
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 HOMELY PHILOSOPHY By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON 90 sion resorting, during the next year or so, to their power Peace is not a passive force, but a strong aid in the performance of every task. Anger and discord confuse the mind and upset its delicate machinery. The disposition to swift combat and to refute the opinions of others should be curbed. Allow others to have free right of way, allow them to have and express a different view.
Quarrels and bickerings are subtle thieves that steal your peace and curtail your power. THE DOLE THREE. 60 David Lloyd George and His Daughter THE WORKMAN How close is the association of Mr. Lloyd George and his daughter Megan is shown by the story she tells that when she returned from Wales to London the other Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 73 day she found her father worrying. He was sitting up CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
in bed recovering from an attack of laryngitis. He was PO Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon worrying because she was 20 minutes behind the time RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION when she should have arrived from Euston Station.
ONE YEAR. 40 U, 8, Lloyd George and Miss Megan are almost insepar.
able in the House, too. But, in the case of other members whose sons are also in Parliament, no such association is noticeable.
Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the Prime Minister, is The Liberty of the ress is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS seldom if indeed, ever seen in the House in company with his son, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, Nor does THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 Mr. Arthur Henderson, the Foreign Secretary, publicly forgather with his two sons who are following in THE WORLD IS FULL OF MUSIC his footsteps although perhaps a litile painfully and at some distance behind him.
The Poet was inspired when he wrote, The world Until recently the same might be said of Mr.
is full of music, there music everywhere. The people of his day, and the people of all days after him have Stanley Baldwin and his son Oliver. But their secret has been discovered. They meet in the Chess Room the come to realize the truthfulness of that inspired saying quietest room in the House (when the human chess men and to day, we so realize.
are being moved about in another part of the House. If we betake ourselves up to the mountains, we hear there Mr. Baldwin, pére, sits placidly with his pipe in a the music of the breeze singing among the trees, and big armchair while his Socialist son chats with him.
the music of the birds as they fly about from branch to Whatever the effect of these conversations may be branch. We hear the music of the atmosphere as we the present manifestation is that Mr. Stanley Baldwin enjoy its life preserving influence. We hear the music merges from his armchair with an amused chuckleof the clouds above as they rush in space, in obedience to the laws of Nature. The rains descend, and the light and his pipe. Standard.
ning flash the wild beasts roars, and the vultures soar all singing in unison. world is full of music, there The American Tariff music everywhere.
If we descend to the plains below, we hear the music One is inclined to believe that the United States of the rivers as they roll by, and we hear the music of will presently find it impossible to remain indifferent to the tributaries, and rivulets, and springs and ponds as the commercial arrangements of the rest of the world; they empty themselves into the place they are wont. We for, after all, its larger industries are organized upon hear the music of the rabbits as they burrow themselves an assumption that markets far beyond the boundries of in mother earth, and the music of reptiles and insects as the United States will remain open to them. It would be they coil and uncoil to the commands of Nature, and fly no surprise to see the President and the Tariff Commisabout from place to place. The mooning of the Ox, and sion resorting, during the next year or so, to their power the braying of the Ass, the bleeting of the Sheep, and to vary (within a 50 per cent limit) some of the figures the neighing of the Horse all this is music, and these in the Bill as it now stands. There will be all the more again repeat. the world is full of music, there music inducement for them to take this course if (as seems everywhere.
inevitable) one effect of the new scale should be so far ti In mans industrial existence, there music algo.
increase the cost of living in the United States as furWe hear the mandates of the masters of industry and ther to accentuate the grievance of the agricultural the wailings of those who are affected thereby. We hear the music of those who sing, this world is mine, and producers: Still, the Tariff Commission works slowly and to get it to work may not be easy. And, for some all that is therein. And the reply of the needy, give time to come, the new tariff will tend to embitter inter unto me that may live, and not die.
national relations. Montreal Star.
In our economic and social life we hear the music of the various reformers, and those who constitute themProhibition Failure selves the compendium of universal knowledge we hear the music of those who cry out aloud in terms of Basing his conclusions on a digest of statistics obrace and racial uplift and integrity. go hither, and go tained from various governmental agencies, Senator thither, and yet, they stand still with arms stretched Millard Tydings of Maryland has compiled a volume forth across the way to block the passage of those who designed to offer proof that prohibition, after ten years hear their music, so that they pass not that way. And has not shown the salutary results which were predicted we hear the music of the bounders as they dart about by its advocates at the time of adoption of the from place to place with mouths ajar as the gates of Eighteenth Amendment. The book titled Before and hell, and pockets sealed as tightly as the hinges of those After Prohibition, will be published in New York.
gates. Yes, and we still hear more music that in unity Senator Tydings has based his tract on figures obthere is strength practically demonstrated. unity, of tained from the Treasury Department, the Department the strong against the weak unity of the rich against of Justice, the Department of Agriculture, the Census the poor unity of the sucker to get fat upon the blood Bureau, the Prohibition Bureau, reports of Federal of those they bleed and unity to keep sucking them until Grand Juries and District Attorneys, State Comtheir lives give out, and they are no more.
missioners of Motor Vehicles, Federal Highway BuAnd with all this music, the world goes mad. Reli reaus, Police Departments of many cities and insurgion is mixed into politics, the wisdom of the wise beance companies.
comes the bye word of the fool. Contradictions arise Senator Tydings, in a summation at the close of his condemnations are staged. Reason and sobriety are asbook, advocates return of the liquor problem to the sailed, integrity assaulted. Peace and harmony are disvarious states. Montreal Star.
turbed, and the normalcy of things interrupted. The music becomes nauseating, disquieting, rebellious. The 100 gun of the ganster, the knife of the assassin, the tongue of the defamer, the oaths of the ungodly, the blasphemy FOR THE BEST IN of the pagan all this music forms the symphony of a crazy world and the directors of this symphony shame. HARDWARE :lessly sing the doxology of human destruction!
Yes, the world is full of music, there music everywhere. The fool and his money the pauper and his poverty the just and the unjust the gentleman and of every description the social scavenger the king and the peasant the lion and the mouse the leopard and the cat the guilty VISIT THE and innocent the washed and unwashed him who sleeps and him who keepeth awake the pure and the vagabond, all these join in the chorus of obsequious flattery which deafens the ear, and sickens the stomach of the whole creation, leaving it a mere empty space devoid of all useful matter, and a closed vessel exhausted to a high degree, sealed to all intents and purposes to the things that are practical, beneficial, and useful. Still a fine Selection of all the world sing on. the world is full of music, there music everywhere. ARTIZAN TOOLS Fragments of Great Poems Fear death? to feel the fog in my throat, ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN The mist in my face, When the snows begin, and the blasts denote PAINTS ENAMELS am nearing the place, The power of the night, the press of the storm, Give us a call before purchasing The post of the fore; Where he stands, the Arch Fear in a visible form, elsewhere Yet the strong men must go: For the journey is done and the summit attained, And the barriers fall, PANAMA HARDWARE Though a battle to fight ere the guerdon be gained CATHEDRAL PLAZA The reward of it all.
From Prospice, by Robert Browning.
apo The unemployment figures which we so frankly publish are not understood outside of these isles. People land here with the impression that any one who does not want to work can draw the dole, that the dole is a free gift from the State, and that it goes intothe pockets of slackers who could not hold a job even if they were willing to take one. This is a fantastic travesty of the facts. What is called the dole is really a great national insurance scheme against working men, and the State contribute. That is its basic principle. In some cases undoubtedly it has been departed from. Abuses have crept into the administration of the scheme that need correc tion. But in essence it is a sound and beneficent plan for mitigating the evils of unemployment. That the Brit ish working man, as proud and skilled and independent a labourer as exists anywhere on earth, has be Com e a charity mongering dole hunting tont, content with idleness, and quite satisfied to be receiving money he has done nothing to earn this is a libel that is as untrue as it is malicious. His lot is tragic enouch already without having this undeserved stigma attached to it. onden Daily Express.
La Boca Athenaeum Panama Wesleyan Society Man and the industrial Arts was the principal feature discussed on Tuesday evening The monthly consecration last by Mr. D. Daniel under meeting of the Panama Wesley the auspices of the La Boca an Society took place Ithenaeum on Wesnesday night last and paper on education and was presided over by the Rev.
leadership was also Wright.
Submitted by Mrs. Robertson, while Miss Louise Daikins was res Miss Carrie Wesley contributed ponsible for the Programme, a Violin Selection and a reading The subject of the evening was and recitation were sponsored Moses on whom two papers by Master Buchanan and were submitted one by Miss Miss Carmen Wesley respective Ambrozine Villiers and the other ly.
by Mr. Dottin.
Other items and the reception COLOSSAL CHURCH RALLY of two new members completed AT GAMBOA TOMORROW the programme for the evening.
The following are the itemsi ren numerous friends of St. dered 54 Simon Mission, Gamboa, are reminded of the colosal Take my life which will be featured in the Prayer Mrs. Shaw Mission Hall tomorrow after Scripture Reading Exodus noon at o clock. part of the Ch. Verses 14 Choir of St. Peter Church La Miss Anita Harewood Boca, wil contribute two stirring Reading of the Minutes Miss anthems to the program. The Dawkins Rev. Mulcare, Priest in Hymn 574 Thou my charge of the Mission, will con everlasting portion duct Shortened Evensong and Recitation Burial of Moses deliver a special address, follow Miss Hilda Forth ing which the members of the Solo Miss Scarlet Mission will rally Mr. Paner Moses Miss McCarthy, Catechist of the Villiers Mission, hopes to see many of Hymn 629 Precious Saviour his supporters from La Boca. Paper Moses Mr. Dottin Panama, Red Tank, and Parai Reception of New Members 80. Let get together and back Roll Call the effort.
The Pledge Hymn 608 (Collection) Take time to be holy SINGING CONTEST Closing Remarks Mizhap Arrangements have been com pleted for the singing contest between the Edith Cavel Friend LOYAL ORDER OF ANCIENT ly Society Choir and the life SHEPHERDS TO CELEBRATE Guard Choir both of Panama.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY At p. tomorrow, these two musical organizations will The Loyal Order of Ancient contend for musical honours at Shepherds, Lily of the Isthmus the Edith Cavel Hall 19th Lodge No. 2868, will celebrate street Guachapali when a very their first anniversary tomor interesting time may be expect tow.
At p. they will march The Choirs are under the di in procession from the Loyal rection of Messrs. Padmore, Victoria Lodge at San Miguel and Sobers of the Edith Cavel to the Panama Wesleyan Church and Life Guard Choirs respec where the Rev. Wright tively who are well known in will conduct divine ervice Panama as competent musical and deliver the anniversary directors, and it is expected that address.
a large crowd will be present to The remainder of the pro see and hear this competition.
gramme will be rendered in the Lodge Hall and will consist of PALAIS ROYAL music, recitations, and addresses FOR from brethren of kindred Socie SUITS ties, Rally Hymn 616.
100 ODO 1020 Panama Hardware.


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