
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 PAGE THREE Bnilving Room is Changing England Deputation Before Tells of Horrors of An American Squashes ple want Sir Ed. Denham Venezuelan Dungeons a even corrupsiveness, array aite not o and ΓΙΟ and at was done here. Is that what you pe Church Services STICK TO THE EMPIRE (Continued from page 1)
St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca. Britishers, stick to the Empire courts would go down and be LONDON, Sept. new build The Daily Chronicle of Se tale of nine years of horror come corrupt dispensers of pur America has nothing to offer. Holy Communion, m.
While we do greater than ember ing boom, jved in a dungeon in not share all Caracas The Reaktor chased justice. Right and that Mr. Voorheessays of his Holy Baptism, 30, a that which is provi ling London tion of the British Guiana Lal Venezuela, with a 75 pound iror wrong would be relegated to Countrymen, who in the main are firms with contrats valued at hackle clamped around Matins and address, 11, a.
Our Union. waited on His Ex his the background and the man ankles. was 100, 000, 000 is expected to sweep a mighty fine people, kindly recently told to with the most money would be hospitable, fair and much to be Mr. Palmer the country within the next few cellency the Governor at Govern State Department officials at the victor in court action Lay Reader years as a result the Housing ment House yesterday morning Vashington by Miguel Delgado admired for their business agres Church School In the wake citt Act, 1930, which came into op the purpose of discussing Challaud, a Venezuelan exile.
there is no tion of the courts there would the fact that the coloured races denying Choral Evensong and Sermon, 30 The Rector.
ation last month.
several points raised in a rese According to the Washingtor appear an lawyers Fair far better under British rule Mulcare, One of the object of the Act lotion parsed at a mass meeting Herald Chalbaud said he repre more dishonest than the courts than under American Rector, is to abolish slum conditions of workers on the Parade Ground sented approximately 10, 000 Ven grafting a living out of the com Fortunately, the coloured por St. Bartholomew Church, and experts estimate that with Tuesday afternoon last ezuelan exiles now living in mon people who must have the tilation of the British West In Las Cascadas in 10 years hundrel of thous New York, many of whom hac services of lawyers if they are dies are loyal and are not misled Matins and address, 11 a.
ands of existing buildings will Mr. Crithchlow introduce suffered a fate similar to his. to get any kind of a fair deal by the clap trap oratory of cheap have to be demolished and re Mr. Brathwaite, Lay the other members of the depu from the courts. And even with demagogues who prate about Reader Church School, placed by modern premises a1 The exile was brought to the the services of the crooked law better living conditions under ar tation to His Excellency, cost of many hundreds of mi which Mr. Bash extended. State Department by Mr yers, it woud be doubtful lions. The whole country will be James Welch Americar whether the average man would of these colonies is loyal Mulcare, other flag. The average native hearts welcome to His Excel citizen affected who presses a Priest in charge claim iency, Lady Denham and family get justice in the courts. He against St. Simon Mission, Gamboa An official of Bovis. Ltd on behalf of the Labour Unjon the Venezuelan goverr doesn in the United States and only to his own particular co ment for false imprisonment there is no reason to believe that ony, but appreciates his respor The Litany. Holy Eucharist and the contractors who are carrying The deputation then dealt with Rev.
out much of the work of modern the points raised in the resoli and for the right to re enter the he would get it in british Hondu sibility in preserving the Imper Sermon. 10. 45, a.
country in safety and claim his ras. if it were American Hondu British Empire is a unit, making idea ial idea. the that the MULCARE izing London told a Daily Mai tion. year old daughter, Irma Welch ras.
Priest in charge reporter on Saturday for human progress and pros The deputation was impress alleged to have been seizd from There would be written on dc Hundreds of thousands perity, based not upon the im months ago WESLEYAN METHODIST Is the very patient hearing the statute books a thousand nomination of any one race British families will shortly be. hich His Expllency accorderi Chalbaud told the Washing fool laws which would only colour, or creed, but on the Panama 11 a.
living in new homes. The boom Sir Edward expressed sym con Herald.
work to the advantage of the common loyalty of divided yet Harris 30 Rev.
that is coming will mean worl frath with much of what they for countless thousands united communities, widely For nine years was imprisor crooked courts and still crookes Wright had brought to his notice er lawyers.
steel and ed na dungeon with irons Colon 11 a.
ried in type, to one king, to Mr huge contracts for N.
and common tradition in law, const building material firms.
eted around my ankles, making Prohibition would undoubted As regards the fifty cents per Jones 30 Rev.
will do away with a tremendous is of nine hours, he would in it impossible for me to stand on ly be drafted or rather grafted tution and civilization Cousins walk onto the law books just as it had We do not favour amount of unemployment.
politica La Boca 11 a.
Rev. Strict the Director of Public in the During the period of my im So far as housing is concern Works to reconsider the mat United States. And in Mr union of the West Indies, ever Wright 30 the wake of that law there would with Canada. Let there be the ed, England is to have a Percy Hinds news psonment actually saw in the er with a view to increasing the follow face.
the ison in which was incarcerat worst corruption closest commercial union po: New Providence 11 am Rev.
amount. It was not the inter that the world has ever known sible between all parts of 51 such other vicims welcome the Cousins in of Government to In London the building Work exploi The prohibition law is a law Empire by all means, but leath.
lei Paraiso 11 a. Mr. he labourers and they had to going on even at present ish only for fools and only fools each work out its destinies, free Walters 30 Mr.
nomenal. When we mention the member that it was only 21 Chalboud asserted that he was believe in it. Yet, if the United of the entanglements of political Walters figure 100, 000, 000 we speak of affort to provide relief for the never tried that he was merely States were in control where thai honds. Complete commercial ac number of employed picked from the streets and There will be administrition Such contracts as the new Shell Free law would undoubtedly be a curd between Dominions of The Holy Communion Mex, building at the Hotel We hoped employers of labou)
thrown into the dungeon on the part of the law of the land. As Colonies of our Empire wouli the Panama Wesleyan Church Cecil. Lever House, Lever Bros would in no way be influenced suspicion that he was politically in the United States it wouldn do more to cement the ties of after the 30 Service new premises at Blackfriars. by that offer by Government to aligned against Gome dictation stop the sale of liquor. It would Empire and to promote the wel This special arrangement Thames House. the block of reduce the wages of labourers.
only substitute poison for pure fare of the whole, than would re decided on at the last leaders Milbank office buildings at When the Legislative Council Welch and Chalbaud brough liquor, so that the next day in aligment of boundaries. The meeting on account of last Sun Dorchester House, the new met, he would see what could be his it. the State Department one o stead of having a bad head you Canada West Indies Magazine. day rain hotel building in Park Lane, and fine for them. It was with the 75 pound shackles. The later would be dead. Continued on Page 5)
other million pound jobs. Be tention to keep in touch said: RACE PREJUDICE ST are the masses and to do his beg PETER CHURCH sides these, however there At this moment there are ar If the United States came in hundreds of smaller reconstruct provide some measure of re EXCURSION TO TABOGA fy music for the benefit of those tion works being carried out lief for the existing conditions roximately 000 men incarci here and ran things you would who would like to trip the rated in my country.
have an influx of snotty Amer All who intend patronizing light fantastic toe on the United States, made his predic icans who would look down up ihe grand Excursion to OOOOO the rivla of the party at the famous tion in a letter which has been on everyone, even the best white beautiful island of Taboga on pleasure resort, receivd here DENTIST HOWELL Britishers in the Colony as Nov. 1930, which will be The preparation is a humming America Will Be something to be despised and sponsored by the livewire Social one, so you had better secure House No. 912 La loca hated. And the backs? Their Workers of St. Peter s, La your ticket at once. To delay in life would become a living Hell. Boca, will be glad to hear that doing so may result in a never are criminals, millionaire boot Canal Zone They would cease to be referred a reliable Band will furnish snap to be forgetten mistake.
leggers, who are making fortunes PRIRTISH SAYS to as Negroes or coloured pec in unlawful trade in liquor. Pro ple but as Black bs and LONDON, Sept. 15 The hibition has been a tragic failure American prohibition laws will In short if the United States he repealed in three years, in ness than any other policy, Mr in the World came in here there would be the opinion of James Stewart Stewart writes.
complete reversal of everything Labour members of Parliament During the first Labour Gov PHYSICIAN one with British civilization of for St. Rollox Glasgow, Mr and rnment term of office himself a prohibitionist.
The fine things that have always Mr. Stewart was Under Secretary the United States would be sul HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE to Stewart, who is now in the of Health for Scotland 12 stituted. Instead of love you SOCIO Po K STREET would have hate Instead o1 Honesty in government PANAMA CITY 7495 would have dishonesty. Instead tolerance you would have intolerance. Instead of the stop and analyze it. there Burch you would have clubs Why throw away your old, but no nothing in life that gives more Instead of home you would have pure happiness than making loll. Instead of everything fine someone else happy.
and clean and wholesome yor NEURALGINA can have them neatly bound at Is there?
vould have things that are When we present a gift, wenworthy, unclean and unwhole want it to be packed with all the gome.
Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any entiment, affection and good Have we any proof of this?
Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET its quality every time it is seen.
neuralgic pain cause by excessive mental work.
There a multitude of things the JAVILLO FILL Everywhere that will serve, but they lack in States has ever gone she has NEURALGINA ODO 1000 100 ODOLFO some respect. They wear out ruined the country.
It is said quickly; outlive their usefulness; that where America goes, there Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches or have no usefulness at all, is the race dies, but where the and reduce the fever of children FOR there ANY THING that will British go there village quicken the recipient heart words Springs up. No truer beat. that will tell her more NEURALGINA eloquently than you could that will British Honduras.
have ever been written. Don you wish her well. that speaks Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart and that never wears out. that re And why do write these tains its value. that arouses words in a foreign country the admiration of all who see it. Because love the America For sale both Wholesale and Retail Yes it fine jewelry such as that used to be. The America see we will be glad to show you if shat was the home of the brave AT THE you will pay us a visit Foon, and the home of the pure. love FULLER the real America that used to AMERICAN PHARMACY 122 Central Avenue be. The Amrican Government to day is the most imperialistic Dan in the world. They have scrap JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
ped Jesus Christ and set up the PALAIS ROYAL dollar mark as their God. If the Panama, FOR ETUS United States came to British INTERWOVEN HOSEHonduras, the same would be ar British Says Net In Years prohibition in America, he says and has produced more lawless The Greatest Thrill other similar undesirables.
Dr. Fairweather n 10 ODOTTI VO Book Binding!
200 doubt interesting books, when you THE WORKMAN a Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID Panama, 108


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