
се can a an not allow an THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 PAGE THREE Successful Demonstration Stand Fast Shouts Canada Will Donate SECRET DETAILS OF NEW Talked With Dead Chaplain General 80 Million Dollars (Continued from page 1)
Son Killed During labelled Motor Omnibus and Contined from Page 1)
BRITISH SUBMARINER native trade Public. refuge in the trench to the To Aid Unemployment World War PUBLIC MEETING north of the Georgetown Club. Stand Fast was an Disclosed by Federal Which Was Laid Down in 1921 and Says Sir Oliver Lodge At the winding meeting at order apparently intended the Ward Theatre steps there only for Smith followers, Minister of Labour Completed in 1924 in Describing His Com were a few speakers all of whom for in the midst of the. mpressed on the gathering the furore that took place the OTTAWA, Oct. Senator The London Daily Telegraph In the control room amidships, munication With irom which the vessel is work nece. sity of supporting the Na the gallant leader of the Robrtson, Federal Min of recent date says. sive Defender Committee and its Church Army seized the ster of Labour, in an interview Details of the British hush cd, there are literally hundreds Departed Ones aims and objects. They pointed collection, it is alleged and today, briefly outlined the con submarine XI, laid own in 1921 of switches and valves, each of out that the time was opportune sprinted from the scene as templated programme for the re and completed in 1924, are for which has to be manipulated by BRISTOL. Sept. 10. Sir Oliver for the people of the island fent as his legs could carry lief of unemployment, through the first time published below. highly trained rating, Lodge, the eminent scientist, in show their loyalty by nipport him.
out the Dominion. In addition Costing up to date well over IN THE ENGINE ROOM simple phrases and illustrations ing native industries. They stressed the importance of 1, 000, 000 Sterling, this diving Watking further aft one comes born of conviction, has just fi wo of the more enthu to the twenty million dollars cruiser can go to any part of to the engine room on flanked on given me his reply to the criti ciastic of his supporters got from the Federal Government, operation in all ranks of the com themselves, it is stated, manctioned at the speciot session the Empire, and engage each side of the narrow steel cisms by clerymen in today munity and commended the puh within the meshes of the of Parliament held last month, any craft afloat short of gangway by the big Diesel en Daily Mail of his strinking ad iic to the virtues of persever law. They tried reprisals, it Provinces dress here last Sunday on gines which generate 6, 000 Po the and municipalities heavy cruiser.
ance. They argued that it was cor The Daily Teiegraph a and drive the great hull through life after death; writes a is alleged, by assaulting a will contribute forty million dol their duty as loyal citizens to trooper and his steed and bars and the Canadian Pacific few days ago, particulars were Details of the machinery are the sea at a speed of 18 knots. respondent to that paper.
render every assistance My attitude, he said, is they could to the Motor Omni Were arrested and charged. ind Canadian National Railways given of the mammoth French still confidential, but it may this: There are two camps, the Fall In At Bourda will construct branch lines in submarine Surcouf which is now be said that they typify almost spiritualists and the scientists. bus Association. They should About half an hour after volving expenditure of being completed at Cherbourg. the latest practice in internal take my stand midway between the Jamaica Public dollars, the Army had been routed twenty one million Service Co. Ltd. to monopolise bu the Police at the War It should be pointed out how making a total of approximate ever, that the actual pioneer in conbustion, engineerin. them, and all seek to do is to the passenger traffic of the city. Memorial, General Smith eighty million dollars avail the development of the submer Despite her immense size 1 show that there is point at The Public Service Co. had had their chance and they had not sounded the Fall In at able for unemployment relief.
sible cruiser is Great Britain is wonderfully easy to handle, which their interests converge and meet.
given the public absolute satis Pourda Green and there The raiway programme, it is and that Surcouf, as well as the and is rgarded as being particu faction. They declared the motor was a large turn out. The estimated, will give employ American boats which are larly safe. She is also a EXTEND ITS BOUNDARIES bus and now come to the aid of conflict with the mounted ment to 10. 500 men for a full nearly as large, was designed splendid sea boat. On a recent say Science hitherto has the travelling public and it was men had obviously left a year as well as to 2, 000 teams of long after this country led the passage through the Bay of been working in the material on horses in the west, where the vay by building the 1.
what very deep impression Biscay she rode the seas for the public to decide with universe. Now it should begin they wanted. The public prefer the soldiers of the Church conditions amongst farmers are This remarkable vessel was graceful movements while bat to extend its boundaries for, to red the buses which were owned Army, for in the midst of acute. The railways will place laid down at Chatham dockyard tleships and cruisers were my mind, there have been dis eloquent outburst of substantial orders for rails with on Nov. 1, 1921, and took two shipping it green over their covered in the spiritual universe.
by natives and since that was the case it was their duty to abuse by the General e Canadian Steel Companies and a half years to complete. forecastles. don say these discovreies Support it. The motor bus little wag on the fringe of ind will buy coal from the Can By courtesy of the Admiralty Over 100 officers and men are have been made for the first raised a false needed to man the 1. have time.
alarm. Ottawa.
public to a great extent.
thorough inspection of XI, and spoken to many of them, and horee guards, and imme say Science has discovered Nearly all the money avail to disclose, for the first time they are enthusiastic in praise a scientific truth in what reli The meeting ended with the diately there was a stamable for unemplyoment relief some new features of her de of their ship. Like all experi gious people have always held singing of the National Anthem. nede.
sign. mental craft, she developed cer monopoly.
When the service was will be used in furnishing useful by faith to be true.
resumed the attendance was work. The remaining links in ment of this huge diving cruiser mission, but these have since advance in that it brings the he normal surface displace tain defects on her maiden com This seems to me to be an TOMORROW SINING narticularly small and even he highway right across Can 2, 780 tons, but with her sub been remedied. Her only draw spiritual and the physical toge CONTEST the brave ones present were on the qui vive for eventua minion and the Provinces a will also be completed, the mersion tanks filled she weighs back is her great cost, Down to ther.
di 600 tons. From stem to stern date the bill for 1 including Sir Oliver, referring to the com The Primrose Choral lities.
viding the total cost equally the length is 350 ft. consider repairs, amounts to well overment of the Rev. Sharps, Union and the Everready ably more than that of our million sterling. This explains, president of the National Free Choir will engage in a sing St. Paul Benevolent and largest destroyers and the no doubt, why no further units Church Council, that he had ing contest tomorrow at Friendly Society to Give breadth is 30 ft. She has a of the class have been built.
the Jamaica Society Hall Entertainment never yet been satisfied that turtle back forecastle, and TORPEDO FIRE CONTROL at New Village, Cabo Members of the St. Private Academy communications with the dead Verde Calidonia.
Paul Benevolent and pronounced tumble home, which In addition to her guns, 1 is were real, said: Well, that HAS REMOVED TO is reminiscent of the early armed with six torpedo tubes, means he knows nothing about The anthems chosen for Friendly Society will hold French ironclads.
of which four are in the bows them, that is all. There was a the occasion have been sea grand variety entertain29 HSTREET hundred feet back from the and two in the stern. The firing time when was in the same lected by the choir masters ment at the Panama CanPanama City bows is the forward gun posi of torpedoes is controlled from predicament. Now know there of these two musical orga ital Hall, Guachapali, totion, containing two 2in. a central position, and the entire are nizations and everything is night.
communications. Indeed, Classes in English The programme for the being done to make the ocguns behind an armoured shield armament of guns and torpedoes that is how know there are They can be brought into action by people there.
evening promises to be casion interesting.
very interesting as those BY DAY AND BY NIGHT mounted on a turntable.
are quick firers of a calibre not (Continued on page Continued on Page 5)
Music lovers who take in charge of the Dr. BARTON, mounted in any other ship, and the opportunity to attend mente have done everything are understood to be exception this function will be treatnoosible to make the enterPRINCIPAL.
ally handy and hard kitting.
ed to an evening of good tainment surngoe all nro.
sirging of music composed vinne efforts nut forth her Just abaft the forward guns hy celebrated music masters the organization The Greatest Thrill is the conning tower and bridge PHYSICIAN the latter being exceptionally in the World commodious and sheltered for a HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO submarine. In rear of the bridge is a big range finder, and at the No. K STREET end of the superstructure rise PANAMA CITY the periscopes and the telesco Why throw away your old, but no pic mast which carris the wire less aerials. Farther aft again doubt interesting books, when you the second gun position, where can have them neatlygbound at two more 2in. quick firers are NEURALGINA mounted. THE WORKMAN On either broadside, there Stop and analyze it. there fore 1 can bring four guns to Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET nothing in life that gives more tear, and owing to their height Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any pure happiness than making above the water, they can be neuralgir dain cause by excessive mental work.
JAVILLO FILL someone else happy.
worked with effect in almost all TODO Is there?
conditions of weather.
NEURALGINA When we present a gift, we On boarding the 1 the visi want it to be packed with all the tor is impressed with her im Should be in every school to sooth: bal headaches entiment, affection and good mense size. She dwarfs all our and reduce the fever of children FOR its quality every time it is seen. earlier, and even our later sub There a multitude of things marines, and with her coat of NEURALGINA that will serve, but they lack in lull grey paint she looks like some respect. They wear out some fabulous monster of the quickly; outlive their usefulness; deep. After the cramped space Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart and or have no usefulness at all, of smaller submarines, was there ANY THING that will astonished to find her so roomy quicken the recipient heart inside. It is true she is a mass For sale both Wholesale and Retail ol beat. that will tell her more of machinery, but there is plenty golozod see eloquently than you could that at room for it.
AT THE to itoni you wish her well. that speaks The captain has a cabin of his 91 REID that never wears out. that re own an innovation when 1 AMERICAN PHARMACY tains its value. that aroues was completed. The wardroom the admiration of all who see it? a fairly largel and comfortable.
No! A6, 191 Street and Central Ave.
Yes it fine jewelry such a while the men quarters are JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor we will be glad to show you much more spacious and well 9041 Panama, you will pay us a visitoon.
ventilated than is usual in these FULLER crafts.
122 Central Avenue a arranon Dr. Fairweather Boɔk Binding!
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