
CRENADA TRINIDAD 10ROCOCIO Grenada Cycle The Dawn of GOOD JOB PRINTING an ODOCODOSODOLSKO ODO 2IDO ono 10 DO (Continued from Page 2)
this little census and whether it the lawyers from the clergy, or any other privileged classes When the Labour Govere ment demits its powers and its privileges it will always be of proletariat rather than of oli garchy. And that is the whole key note of the Ceylon constitu tion when the electors roll was increased from a couple of hur dred thousands to a couple of millions.
plays a very important part in the success of your business New Industry THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Trinidad has a new industry says the Port of Spain Gazette of August 17 In Buttercup Edible Oil. the local product which the Trinidad Manufactu ing and Refining Co. Ltd. ha: placed on the market, is seen a valuable Trinidad enterprise which not only gives the goods in fair competitive quality but provides new avenues of employ ment for thousands There is also the definite promise behind it, provided it receives the necessary public backing, of making the colony self supporting is an edible oi suitable for all cooking pur poses.
The Port of Spain Gazette has recently commented on the increase in public esteem of this article.
TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST (Continned trom Page 2)
constitution for the Club, the Chairman suggested that copies of the constitutions governing kindred bodies Barbados Trinidad and Demerara be tained in order for them in know along what lines SUCI bodies were conducted Mr. Williams, however, here intimated that in Trinidad and British Guiana the cycle and athletic sports were held as side issues of the Queen Park Clul and respectively li possible. the same thing might be done in Grenada by a filiating the Cycle and Athletic Club to a cricket or football club The meeting was in favour of striking out on its own. at least until the club had assumed a definite shape, as several such efforts had proved aboritive. In view of the Secretary not heal ing from Barbados it wa agreed that Mr. Knight and Mr. Robinson should prepare a draft constitution for a later meeting FUNDS AS regard the all important matter of funds Mr. Dewsbury said that he ran two 11 Sweeps every year one of the Derby in the behalf of the Boat Club and the other on the Cambridge shire. The proceeds of the la ter could be devoted to the Cycle and Athletic Club. As he wishes to have a sport meeting held in November he would suggest that a sweep be run on the Cambridgeshire in aid of the Club. That would bring in about 60 to 80.
Mr. Williams thought that a sufficient sum to make a star with and the meeting concurring gave its unanimous approval Mr. Williams suggested the constitution be framed early if they intended to hold a Novem ber meeting. He also advised care in the selection of a season for holding the Grenada meet ings. They should not clash with other colonial meets. Trin idad held their meeting in May British Guiana on Emacipation Day and Barbados at Eatertide So it would seem that November was just a clear Season for Grenada. It should therefore be a regular practice to stage the Grenada meeting in Novem ber.
GOVERRNMENT TO BE APPROACHED It was further decided that the Government should be a proached soliciting their co operation in the prepara tion of a cycle a track which could be so prepared as not to trespass on grounds of the racing, football or cricket club The track coald he laid next to the rail opposite the Pavilion side of the race track and with out on the cricket boundary.
Moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Steele for the loan of the room to hold their inaugural a sembly, the meeting rose ad journed sine die Aug. 29.(West India)
at Reasonable PRICES at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY this little census and whether it includes a counting of all other foreigners we are not in a pos.
tion to state, but we should not be at all surprised to learn that action of some sort is in contem plation As is known, there recently has come into the island a fairly large influx of sons of the Flowery Kingdom, and as our own people in other parts are being bundled out of certain countries and are being starved practically, there has recenly been a good deal of discussion 28 to the wisdom of allowing any more foreigners into the is land.
Whether, therefore, this move on the part of the Governmn has any connection with the feel ing now pervading the whole country on the subject we di not know as said, but doubtless when the Legislative Council is in session in November we may be told the reason for the taking of this Chinese census at this time 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS Ancient Vault Uncovered by Parish Church LALALALTRESSES Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE JAMAICA The Gleaner of the 29th ulte Says During the course of the ex cavations now being made in the churchyar of the Kingston, Pa: ish Church, for the purpose of erecting the Island War Me morial, a most interesting di: covery was made. This was ar enclosed vault about 10 ft square, which was found feet below ground level. The vault had walls of nearly. feet thickness, and inside were found the traces of four coffins all that remained of them being their outlines in dust and the brass coffin plates. No mentior is discoverable in the records the Parish Church of the makin of this vault, but it is judged to he of great age from the fact that the coffins had decayed ir to dust, although the vault was hermetically sealed Government Count. Continued from Page 2)
JAMAICA FOREIGN POPULATION and failing to get the matter done by hat means, a circular was recently issued callingur on those in a position to give the necessary information to acci rately ascertain and make a re turn showing the number of Chinese in the various parishes of the island at the present time What really is the object o GIVE US TRIAL or AND AND BE CONVINCED DYO PALAIS ROYAL FOR SUITS sorzo 2010 FLEELAEREFILFE FILTRE 1000 ION10 LEER YIL FS55 SODIO 51. ALALLA ST FR

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