georgetown. They Ashley was taken to the link us with Canada and we are Mandeville hospital where the very anxious to cultivate the shots were extracted by Dr connection Gorge Hargreaves.
Mr. Grant spoke of the tours Up to the present. Ashley is organised by his department of still alive the Government for the benefit The at o clock the of visitors to British Guiana same evening went over Mount Nelson and performed They included trips through the post mortem examination sugar plantations and rice fields As soon as all the evidence bear to Bartika, the mining town on ing on the case has been workec the Essequibo, the jumping off up by the Policy, it is quite like place for the diamond fields to the old Dutch seat of Govern ly that a Corner inquest will ment, Fort Island, to the Indian be held. Gleaner. camps of the Arrawak and the Akawois, and to such Scenic tc tc CRICKET!
CRICKET. to West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Government Counting spots as the Barra Carra water The Chinese oj With the exception of two short lines which carry timber To Find Out Number and bauxite ore for private enter prise and transport diamond of Celestials in the and gold seekers in some dis tricts, the railways of the Co!
Gountry ony, Mr. Grant explained, are owned by the Governments, The Northern News of Jam which also operates a fleet of aica, for September 20th says. 10 steamers. British Guiana pos Newspaper readers will recall sesses the first railway that not so very long ago the structed on the South American Government tried to have carri continent. The country com ed in the Legislative Council a prises 90, 000 square miles and move to have a census of the has enormous undeveloped population taken. No very good wealth in timber, balata, dia reason was given other than monds, gold and other precious that a decade had passed since metals, while large areas are the last coutng of the people eminently suited for cattle rear was carried out. The result ing, Mr. Grant added.


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