
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 PAGE FIVE INTERESTING JOTTING Faith Healing Craze Beauty and Health in Life on me me centually able of th me to in LA MASCOTA o Just Received a Large Assortment of shoes. ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs was a difficult matter to verify this. However, one saw a lad who apparently could not walk (By ELIJAH HUNTER. Continued from Page 1) and had to be lifted in to, By Dr. HENRY HINES the Friends Countrymen: Was Yppers of drunkard throats, they ieſt to the generosity of the lady operating room, eventu along the sidewalks in Colon be warranted never to take water client to reward her when satis ally came out walking pretty Saturday evening when met two d fine them with young lover fied that he or she is cured. It is strongly, and a young woman There is always risk of infec harmless types of germs, but girls. One of them spoke to me heart. They als warm the would be willing to gamble that she ought to speak to a man of comfortable. Then, anderstood that she receives no who tremblexl, being sick oi tion. When we analyze interrupted size and bearing, and everything the shoemaker, O: wiat would you money for attending to her the palsy come out apparently tacts, the marvel is that we get it is not less than one to one mil else attached to (rightfully)
we do, with lion. Probably not even that, it patients, but is not averse to much improved make the soles. Answered the man along as well as The other looked at me with d make the soles of old maid accepting gifts for treatment. The most remarkable case was the countless opportunities for we thiąk of the billions of soil eyes, and did not sprak, although tongues, because they everlast Her fort seems to be massage that of a young man infection that present them germs which make the nitrogen she spoke to me in times past. Sh ing and never wear out. had reason which she did not ex She massages every case and it. who seemed to the selves. If all the germs which of the air available for plant cap growth, and which oxidize the plain, and did not take the trouble is in this respect that her won lady struck him in the five with are round about us were The Devil and the Pawnbroker are cierful success to ask for explanation because it is with paralytics eggs, into nitrates for alike pur producing disease, the nitrites ani etc.
a dangerous job to deal with crore seems to be Mr. Pottinger came along and saw Surposes of fertilization.
brought him to a condition in race would scarcely have eyed people. Which made me remer The wonderful thing is that Sam leaning on the street lampor PARALYTIC DAY. which he seemed to be quite vived to try out the vagaries of ber what read about a fellow whi a corner of the street looking quite civilization. don know the bad habits of obtaining their got a job holding cows for a cross Monday was paralytic day normal.
serious, and this dialog ensued be the ratio of disease producers to living by feeding on or in and a Another interesting case was eyed butcher: It went like this: representative of the iween them:bodies of other plants or animals This fellow wanted a job and he Daily Argosy joined the wait that of Mr. Boodhoo. the had asked a gentleman for one. The Mr. Potting: Well, Sam, what ag ing queque on the stairs leading wealthy East Indian proprietorshe will knock out any demon This process of gedtting into the bodies of other living things gentleman had none to give him ates you?
it Sam: am just thinking that to the healing apartment, and of Macdoom village, who had but gave him refer fnces. After a few of been confined to his bed as the possessed by any person rich or is called infection days he met gentlemar the devil lost his tail, where would eventually had a glimpse poor. These cures are effected East Indians, result of a stroke of paraly by faith healing, that is, singing germs With again and told him, Sir, got he get another things iiside all these hordes of Job since last saw you. Asker on the surface of the the gentleman, doing what. Re Mr. Pottinger: In a cheap saloon, of Blacks, Chinese, Portugese. Coi sis for several months. He now ured. Aboriginal Indians were seems to be fairly on the road and reading and using her bare body, on everything that we nourse, plied the fellow. holding cows for hands. We have about a dozen touch or come in contact 11 in the crowd, and so busy to recovery. There are a few sick people here. We have some with cross eyed butcher, sir.
Asked Sim: And why in a cheap Saloon!
was the lady that many had other cases one has heard of, sick who have floating in the dust, and attach the genlteman. how did like you been here Because in Pottinger: chear for ed to particles of moisture it? Answered the fellow. Oh, to return home after waiting but not actually seen.
in four or five days. The most re saloons, they retail bad spirits, didn like it at all. You see, the the whole day without getting their air, the efforts to be Yesterday the crowd was markable one is a Chinese wom first cow held, he butcher drew off sim: But you had told that. chance of being attended to. just as large as on the previous an, Sarah Low, of Peter Hall, come germ free are, of course, to hit her (you know how a cross the devil and the Pawnbroker ar It was learnt that even White day and many waited for treat East quite wasted. Germs are like Bank. When she ake. How that?
came eyed man looks. called out to him people had had the benefit of success.
the always have here she could not walk.
poor, you Now say, are you going to hit where you Nr. Pottinger: Because you go the lady experience but it are looking. thought he KNOCKING OUT DEMONS she is walking. She was given ask, is the reason for taking so them with you. What then, you wa both when you are hard up.
looking at me. He said, yen And In an interview yesterday Mr. up at the Hospital. She consult without loss of time replied, Sam: But how do you make that out many precautions to rid our collected for September 1930, Sealey said ed several doctors and she was guess you ll have to get someone else can see it.
selves of germs; to get them were lower than in the previous Although this thing is said by growing worse, but thank God, to hold your cow. So, there yor Mr. Pottinger: You from our hands and arms and big fool, th month, the daily averages Some people to be based on to day she is able to walk and are!
devil and the pawnbroker both claim September were slightly higher. superstition, guarantee bodies and to guard our per that is improving nicely.
the unredeemed!
Bons, our foods, our utensils?
The Best Way to Make New Shoes That question is very fairly There was discussion as to the ASTRONOMY asked, and there is a most logi best way to make new shoes, so far Two crackers vied with each other as material was concerned. mar cal answer. By all these efforts who wanted a pair made with the the subject of Astronomy to de for smartness, and they selected we diminish the number vastly.
best possible material went into it with. They had run betweer The chances of infection may be shoemaker shop, and engaged him them like tnis: in conversation about a pair reduced to such a degree that 1st. Cracker: Sav.
did shoes like this. understand you you ever we can almost ignore them. But are a shoemaker, and would like study Astronomy the old argument for clean. 2nd. Cracker: Yes, studied my girl you to tell me how you would go to liness holds through all our ac who is who work to make a first class pair of a regular Venus too tivities. We cannot be 1st Cracker: Then perhaps you need one badly. Sir.
clean, and just so far as we ex said the shoemaker, d make the know why the moon is called she: 2nd Cracker: Yes, because she has. ercise cleanliness we will have soles of the best Oak leather, the son who comes rolling home in the better uppers of the best French Kid, ani chances of avoiding in mornin.
la line them with Lamb WOO fection There are so many There, you have a pair of shoes that 1st. Cracker: You cannot blame him ways in which we fall down in coudn be beat.
when his mother gets full and stays out all night.
our good resolves about cleanli Those, answered the man, would 2nd Cracker: That where her money ness have seen most carful certainly be good shoes; but if goes: She often has only a quarter ALSO and painstakingly clean woman vere a shoemaker and wanted to Ist. Cracker: But why are girl wash her hands and then when make the best pair of shoes possible thoughts like the Moon?
this is what would use to make removing her shoes, pay no 2nd: Cracker: Because there a mar that pair of shoes. d make thin it!
tention to the fact that she had touched the soles of those same shoes which have been carrying Church Services her all day long over the city streets. remember one eminent (Continued from page 3)
Burgeon who used to require a AMERICAN EPISCOPAL LEST YOU FORGET prolonged scrubbing of the CHURCH hands by his assistants. He also carried out this same routine.
Seventeenth Sunday After Then, cleanly gowned, and be Trinity According to the current fore starting to operate, he sue of the Panama Canal RE IS. UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL would carefully adjust a pair of cord, during the month of glasses which he had been wear ST PAUT CHURCH, September 1930, 459 commercial ing the entire day.
PANAMA, vessels and 15 small launches Yet would you believe me if transited the Canal. Tolls told you that the infections for (Rev. Nightengale)
the commercial vessels Rector)
aggre lowing his operations were few gated 2, 057, 103. 58, and on the 5:30 a. Holy Commu launches 173. 67, or a MULLER Prop.
and far between? Nature sends total 215 the typhoid germ, the tetanus nion The Rector. 7 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 tols collection of 2, 057, 277. 25 us the typhoid germ.
10:15 a. Matins Mr.
the tetanus and pneumonia Atwell. Catechist.
The daily average of comme germ, the germs of scarlet 10:30 a. Holy Eucharist cial vessels was 15. 26, and the fever. blood poisoning, leprosy. Sermon. The Rector.
average tolls collection was 69 and measles, with but Surnric Introit Psalm 1194 Part 570. 12, as compared with ing rarity, if we but consider 17. Vs. 129)
average of 15 transits and what she might do. Further Hymns 514. 519) 553, 169 67, 104. 21 in tolls for the previ more, the risk of infection Communion Office. Hall ous month, and an average of determined, not only on the in 17. 43 transits and 73, 362. 98 in number of possible disease germ 12:00 Holy Baptism sits was 4, 491. 49, as compared invaders, but also on the con 3:00 pm. Church School with 4, 473. 61 for the month of tions which we allow in clir. Mr. Cragwell. August, 1930.
bodies in other words. the Supt.
The number of commercial Roil. Healthy minds and bodies 7:30 Choral Even transits for the past month was that are the result of Song Sermon. The the lowest since June some living will be constantly Rector 1927, when 455 vessels were maintaining at a high point Hvpns 240, 370, 281, 294, passed through the Canal. The of effectiveness the resistance 545. Psalm 105.
commercial tolls collected in AT THE o disease. The more perfect Magnificat Bennett in September, 1930, were the lowest we keep all the functions of the since June, 1928, when body. the more effective and Nuno Dimittis Turle in 2, 016, 211. 09 was assessed more abundant our resistance against 481 yssels. Although becomes ST. ALBAN CHURCH, the number of transits and tolle PARAISO, ST. MATTHIAS MISSION. The Rector of St. Paul LAS SABANAS BOX 140 ARCON, in charge Phone 453 8:000 a. Holy Commu (The Rector of St. Paul DRY CLEANING Cirilo Sandford nion.
in charge)
3:00 Church School Attorney at Law 16 STREET 7:30 Choral Even Evensong DYEING We Dye To Live Address Mr. Richards, song Address Mr. PANAMA OFFICE: 150 CENTRAL AVE.
PIONE 163 Osborne, Catechist.
at Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Panama Canal Traffic During Month of September Our Tailors Trimming Department IS LA MASCOTA on an RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH whole WORKMAN PRINTERY TROTT The Cleaner 7:30


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