
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1930 Dean Inge Attacked on the Suicide Idea Schoolboys to Visit the British West Indies CATHOLIC PAPER PAPER SAYS UN CHRISTIAN STATEMENTS OF PRELATE Have Long Ceased to Shock Catholics Christ had said. If the wor to must a full fortnight will be spent. will Private Academy the long GRAND ANNUAL SALE GAS STOVES FOP NEW CUSTOMERS the saner members of the as its romantic story. As on other sembly and the ridicule of the tours there will be a staff of press, Secular Anglican and Catholic two or three directors, if 25 or against this coddling 30 public school boys between 17 to the ways of the world tha world for which Our Lord re The West Indian Committee We are arranging for a fort and 20 years oi age and of the fused to pray: pray not for Circular of 18th ulto, says: aight, in Jamaica, 10 days, or se right type are forthcoming.
the world, but for them whom For some weeks 18 the Trinidad, and a fill visit Dr. Rendall adds that schoo Thou hast given me; because West India Committee has been Barbados: short visits are als boys wishing to take part in the they are Thine. Previously reparing provisional itineraries projected to several other is tour netify their head and estimates for the public and probably Grenada, St masters directly next term be Catholic Opinion for Octo Church have been and ever wil hates you, know ye, that it hath School Empire Tours Commit Vincent, and Tobago. On the gins.
ber says editorially :le aimed against the violation been of the world, the works hated me before you. If you had tee, of which Dr. Montague ay from Jamaica to Trinidad Rendall. a former The unchristian statements of the natural law.
headmaster the ship will put in at Colon for of the Dean of St. aul have To Dean Inge the story would love its own; but because in lestris chairman, and good view of the Panama Ca you are not of the world, but been so many and so frequent Cuiary must carry little mear the Hon. Margaret Best, al British Guiana, where have chosen you that they have long ceased tcing, likewise the injuction of out of th: E, the secretary orld therefore the wor1 shock tis Ilis latest however Christ: If any man will come hateth you.
be a thrilling part of the tout inave proved accept which goes that of the Lambet! after ire, let him take up his able is now shown by the an Arrangements are being made HAS REMOVED TO Conference one better. makes cross and follow me, and St The first Apostles were not tounement that the British for a 12 days trip up the Esse one wonder what is coming next Paul explanation of the value of the world, refused to 29 STREET cater West Indies and British Chiana quibo to the Kaieter Fall, which He favours suicide without the of suffering: chastise my to the principles of the world have been selected as the object is perhaps the most impressive Panama City pseudo saving clause provider body and bring it into subjection. they stood four square against of the sixth Public School Em in the world.
it be done according to Chris Wrighting to the collossians he birth control and suicide. Dean pire Tour.
The objects of the tour are Classes in English tian principles. Accordin: to speaks of himself as a minister Inge hates the Catholic Church Dr. Rendall states that it is imperial and educational: boys BY DAY AND BY NIGHT the Dean it is perfectly just and who now rejoice in my suffer The Bishops assembled at Lam hoped that the party will leave will have every opportunity of proper for a criminal condemrings for you, and fill up those beth, are, to say the least. op Avonmouth for Jamaica on Jar meeting residents in this pari Dr. BARTON, ed to death to out the hings that are wanting of the posed to the Catholic Church uary 8th, 1931, and return of the Empire, of studying its sentence upon himself in his sufferings of Christ in my flest The Catholic stands four square about the end of March.
economic problems, and hearing PRINCIPAL own way and lie would not for His body which is the against birth control and suicide censure a man who knowing ho Church. Evidently. St. Paul tinder any and all circumstances dvins ofenzing The nd the Dean of St. Paul are MAGISCELSMESLSLSLLLLLLLLS LLLLL LA!
assembly favours birth disease, wisi. es to shorten his Il disagreement, but this does control, the Dean favours both.
sufferings Tony tearing of worry the Dean, who has Judge ye, who is of the spirit of at the heart of Hamlet to since discarded all autho the world, who against it, who extent that he considered death rity save his own obiter dicta 13 of God, and who against Him boon, but he overcame the While we lament temptation to suicide with the THE ERRING LEADERSHIP BIRTH CONTROL reflection that proves the Dane. Dean Inge and the Bishops The same magazine in another a better Christian than the Dean of birth control with the conse leading article says that the Everlasting had not quent reversion to pagan prac In view of the alarming fixed his cannon against seli tices on the part of their adhe growth of indifferentism and in Blaughter! The an ons four rents, we are encouraged by the many cases open hostility to all Creator and the cannons of His outburst of indignation from that true Christianity holds sacred, we might have expected on the part of the three hundred Bishops assembled at Lambeth a stiffening of the reins and a call back to the moral principles established by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We were We are making a Special Offer during October of only 150 doomed to disappointment. To a world that is in Sore need of New ROPER Gas Stoves at Special Prices to more self control the assembly proclaims by vote of 193 to 67 in favour of birth control, pro vided that it be done in the light of Christian principles If they had said: In the light of pagan principles, they would have been correct, for there is nor can there be, any Christian principles in favour of such The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro practice under circum duced for the motorist who uses his car for long Rtances whatsoever.
The prac spells on bad roads, or in other ways involving tice of birth control, except in the case of self control, is particularly arduous service conditions. violation of the natural law.
VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE Therefore it would be no more anethical to declare that we may VERY EFFICIENT tel a falsehood or rob the neigh bour provided it be done in the light of Christian principles good end can never justify a bad means. No matter what the 419B RUPER Burners, purpose of the practice of birth Large Oven with Burners 283 ROPER Burners, Large control, the means advocated by CASH PRICE Oven with Purners 35. 00 the one hundred and ninety TIME PAYMENT 40 CASH PRICE 56 50 three bishops is essentially TIME PAYMENTS 28 Down 11 Payments of 00 wrong and sinful.
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