
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1980 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS Reefs BRITISH GUIANA Delegate to British Commonwealth Labour Conference Gives Account of His Mission at Demonstration Organized by Labour Union of Debt BARBADOS Support Local Industries Says Local Newspaper Campaign Started in Island to Popularize Native Made Soap THE man or woman who plunges into thoughtlen spending, making no provision for the future, faces financial shipwreck on the relentless reefs of debt.
Men in debt no longer control their time or their careers. Others control them. Freedom from debt lies in a definite savings plan.
Ask for our folder New Horison. It will show you an easy way of saving 1, 000 in The Royal Bank of Canada 8909 Panama Branch (Santa Ann Plaza)
Colon Branch (Corner 11th And Bolivar St. Herman, Manager Grosch, Manager to 100 Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon Dentist rise 23 Central Avenue Panama City. RP Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment The Argosy of the 10th ulto improved constitutional rights publishes the following and wider privileges for the pec demostration organised by ple and the Legislative Council.
the Labour Union was They had receivd a reply that held yesterday afternoon on the the Labour Party in England Parade Ground, Middle Street, were prepared to support their for the purpose of discussing mands, but there must be orga legitimate aspirations and de matters affecting the interests nization. There must be orga of workers in the colony on ac nised movements from the work count of the present economic ers of the colony, The Labour depression. Opportunity was Government adopted the attitude taken at the same time to wel that they did not want to hear come Messrs.
Web the opinion of a single individual ber and Critchlow (Sec but retary of the G.
Labour THE ORGANISED OPINION Union. who were delegates at the British Commonwealth Lab of the proletariat of British our Conference and recently re Guiana. He therefore, thought turned to the colony. There that the proletariat of was a large attendance of skill should be properly organised.
ed and unskilled workers and He did not think the G.
tenants, the Labour Union being Labour movement was sufficient well represented ly organised when compared Bash, President of the Union, with Trinidad, who were leaps presided, and others present on and bounds ahead of them. They the platform were the delegates had achieved certain things in and Mr. Harding, Vice Pre the past because of the splendid sident of the Union. The meet work done by Mr. Critchlow ing was a very orderly one.
but they had laid on their oars and, therefore, could not ad The President said they had vance.
been invited there for the pur why it was that People might wonder had identi pose of discussing certain mat fied himself with the Labour ters which were set out in a movement. It was because suc pamphlet issued by the Union cells, and develop progress and which affected all of them from something. As the founda Before doing so he extended a cess, progress, and development hearty welcome to Messrs. Wel of a country must ber and Critchlow. They were an early age, the closing of cer passing through a serious fi tain schools and the turning out nancial crisis and it was for that reason they selected delegates asked then everything went on of schoolmasters. They had also to send to the conference, and they could not have selected bet The progress and development of every country was determin ter ones. They had been to ed by what it was based upon the Conference and discussed matters of great importance They had also advocated the im which affected the interests, provement of the industrial and economic conditions of the col not only of the members of the Labour Union, but of all ony and to fight against the workers irrespective of class, jeopardy of education by turn colour or creed. He hoped Mr. ing out children from school at Webber would in future give an early age, the closing out of his hearty support to the mat schoolmasters. They had also ters discussed at the Conference asked for industrial and social the and also make representations legisaltion with respect to Workmen Compensation Act.
to the Government for the good of the working classes. He also POLITICAL REFORM hoped that Mr. Webber would With regard to political re do all he could in getting legis form they had found a very lation passed in connection with sympathetic attitude at the Col the eight hour working day. Heonial Office. They were on the had great pleasure in asking dawn of achieving adult suf Mr. Webber to address them frage, but it would not be given THE RESULTS until it was demanded. Dr.
Mr. Webber said the real po Shields, the Under Secretary of sition was that the proceedings State, had associated himself were not of a secret order, but with this movement. He asked there were delegates from all them for a powerful and con parts of the world and they certed labour movement. Trin would realise how embarrassing idad had outstripped them in it would be if one man went to that respect and when Mr. Ci one place and made a report priani spoke at the Conference and another man did the same of the movemnt in Trin at another place, each giving his of 7, 000 people. Their visit bad own impression. It was there not been a failure but a big suc fore, decided that delegates cess. They had brough tidings of should not speak until an of a Workmen Compensation ficial report of the proceedings Act, changes of social legisla was issued which would be seen tion, a change in the Beach of by every one. Speaking gener Contract Ordinance and one or ally, the discussions that took two other details would be told place might be divided into two them later. Despatches would parts, political and industrial. be sent to the Government and While they had been charged to they must organise and see Becrecy, or confidence, they what would happen.
were not prevented from slight OUTRAGEOUS PAY ly indicating the general line of With regard to the other mat policy which was pursued. As ters to be discussed that after far as British Guiana was con noon, he thought it was outra cerned they struck out for im geous to give a man, 50 proved conditions for workers. Continued on page 1)
The Advocate of the 19th ulto ly larger number of persons. writing editorially says: good remedy for this condition The increasingly serious nature would obviously be provided in of the problem of Poor Relief in INCREASED EMPLOYMENT the parish of St. Michael was emphasized by the Churchward dustry does not envisage any out unfortunately the sugar in en at a recent meeting of the such prospects for the near Vestry. Despite the close future.
scrunity to which applications were subjected by the Poor For these reasons more than Law Guardians, the expendi all, we heartily welcome the ef ture in this direction already fort which is being made by the promised this year to reach re Barbadoes Shipping and Trad cord figures. The gravity of ing Co. to start a new in the situation was fully realized dustry in the manufacture of a by members and a request was good brand of washing and made by Mr. Beckles for a laundry soap. There have been Statement at their next meeting in the past spasmodic attempts of the sum expendd on Poor Re at establishing a similar lief generally during the first dustry but this is the first occa half of 1929 in order that com Sion on which the effort has as parison with the similar period sumed such wide proportions.
of 1930 might be made. The It would be almost a calamity news of this increased parochial in these days of financial depres expenditure will, however, not sion, if this venture failed cause any great surprise among through lack of public support.
the more observant members of For it is generally stated in the public. There are several our condemnation that we have factors which have contributed always packed our eggs in a this increase not the least single basket and allowed to important of which is the grow slip the most valuable opportu ing and menacing problem of nities for the pursuit of lucrative unemployment. The Colony is minor industries. There are at present at grips with a also other good reasons for the crisis as a result of the bankrupt support of this effort. The local condition of the sugar soap has been subjected to industry and the consequent de tests by various persons and pression has reduced to indi has been deemed to be of first gence and want an unprecedent (Continued on page 7)
JAMAICA Novel Form of Taking a Complaint to Court Man Takes Opportunity fof Crier Announcement to State Grievance IS GIVEN HEARING BY JUDGE The Gleaner of the 1st After the Riot Act had been read, the petitioner, inst says: complained of his land hav What might be termed a James Benjamin Walsh, novel occurrence, marked ing been taken away by the the opening of the St. order of the magistrate in Catherine Circuit Court at the Linstead Court. He said Spanish Town yesterday be that he had purchased the fore His Honour, Mr. Jus land, but had paid the final tice Clark.
instalments to an agent of Robert The crier had just finished the owner, Mr.
the formula. All manner Alexander March, and the of persons having anything judgment had been entered to do or to say in this His against him as a result of his solicitor, Mr. Murray, Majesty Court. let them draw nigh and give absence. He was asking the consenting to it in his their attendance and they Most Honourable Judge to shall be heard, when one of the citizens in the Court give him advice in the matRoom got up and said: His Honour said he could Your Honour, have a do nothing in the matter at serious grievance.
present. It appeared as if large number of per the Court had in the ordi sons in the Court and some nary course of events, de of the constables unaccust cided adversely to him. He omed. as rarely does any would, however, have the one take advantage of the records searched and the opportunity of placing matter gone into.
their troubles before the Court in that form) to this His Honoru and withdrew.
The petitioner thanked type of application for hearing and feeling it to be unlawful, called upon him to sit down and to keep PALAIS ROYAL quiet. Mr. Justice Clark, however, said he would him.
NOR but that the Riot Act should be read first.
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